Outdoor Autoflower Experiment

  • Thread starter tj Wise
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tj Wise

tj Wise

I'm looking for some experienced auto-flower outdoor growers to advise me on my experiment for this summer. I'll germinate a dozen seeds or so in late May and... my working plan is to start them in small cowpots, and veg them 24h until they are ready for their 3 gallon smart pots. Or 5 or 7 gallon pots. I will move them into the sun from 9 AM until 7 PM, and then back to a strong electric blue light for the rest. I'll switch to the red light once they stop growing taller. The so-called 10-week cycle might take 12-14 weeks, I'll find out. I'll use the 24 hours of light because I haven't read anything convincing about the need for 'rest.'

Potential strains:

auto berry
auto pounder
big bomb auto
big bud automatic
kc 45
thc bomb auto
white widow max auto

I'll use very good organic soil and organic nutes.

I'd appreciate it if you could tag growers with experience for my project -- THANKS!


Starting them in small cow pies... I can see so many things that can and will go wrong-- WAY too hot for a seedling start, watering (aeration, how could you properly water a cow pie?:cry:), most likely they would all dampen off. Just my .02 cents


Hi thought I throw an update at you I'm Day 28 in flower and they are beasts. Hahaha watching them
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