Pets on the Farm

  • Thread starter Canappa
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I'm always amazed at other people's birds and what not. My last job took me into a lot of people's homes and houses and from time to time I would see some amazing birds. One lady told me her bird, I think it was an African Gray/Grey, would live to be something like 50 years old?

Now I don't recall if it was the same bird, hell even the same house but another bird I met would sing the entire Andy Griffith's theme song.

And yet even another time, I was working at a house outside and I kept hearing "God dam it Matt". It wasn't quite right the sound, but it was clear as day. As I ventured even further around the back of the house I saw a blue colored bird perched on what I would deem to be a clothes line, next to his cage just singing and talking away to no one in particular. I asked the lady about it and she laughed it off about the bird mimicking here yelling at her kid.


Nice your green bird looks just like my cousin bird I swear his bird has to be 50 years old and talks like a sailor lol!
Yea he's a Hans macaw, needs lots of attention and can live up to or over 50 years! When he's in the mood he will start screaming all kinds of jibberish! A couple of his main sayings are he's a good boy and have a good day. He recently picked up God damnit from me so I been trying to curve him away from that one:D


My condolences Chickenman. :( Sorry for your loss ! As a kid i was the goat milker ,decreamer and strainer and id feed the kids ,road island reds , chinese silkese and polish chicks , ducks ,myna bird , turtle , dogs and cats and collect eggs before and after school. We had a mini farm off Van Nuys blvd. zoned for farming with half acre yards. The block came alive around feedin time ! Man , had enough milk of her to turn the neighboors on too ! Same with eggs. Brings back memories .....Our goat was named Hannibell , one set of kids we named "winkin , blinkin and nod " lol. You guys got some nice birds too ! The myna bird we had would talk. One thing it would say is "George shit " . So we left my uncle George to watch him while camping and got home and the bird was dead. :mad:
Today i picked up this little Chin pup...Still working out a full name . I got a weirdo kitty too. Born when Fukashima happened. She has deformed hanging extra skin belly and just started pulling out her own hair. Her name is "Patches" . As you can see shes living up to her name now . Like "missing patches " is more like it .I was calling her "Fukashima Kitty " . Now i call her skirts with the new hair do.I told my wife the cat was mental when we got it .lol. Its pulled out Even on both sides. Like skirts. lol. .Skittish as hell. Pow about some pulled cat for dinner? :rolleyes:



Living dead girl
@GrowGod -- I think you're right!
My condolences Chickenman. :( Sorry for your loss ! As a kid i was the goat milker ,decreamer and strainer and id feed the kids ,road island reds , chinese silkese and polish chicks , ducks ,myna bird , turtle , dogs and cats and collect eggs before and after school. We had a mini farm off Van Nuys blvd. zoned for farming with half acre yards. The block came alive around feedin time ! Man , had enough milk of her to turn the neighboors on too ! Same with eggs. Brings back memories .....Our goat was named Hannibell , one set of kids we named "winkin , blinkin and nod " lol. You guys got some nice birds too ! The myna bird we had would talk. One thing it would say is "George shit " . So we left my uncle George to watch him while camping and got home and the bird was dead. :mad:
Today i picked up this little Chin pup...Still working out a full name . I got a weirdo kitty too. Born when Fukashima happened. She has deformed hanging extra skin belly and just started pulling out her own hair. Her name is "Patches" . As you can see shes living up to her name now . Like "missing patches " is more like it .I was calling her "Fukashima Kitty " . Now i call her skirts with the new hair do.I told my wife the cat was mental when we got it .lol. Its pulled out Even on both sides. Like skirts. lol. .Skittish as hell. Pow about some pulled cat for dinner? :rolleyes:

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Ya know, my experience with that kind of calico (the color type name escapes me now, tortoiseshell I think) is that they are nucking futz. Every one I've had or known is either skittish or aggressive, or both.


I hear that Seamaiden for sure. I had one decades ago but wasnt as bad as this one. Used to have this Siamese cat that would hop on the car when you tried to leave. lol.Cruiser Kitty . One time at Lake Tahoe i seen this couple with two siamese cats. They loved to ride on thier speed boat. Was super cool stuff ! Almots got a maincoon instead of the Chin . Then i though of my reapolstered couch. lol.
Very nice Chickenman , very nice. I condon the spoiling of pets ! lol. We had 13 cats all named after gangsters. lol. We used to give the dogs and cats all the duck eggs and give them goat milk too. Thier coats were so , so shiney and healthy ! Id milk the goat on this pedistal type thing and the cats would come over and id squirt it right in thier mouths through the fence.. lol. Couldnt let the golden retreiver in the animal and garden yard. She would tear a duck up in no time if it got in her part of yard. Thanks for the memories ......


Looks a lot like our Kitties, the 2nd from right is the momma, Such a sweet, sweet Kitty, we named her Sugar, she had 7 kittens kept 5 spoiled rotten, no cat food raw meat, raw eggs, raw goat milk...
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I saved her and her sister from the slum trailer park crackheads of Colorado springs! I've had them 14 years now and they are beyond spoiled. If they only knew where they came from!
Anyways beautiful kittens CM!

This is what they do all day long until it's time to eat then back to sleep
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