Pets on the Farm

  • Thread starter Canappa
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Is that a Tibetan Mastiff? Thought those dawgs were harloquin (white black n tan)?

Yeah tibetan mastiff. and no i dont think they are. i just know they are finnicky when finding a mate. some wont mate with each other. and so on. you gotta find a perfect match. otherwise they wont breed. and that's why they are so expensive. lots of people in china have them tho, but they still cost an arm and a leg.



There small poops but come in numbers..


Had a chance ta git one bout nine er so yrs back. Wanted 3500 fer it. Didn't have tha cash at tha time. Never seen one since. This one had tha mane like that but I swear it had black and white too. Tha poppa looked JUS like tha one in tha pic. IDK It has been awhile ago been stoned since then.


This 15 year old gave us a big scare sunday. She didn't get up to say good morning. So I bent down to pet her she had drooled all over and couldn't get up. Tried to get her up her ass was just limp. I used a sling got her up and out side to use the bathroom. She wasn't getting any better like she has in the past. Literally started calling vets to put her down. By late evening she was able to get up and around. This morning it's like she never had a problem.
We know it's coming the worst part of having pets for family.

The bride and I both said she's luck to be alive today. It's so damn hard to know when it's the right time!


Thanks chickenman. I was wondering that same thing. Probably not the first one. She has done this at least 3 other times just not that long to recover.


Beef cake! Looks like he has the laid back temperament
Dogs sometimes get mini strokes...
Usually recover...
same thing happen to my bros pitbull.... His left side of his face hangs a bit now from what we thought was a stroke.


I knew they'd do it! There's one living with a herd of fiber goats out at Lake Tabeaud (sp?), scared the SHIT outta me.

Their small poops disguise their LOUD voices. I had a nanday back in the day.
Yes SM! The red bellies can be very loud! She is a little more quite then some conures I have seen.
Amazing how smart these little birds are she has different calls for when she wants a bath, or food bowl is empty,when it's time for bed. She's also an escape artist!:) This little bird will brighten anyone's day!


Premium Member
This 15 year old gave us a big scare sunday. She didn't get up to say good morning. So I bent down to pet her she had drooled all over and couldn't get up. Tried to get her up her ass was just limp. I used a sling got her up and out side to use the bathroom. She wasn't getting any better like she has in the past. Literally started calling vets to put her down. By late evening she was able to get up and around. This morning it's like she never had a problem.
We know it's coming the worst part of having pets for family.
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The bride and I both said she's luck to be alive today. It's so damn hard to know when it's the right time!
Weimeriner? SP? Awesome dogs, I have always had a German shorthair pointer, very faithful...


Yes SM! The red bellies can be very loud! She is a little more quite then some conures I have seen.
Amazing how smart these little birds are she has different calls for when she wants a bath, or food bowl is empty,when it's time for bed. She's also an escape artist!:) This little bird will brighten anyone's day!
Had a little Sun Conure from a Lil ugly beak with coffee stirers all the way up to its untimely passing due to a live in exgirlfriend baby sitting a "cute little, likes ta hide stuff n tha like, fuzzy, soft, mischievous, stinking, evil, predatious, foul, good fer nuthin, heart breaking, best friend stealing, murdering varmint called a ferret. Which brought me enjoyment fer a time that spanned a measly 19 yrs of my life. Not that I hold any resentments or anything. Like she said when I got home that night," That bird was loud anyway and it only like you. And it always tried to bite me, once." And "it's not my fault, they never told me it ate meat in nature. I didn't think I needed to check with you. Quit being such a dick. It's like you care about that bird more than me. " Wat the hell was my problem? Really? How stupid of me ta pay a whole summer of lawn mowing back when I was 14 to buy a couple of days old bird that I hand fed, trained to mimic words, let me be its own personal tree, go to every hempfest I'd ever been to, was a best buddy, took my drives test with, sat on my shoulder as I got my highschool diploma. Yeah. WHY SHOULD I HAVE BEEN UPSET? That critter saved me from many more years of friendship and enjoyment. Plus it hid the carcass up in the attic deep in the rafters so I wouldn't have to deal with the burden of burying her for tha relief of closure. Yeah no resentments at all! Named tha chicken Dennis the Menace until she laid an egg in my hoodie pocket. Then it became Denise. Man I miss that Lil chicken! It was a shame that next night when that ferret got in my Congo African Grey's cage. And that bird decided to be a meanie and pierce that no good rats eyeball. I was just heartbroken. I wasn't surprised either when it's owner expected me to buy them another one. After my mean old parrot murdered that sweet Lil harmless ferret.


Had a little Sun Conure from a Lil ugly beak with coffee stirers all the way up to its untimely passing due to a live in exgirlfriend baby sitting a "cute little, likes ta hide stuff n tha like, fuzzy, soft, mischievous, stinking, evil, predatious, foul, good fer nuthin, heart breaking, best friend stealing, murdering varmint called a ferret. Which brought me enjoyment fer a time that spanned a measly 19 yrs of my life. Not that I hold any resentments or anything. Like she said when I got home that night," That bird was loud anyway and it only like you. And it always tried to bite me, once." And "it's not my fault, they never told me it ate meat in nature. I didn't think I needed to check with you. Quit being such a dick. It's like you care about that bird more than me. " Wat the hell was my problem? Really? How stupid of me ta pay a whole summer of lawn mowing back when I was 14 to buy a couple of days old bird that I hand fed, trained to mimic words, let me be its own personal tree, go to every hempfest I'd ever been to, was a best buddy, took my drives test with, sat on my shoulder as I got my highschool diploma. Yeah. WHY SHOULD I HAVE BEEN UPSET? That critter saved me from many more years of friendship and enjoyment. Plus it hid the carcass up in the attic deep in the rafters so I wouldn't have to deal with the burden of burying her for tha relief of closure. Yeah no resentments at all! Named tha chicken Dennis the Menace until she laid an egg in my hoodie pocket. Then it became Denise. Man I miss that Lil chicken! It was a shame that next night when that ferret got in my Congo African Grey's cage. And that bird decided to be a meanie and pierce that no good rats eyeball. I was just heartbroken. I wasn't surprised either when it's owner expected me to buy them another one. After my mean old parrot murdered that sweet Lil harmless ferret.
Wow that was hard to interpetate lol. So u had a sun conure that you grew up with and loved dearly till one day your girlfriends ferrit killed it? :( Then out of revenge for you the African grey killed the ferrito_O


Wow!! I wrote that? I must have got inta some of those girlie things called feelins. Whoa! Not me. Couldnt be me. Okay it was.
@GrowGod you pretty well got it. Cept fer the girlfriend decided that we would babysit a ferret fer someone without having any idea on how to take care fer one. Or wat impact it would have on its surroundings. Not to portray myself to be controlling by any means but she didn't even call and ask my thoughts. Then not even consider my feelings after it happened. I mean she came home and let just let the thing out of its cage. She didn't even follow the trail of feathers. And apparently i still hurt over it abit. I didnt snec revenge. At first I wanted to rip up the floorboards and wring that things neck. But I couldn't get to it. And it was busy eating my best buddy to git lured out. So anyway the next evening it squeezed through the bars somehow of my African Grey's cage ta git another meal And the bird killed it first. And sad to say I felt no remorse. Seeing them pics of that Lil chicken brought back memories I guess I hadn't dealt with yet. The most upsetting was that my bird was just a biting loud bird and my parrot was vicious ferret killer to this person who wasnt even responsible enough to care fer their own pet. And expected me to compensate them for losing it. But anyway.


There's all kinds of fucked up in there!!! Sorry for your loss bro and for the blindness these folks had on your feelings! Here's a picture of one of my fishes! I lost the other one just like him cause I had a stupid ass landlord that fave me 30 days to move after living there 5 fucking years!!!!!


You had to have just put that net up thar. Tha paints too purdy an tha sheetrock ain't chewed allway to tha twobyfer yet. Lol! I had ta go an let Meeper my Grey, visit at one of his playmate's house fer runin'on seven or so yr now. Can't bring yer pets on vacation with ya to tha county hotel. Had only tha clothes on my back when i got out an no place ta live. Hell, it took me months to find my kids. He's happy, healthy, and just as mischievious as always ov'r thar. He's got his pal Nippers (blue front Amazon) and "Shut up!" the bald cockatoo (minus a few nock feathers) to hang with. Plus they have plenty of stems for him to strip clean. When I get to a point where I can handle another permanently three year old acting 27yr old bird and my younger kids show improvement in their animal husbantry. He can come visit our house for many more yrs to come. I know if he plays his cards right, he'll live ta see my great grandkids easily.

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