
  • Thread starter Thick Smoke
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Thick Smoke

i asked this question like 9 years ago on overgrow, i got alot of honest good answers.

what country are you from and what is your opinion on america, and americans.

i have been to alot of countries in my life and have learned that most countries dont like americans.
they say were to cocky and arrogant. just curious

yes i am american, but i have lotsa issues with my country and alot of my countrymen aswell.

side question, if you pay attention to american politics whom would you vote for for president?

p.s. i am not trying to start any problems i am just curious and i also figure this will help me to get to know yall better.


in my industry, i interact with a lot of foreigners. i work alongside people whom have saved and worked hard to make it here. they all have critiques of certain social and political environments here, as do i, but they all believe in the american ideal of personal freedom and liberty. certain laws suck and the wrong people have been in power for far too long, but the times they are a changing.
the shit that our government does globally to sustain our economy is deplorable. war is wrong. all you have to do is witness the casualties as people(instead of muslim, commie, or whatever) to see that. ....damn i am rambling. didn't mean to fuck up your anti-american thread.
maybe you just need a change of scenery. there are certain states, or areas, that probably share your same view. move. but wherever you go, there you are. you are merican mate.

obama has the election. i think that he is smart enough to lead us in the right direction.


yep, if the economy isn't already in the gutter enough for you...vote Obama!


and fuck "America" that bitch whore...shes fuckin everybody:clapping


the native american indians seem very nice.

is that the americans you mean? or all the white imigrants? lol


Well, foreigners are just as liked (Not liked) here in America. They are very arrogant and have absolutely NO respect for our country. They try to bring their ways and customs and push it on Americans as if it belongs here. Well it doesn't. So I am sure they are just getting the same treatment from us as we do from them. The Europeans are chimneys. God dam trails of cancer (cigarettes I think you call those death sticks) spreading a disease and pushing it on others as if it's there right. Enough said. I'll just stop there, we all like each other about the same I would say. We don't like each other is what it comes down to. I think it's funny because if 'ya go to Europe it is more Americanized than America. So ultimately it seems as if, Europeans at least, they are jealous and want to take what we have. My 2¢...........RD

PS Not all that found of anyone that interferes American or not and BTW I'm voting Republican, the only choice although not a good one.

Are you for real? Werent you complaining about gas prices? BTW where is europe? (or difine its boundries) And what do Americans have? Except for things that are about to to be repo'd:thinking:dance:dance. Apart for the ideology that it was found on, which has become a catalyzing lie for all the war right now, america is more backwater than most european countries.... Any ways you got me again RD:talking ; No joint ands 2 coffee...


Well, foreigners are just as liked (Not liked) here in America. They are very arrogant and have absolutely NO respect for our country. They try to bring their ways and customs and push it on Americans as if it belongs here. Well it doesn't. So I am sure they are just getting the same treatment from us as we do from them. The Europeans are chimneys. God dam trails of cancer (cigarettes I think you call those death sticks) spreading a disease and pushing it on others as if it's there right. Enough said. I'll just stop there, we all like each other about the same I would say. We don't like each other is what it comes down to. I think it's funny because if 'ya go to Europe it is more Americanized than America. So ultimately it seems as if, Europeans at least, they are jealous and want to take what we have. My 2¢...........RD

PS Not all that found of anyone that interferes American or not and BTW I'm voting Republican, the only choice although not a good one.

wow someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning :middlefinger

Stackin Paper

the native american indians seem very nice.

is that the americans you mean? or all the white imigrants? lol

Good point LLP, and then the White immigrant Americans have the cheek to call Mexicans, immigrants and stop them from entering. Its a strange 1 for sure.

Me personally can only speak of the Americans i've met in real life, i find most of the Americans i talk to and see talking online are very arrogant, but as we all well know cyber misinterpretation is very common so i could be mistaken.

The Americans i've met in real life, on holiday etc have all been really nice people, we even trusted an American couple to look after our baby at the shore why we went up paragliding in Mexico and we got our baby back so they're not all bad, lol.


Premium Member
wow someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning

:worried no its just another brainwashed sleepwalker...theres a lot of um overthere:sleepy

Thick Smoke

i guess i would be referring to the land stealing americans. native americans and pretty bad though. if ya ever go on a reservation you are very aware as to where you are.i am about 30% native american but dont respect them very much. the reservations i have visited are filthy and unkept.
i do think we americans are considered cocky cause we were brought with up with american pride, but as we get older we realize the truth between lies and the real world.

in my opinion
america used to be a great country. we were an empire for a long time. but all empire's fall. our strength's became our weakness. half of our people want something for nothing. everyone seems to think they are owed something. half the people think it is better to get free money and not do shit. unfortunatley that screws up life for the hard working individuals. we still give money to every country in need even though we are the ones in need.
i am not voting because i dont think either person running should be president. however the lesser of the 2 evils in my opinion would be obama. i think our country needs a serious overhaul and change will be welcome.
even though our country was founded by immigrants i think we need to shut down our borders unless the person in question could help make the country better.

sorry bout all the rambling, but i am tired (insomnia) and in pain. i have not taken my RX pain meds in 3 weeks.:sweating


American . And would love to move out .

I can see why we get labled as cocky and arrogant , just look to our pop culture as that is what most of the world sees of us (Iraq is a good exception , but since when has war brought out the good side of anyone) . Hollywood and military do not make good ambassadors .

I'll be voting for Barr . I don't want either Obama or McCain in office . All Americans keep in mind that if a third party aquires 5% of the votes , that third party is elligible for federal campaign funds which would give them a real opportunity to compete with the republicrats . If only the libertarians would chose somebody else :thinking . Unless Barr is completely lying through his teeth about being a changed man , he is a lesser evil than the other two jack offs .

yep, if the economy isn't already in the gutter enough for you...vote Obama!

Couldn't agree more .



I will preface this by stating the US is still capable of great benevolence and meets many needs globally,however.......America's meddling in many countries political arenas has brought a substantial(mostly justifiable) amount of global disfavor its way.We as Americans must remember the world around us and realize our self perceived benevolent hand is often uninvited and unwelcome.Ham handed nation building and regime gerrymandering by a government untrusted by its own peoples should be scrutinized and questioned.This should be glaringly apparent to those of us that live in the U.S..While living under the shadow of a government that runs roughshod over its citizens freedoms and rights how can we question all the voices of international distrust and criticism.Knowing how our government conducts itself domestically.Remember you can love your country and countrymen and still hate and distrust your government.Ask those that have served and returned home to a slap in the face.I wont go into that.I love my country but I also love mankind and fortunately mankind is not defined by borders and political devises.Listen to the voices of dissension some are truthful and deserve our ear.To be respected one must first be respectful.Peace,Ale.:sun

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


The Europeans are chimneys. God dam trails of cancer (cigarettes I think you call those death sticks) spreading a disease and pushing it on others as if it's there right.
BTW tobacco originated in the new world(North America).LOL.


the people are loud , brash , proud and fun loving , deluded of course on the reality of the world but generally a nation of people with passion in there hearts

the political reality however is that of murdering bullies without a care except to line there own pockets in a chase for the almighty doller crushing all underfoot , riding roughshod over everyone and everything , like a spoilt bastard getting there own way , the bodies of men women and children litter the world on the wars the us political system created and yet theres never been an opposing strike at the american homeland so whos the aggressor ? of a piglet suckling at the teat of the planet after pushing its other siblings aside to starve as the mother withers and dies in a fruitless attempt to keep up with the piglets demands

to me theres a massive division between the people and the politics , i like the people but am sickened to the core at the governmental stance , some wize people created a mantra to live to which seems ignored once past the ocean


our rights have eroded with the patriot act, we now openly torture prisoners, our government will have to protect our current president forever to prevent him from being tried for war crimes, our vice president is part of a company that reaps massive profits by being awarded government contracts in iraq, ---------the republicans are fucking liberty in the ass with no vaseline. you are paying the cost for their profits.


america likes to see itself as benevolent. But in reality all that "charity" has an agenda. The american government lies constently about its motives when it comes to its benevolent actions.
Up untill '42 did the americans not know which side to choose on a pure rational stance that is, they had to have economics guide them in their choise. At the time the choise was; help fascists or commies. So the choise was let them both weaken each other.. And come out on top afterwards. They really didn't like the commies...
Clinton in Bosnia decided, as an experiment, what the worlds reaction would be, if he should go againts UN mandate, with his pre-emptive strike. And ever since, that is US protocol now.
Why go to bring "democracy" in Irak (THAT WAS THE ORIGINAL REASON) and not in.... pick a county! America is not leaving Irak with out securing oilfields for the future of america. Any ways america is not benevolent just very calculative.
That said on a personal level 9 out of ten Americans are nice , cool people, in my experience


thats not true. im from the uk. and i know quiet a few americans. through music and growing. and there all respectfull and down 2 earth.
the americans that are arrogant. there just dickheads. its not cos there american. you get dikheds everywhere!! lol
and as for the goverment i hate all goverment. its all selfish and dishonest.
why should you have too pay too eat?. what would jesus say!! :)


jesus would say grow live b free goverment blows :no its all about the not so mighty dollor pice of shit it is:fubar :movie so here we go lets c if he lousens up on us farmers s the best ther is 2 chous from oboma
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