Our World

  • Thread starter dirk d
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dirk d

dirk d

So i thought i would start a thread to have as much info about our country and our world for those that want to "educate" themselves. Again this is a discussion about our country and our world. please no name calling...just a discussion...



I love it man. Sad truth is so many people will watch this and not believe it, and most won't watch bc they are little sheep. Atleast I kno you and a few others on this site have found the truth. That alone is semi reassuring but it's still crazy to me to see all the sheep out there with all this info in there faces.


Hey I would like to add a little something.. Lots of people know 9/11 was an inside job.. well heres all the proof you could ever need of what happened that day. If you want to know the real truth its in this video and before Im called a conspiracy nut job it needs to be watched.
This evidence is the BEST thing that I could have ever come across. Pay attention farmers and learn how bad the game thats being played really is.


Dirk, watch my video brother.. all will be explained.


9/11 was not an inside job dude.

George Bush was an asshole--but he wasn't that big of an asshole. This was orchestrated by al-Qaeda, there is no question. There is plenty of evidence which supports the series of events which we've been told--there is nearly no evidence to the contrary (if any).

The only "experts" who've ever had anything to do with claiming that it was an inside job--have expertise in being batshit crazy nutbags.

The physics line up, the hundreds of independent eyewitness accounts match up, and the tens of phone calls which were were received from the planes also match up.

I think you need to check your tinfoil hat--they might be reading your thoughts, bro.




Was--was fucking brilliant.

I believe much as he does, that it's all bullshit--but the reason I lean so far Left is that I truly believe it represents our best foot forward on this issue. We are MORE likely to have the type of society who can break free of the bullshit under a leftist government than a rightist one.

If you go back in history, the left sprang from a need for this exact thing--and while that original purpose has been sullied beyond recognition--I really don't think we have a better choice.

We need to make elections about education as a country--nothing could be better for our country than this singular thing. We need more intelligent minds--or rather I should say we need more active intelligent minds. We've got plenty of them laying around--they've just been convinced that there's no point.
dirk d

dirk d

you know that's the thing squiggly. so many intelligent minds just said f*** it. They think there is no point and honestly i don't blame them. but its come down to a crossroad for us as Americans. are we going to let big corporations rule our lives or are we going to live the founders dreams. I hope people will stop thinking we have no power and do something...anything really..just get the ball rolling.

As far as the 9/11 inside job thing i dont know really. after watching the ex CIA operative it would make sense that the towers were rigged in case there was an attack. Really i personally dont need confirmation of everything. I tend to follow the path of $$$. who benefited and what could the motives be?? I know this...NO WAY the PATRIOT ACT passes without the towers collapsing.. And how often you seen a building fall only on its own footprint..basically..demolition jobs..


How often do you see a building that size fall? Or a building which hasn't been demolished fall for that matter? You're considering what your expectation is, not what the physics are.

I think it's going to far with the tinfoil hat shit to claim that any president or any American would dream up some plan like that simply to get rich from it. This shit had Osama bin Laden written all over it if you know spit about the guy. Literally every reasonable arrow points to bin Laden.

and please keep in mind that I hate hate hate hate hate Bush. I'd really love it if I could pin this on him--but I'll go ahead and say the one thing he did right was sending the troops to Afghanistan to try and catch the fucker. Osama did it, and he was happy that all those people died.

Trying to take away the blame and shame on him for that and place it on someone who probably did his best *mouthvomit* given the circumstances to deal with a national emergency on that scale. If you think about it, it's quite reprehensible.

Especially when you consider where most of the claims like this originate. They are from fucking crazy nutbasket conspiracy theorists.
dirk d

dirk d

Come on Squiggly, You want me to believe all of our past presidents wouldn't kill innocent americans and try and profit from being in power?? Just follow the $$$$. I actually know a lot about Osama since the 80's. He was happy the towers collapsed sure...how would you feel if a country that was responsible for the suffering of millions of millions of people finally got a little shot of how they felt.

True that i haven't seen many building fall of that size but i do know what a thermite cut looks like. I'm not saying it was Bush's fault for 9/11, maybe he just capitalized on the situation to maximize the benefits that his inner circle would reap.

Even looking back with the info that we have now, we know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 so why would bush attack Iraq??? A country that the US had supported since the iranian revolution.



I fail to see how us being better at doing stuff than afghanis (or anyone else) translates to us being responsible for their suffering. It's survival of the fittest, dude.

America has fixed a helluva lot more than it's broken in terms of global society. Osama bin Laden can eat a bloody AIDS dick if he doesn't like it.

I'm not saying that a president might not sacrifice a few people here and there--even for money perhaps--but I just can't square it up that any American would kill that many people for any reason.

I dunno dude, here's the thing. When people start telling me about this kind of stuff, I find that 9 times out of 10 they are fucking crazy people. The one guy who is actually sane has usually been listening to crazies without realizing they are crazy.

What I'm trying to say is that conspiracy theories are for the most part stupid--this one is especially so. they guys flew planes into the building--they fell. There's nothing to suggest it shouldn't have happened the way it did.


Hey I would like to add a little something.. Lots of people know 9/11 was an inside job.. well heres all the proof you could ever need of what happened that day. If you want to know the real truth its in this video and before Im called a conspiracy nut job it needs to be watched.
This evidence is the BEST thing that I could have ever come across. Pay attention farmers and learn how bad the game thats being played really is.
The video is straight forward and the video maker doesn't seem to be nuts. Going to have to share that with some Sheeple and see what they think. Really good demonstration of News + Technology and how it can be used to manipulate the facts.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I fail to see how us being better at doing stuff than afghanis (or anyone else) translates to us being responsible for their suffering. It's survival of the fittest, dude.

America has fixed a helluva lot more than it's broken in terms of global society. Osama bin Laden can eat a bloody AIDS dick if he doesn't like it.

I'm not saying that a president might not sacrifice a few people here and there--even for money perhaps--but I just can't square it up that any American would kill that many people for any reason.

I dunno dude, here's the thing. When people start telling me about this kind of stuff, I find that 9 times out of 10 they are fucking crazy people. The one guy who is actually sane has usually been listening to crazies without realizing they are crazy.

What I'm trying to say is that conspiracy theories are for the most part stupid--this one is especially so. they guys flew planes into the building--they fell. There's nothing to suggest it shouldn't have happened the way it did.

Hey squiggly, quoted from you "I'm not saying that a president might not sacrifice a few people here and there--even for money perhaps--but I just can't square it up that any American would kill that many people for any reason."

I think more people die from many other causes daily than the amount that died on 9/11 from the collapsing towers. Now I can think of many Americans or people that kill more people than this throughout their career, and it's strictly for the $$$, Pfizer, Merck,etc...

Also, I'm really not sure if Osama could have pulled this off. I mean how many years did they have to do any other attack?? And if they could pull 9/11 off it seems they would have carried out another attack. I mean we are at war with them, killing everyday over there and they can't pull off another attack? I think we glorified these guys and took full advantage of a scared country. I mean I have trouble sleeping every night due to Osama's henchmen.:D

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