Politics: Lets talk

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Yep people get crazy about politics/politicians,me I find it boring and dont give a crap!:sign0065:

You my good man would be the latter that I spoke of. "Politics" is a term coined by those who wish to impose an idea or belief which leads to your opinion---" Politics are boring" "

Yet if you switch the idea or word politics with "Life" you would become more interested.

"Politics" is "Life" and "freedom" dressed up by suits who dont want you to lend your interest to Opinion their Politics for you "Life/ Freedom"

Ron Paul 2012! You should change party affiliation to republic so you can vote for him in the primaries!

That is a golden Idea actually--- If I claim "Independent"-- Cant I vote in BOTH primaries?

If so EVERYONE should break their SYSTEM by declaring "INDEPENDENT" and Voting for "candidates" their ideas and their track record rather than party affiliation and idealism.

Yes it does matter who we vote for. Of course that presupposes a populace that stays informed and scrutinizes the candidates...and hold their collective "feet to the fire". We have become apathetic and complacent. We have become accustomed to entitlements...We enjoy our "Bread and Circuses".

Want change? Look to yourselves. Turn off your TV. Look at voting records (opensecrets.org or thomas.gov is a start), scrutinize news articles and cross check the source(s). That of course means doing one's homework (which is precisely why I didn't vote for Obama....Mr. "yes" on FISA and PATRIOT)....and we're too busy buying our material goods and grabbing for more ever "decreasing in value" dollars to be bothered.

Does it matte"r who we vote for? Sure it does. The question is, are we willing to go the distance.

Great Post Dave!!!

Ill be booking marketing those sites you mentioned. And doing even deeper digging.

You hit it right on the head.. Unfortuantly we are products of our environment to a "certain Degree". meaning that from child hood to late adolescence we as humans are defined primarily by our Parents/ family values and what we experience on daily basis.In my opinion once an individual hits early adult hood it is up to them to find a way to Liberate themselves from any past ignorances that were either "knowingly" or in most cases "unknowingly" passed on or learned.

For the individual who grows up in a household where Politics and "real life" are not discussed at length --- it is of extreme importance that they educate themselves and also there family if neccesary.

When it comes down to it.. truth--- all truth is meant to be shared, never concealed. Especially truth as it relates to the betterment of our own people.

Its all so fucked up it will make you go crazy if you dwell on it too much. However we must not take this laying down.
I do believe though despite whats going on I must live my life to the fullest and no matter whatever they say and do I have to create my own world of joy and happiness.
Lifes just a blink of the eye in the big picture, so make the most of what you got, seek out things that make you happy, follow your heart and dreams, honesty, love, peace, sharing, caring about others, helping, being nice to one another, these are positive energies that are much stronger than all the negitive energies combined.
What will life be like 100, 1000, 5000, years from now?
I hope the aliens come and stragiten all this shit out.
Who knows what the future will bring, or whats really going on, I will keep an eye on these assholes, do what I can, but the only thing I can do as one person is share with others things that make my life better, be honest in all my affairs, live each day to the fullest, and be thankful of blessings, friends, health, and living life to the fullest each day.

Dont let It get you down, its only castles burning, find someones whos turning and you will come around...Peace CM

All good advice chickenmann.

Its very interesting to see who the spotlight effects in regards to the individual mindset. People really believe they are the center of existence just as surely as they believe that our life on earth or the "Human Experience" is all that counts and this physical life is the life to really live for.

In my humble opinion-- life is a test it the strictest sense. Its no coincidence that you encounter the same types of individuals and challenges until you overcome that obstacle/individual or in most cases overcome yourself and learn the lesson that was put in front of you.

When you sit back and take time to learn about the outside world-- you are then able to take all the knowledge you gain and reflect it inward to fully understand your true self as it reflects and relates to society around you. If you are true and truthful you should then see the reflection of the Good in yourself and in the world, you should also see the bad conversely and be able to honestly access what must be done to fix the problems and injustices internally and externally.

Good topic. Im with Onespark. Does it really matter who "we" elect? Do we really have a choice anymore? I grew up not really interested in politics, but starting watching out the corner of my eye. I seen all of the chaos piling on. I fear we are too deep in their shit, we may never be able to get back on our feet. We all voted for obama, how could you not. We should of known, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Here's this man promising to give us our country back, and promising change, what the fucking kind of change Barack? Kind of ironic that his name is barack hussein Obama. His name matches two of the most hated men at the time, and we elect him president. Whats that have to do with anything? I can just see the PTB, laughing to theirselves, thinking how dumb can these people be. Like a smack in the face if you will. Their probably thinking if we can pull this off, we can get away with anything. We need to start standing up for our rights. These extremists hate all americans bc of what handful of people chose to do to their countries. I didnt vote to go to war in afghanistan, or iraq. I didnt vote to have a 1/4 million muslims killed.. Fuck, I have a felony, but if I could of voted I prolly woulda voted for obama. We were duped. We cant afford to let it happen again. We need to start rioting like they are in the UK>> let them know who holds the real power, and who really runs shit. Im an american, Im all american. These people do not have our best interests, or our childrens best interests in mind. It takes soldiers on the ground to topple an out of control government. A lot few than youd think. We need to do work in 2012. Unite, and we will rise.

Im with you torture But in order to rise we must first understand collectively what the task entails and the first priority and allowing the so "called" leaders to be our intermediaries in between us and these so called "extremists" who want us "ALL DEAD".

I grew up in Fremont, Ca which has the highest population of Middle eastern descendants ranging of course in religion and beliefs.

I personally have friends , many of middle eastern descent who have stated over and over and over again that although they may not be "extremist" in their views they Know individuals are having family members who are...

What they all tell me--- is These "extremists" do not HATE us the American masses-- they hate our Leaders and GOVT who oppress their states/country and of course our own.

Muslims, even the extremists are solely for freedom from GOVT oppression. Even if we dont agree with EVERYTHING they do from a societal standpoint, it doesnt mean we should dictate to them. All they want is for our Military to leave them and there ppl alone-- Simple enough.

And as you pointed out.. It is so easy to tell how lost / oppressed and brainwashed our own society is today--- These so called "extremists" know this and pity us-- the ignorant Americans who have no idea they are being led to slaughter.

I don`t think our system works anymore. It started out something special but our Goverment is bought and payed for now days. What we should be doing is becoming a self substainable country and staying out of anything that isn`t our consern. We should contenue to keep a well Armed Services but, for the defience of our country,not the worlds.Our Goverment should be just that. The only time our Goverment should spend tax payers hard earned moneys on an other country is if it is for a natural disaster and only then on a temporary basis. Nothing wrong with people who choise to give relief from there own pockets for what ever cause they wish but, that should not be our Goverments responsibilty to do so with tax payer funds.Our country needs to start looking at it`s resorces and how we can produce as much of our own consumables as possible. More industry and more jobs and no more barrowing ! We shouldn`t ever be in debit to any one! The biggest problem is contenued wars not social spending on our own people. If we should go to war, it should be because a country has attacked us, in that case if and when we win we should own that country until it can pay us back for it`s troubles plus great intrest on that debit. We should demand fair trade or stop trading with that country altogether. We should be oil independent and independent of all resources. I don`t agree the rich should pay more taxes on income made off American companies but they should pay dearly on income made from investments outside the US where American jobs are lost. Only Americans should own land in America but, peoples and companies who wish to be here should be able to rent or lease land. Anyone who is elected to office should have to live on Welfare collect foodstamps and The same medical as the poor. All moneys made from investments during and up to fives years after leaving office should go to charity.It should be a service not a job! Law makers should be working on amending the laws to third grade level writing so anyone can understand them including tax laws. I think there are way to many laws on the books and they should also be working on striking as many as possible. Maybe there should be a limit to the amount of wording they can use? Goverment also has way more land and wealth than it should. Gold ,land,and what not should be returned to the private citizens. If it isn`t a park or military base why do they need it? Hell it would be cheeper for congress to rent a convention center or just use a few local Holoday Inns! And the president has a limo and plane? Hell he should be lucky if we pay for a 12 yr old VW Bug! Why do we pay our servents so much in the first place? Got things jack backwards if you ask me! The Greatness of our Country is not how nice it`s Goverment works and lives, but how well it`s citizens do! Something stinks in America and it isn`t the under arms of our Goverment servents!

Incredible Mark... That was like myself reading a finished copy of the ideas that I started writing-- The list was coined--- "Fixing Liberty".. lol

Thanx for taking time to give back to myself and anyone who is lucky enough to take the time to read your post.

Id agree that the system has been "out of order" for quite some time. Luckily even tho GOVT is on the buy and has been for quite some awhile we still have the Constitution as the "Law of the land" even if they blatantly disrespect it.

i honestly believed we might have been stuck in an even deeper whole with upcoming elections but Ron Paul surprised me by getting on the Card. I really thought that if would be IMPOSSIBLE to get any real candidate.

Im hoping in 2012 the people can steal one and get a true "public servant" elected.

As eluded to before ^^^^ presidents should not receive limos and airplanes everywhere.. they shouldnt make $750,000 / year even though they dont do jack shit for the people or country. I agree presidents should be at the bottom of the barrel and so should congress people/senators.

In order to know what the people need you must come from the people. Which dwell in the largest percentile who earn 50,000 or less a year.

Mark--- im hoping your going to bat for Mr. Paul bc he is the only way to fix the system and your ideas are parallel all the way.

If not Id be interested to know who you are supporting if anyone?

Damn it! You got in before I did.

You've got that straight. However, I read up there that you say that you haven't voted in 25yrs because of lack of good candidates. If true, I would implore you, as an extremely political beast, that you've left the rest of us thinking human beings the short end of the stick. Why? Because, it is only in presidential elections that issues are not voted on (although last election we had some county stuff to vote on).

I feel you are a thinker, and are definitely interested if you can sit through the debates. This is something my husband does religiously, I myself have grown weary of sitting through debates, Republican or Democrat, as I find myself becoming exceedingly pissed off. So to answer the first question, no, I haven't watched them, but my husband has.

I do love discussing politics, with an emphasis on DISCUSSION. The problem we have is the inherent human trait of going for divisiveness. Divisive language, divisive 'solutions'. Here in the US it's a strong divisive fu. But if people were brought up to discuss such things politely, we might actually get somewhere. As it is, as things are, no sort of thing is possible. As long as an atmosphere of mutual respect is maintained, it is.

If someone doesn't care for or is bored by politics, then they're giving me the green light to make their decisions for them. Inasmuch as voters can, of course.

For the record, I've been following Ron Paul since I turned 18yo and his first foray into presidential elections back in... I wanna say '88. The only time I changed my political affiliation was to vote for Rep Paul in '08. I felt icky doing it, but it had to be done.

Ok.. had to have s little bit of Chemdog 91' for another quick brain start. haha

Thank you for the compliment SEA, I do pride myself on my quest for knowledge, truth and understanding as it relates to any arena.

My past 2-3 years were spent primarily on real life and "politics" -- a catching up if you will of history, civilizations, collapses , conspiracies and overall understanding of trends and tendencies.

In retrospect Id do wish I would have registered so I at least could have voted on Laws passed. you are correct even if the presidential election is a wash we still get a chance to throw a stone or two at laws up for vote.

In the beginning of my studies and interests, like you I used to get angry watching things like debates and speeches anything political but once I figured out the overall game and the types of propaganda they push, the trends if you will--- It became comical to watch. I often wonder how alot of these ppl sleep with themselves at night or look at themselves in the mirror.

I really enjoy the Debates but only when there is at least (1) honest candidate [the reason being is because Atleast I can "learn" or "agree" with something while laughing ironically at the other parrots on the stage].

Discussion in a respectful manner is mandatory for success in the sharing and destroying of ideas. The unfortunate thing is before you can aspect the respect you must first have an individual who is willing to accept another truth that proves his own "perceived" or "learned" truth wrong.

One must possess the interest in TRUTH, not just their own opinion or assumption. You must release the ego to really learn about the outside world or accept ideas once foreign.

Ron Paul since '88 --- Sounds look a good T-Shirt. :icon_animal26:

You gotta love a candidate who is not only for the people and states and constitution but he also wants to take a presidential PAY CUT if he gets into office.

The guys record is impeccable and he has never Flip- flopped unlike most of the other FISH on board.. llol

A wise man once said-- it is not the adding of technique or steps that make something efficient it is in discarding of the wasteful- Paraphrased from Bruce Lee

It always cracks me up during the debates because Ron Paul gets half the questions or even less than any other candidate. 9/10 Ron Paul gets audience applause with his answer, then they usually hurry on to the next question. Most dont catch on to these obvious visual indicators-- Again once I learned how the game was played ^-^

Mitt Romney and Michell Bachman get mos..t Newt in there as well. They even give alot of love to Santorium.

And Rick Perry maybe the biggest DICK on that stage. What a joke. The dude steals Ron Pauls stuff... Now Rick is all of a sudden "After the Federal Reserve". Complete flip- flopper. War mongering as well. Campaigning on the fact that Texas lead in executions.

The Debates are comical at best but I highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. Because amidst all the bullshitt there is sprinkled in some truth. When Ron Paul speaks its like hes addressing a 6th grade class concerning his peers on stage and most people following the debate.

The guy knows his SHIT front back and to the side.

He is for the COUNTRY and for the PEOPLE.He is for bringing our War Machine home. And he is for a soveirgn debt free nation with a strong econony and national currency.

He also has a PLAN to get it where he wants it not a speech about" Weve inherited ALOT of problems that will take " a few years" to Deal with. come on.

I think The Chemdog 91' got ahold of me there?


Here is some good stuff for ya.

CIA lawyer says Obama administration backed and continued virtually all Bush-era programs

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033513_Obama_administration_Bush.html#ixzz1XWZdRmvw

What a champ. :sweating:sweating:sweating

Nice to see a rational discourse. Our two party system is a stage for puppets to dance on in my view. Obama suckered me into the hype machine. I voted for "hope" whatever that is. Now I hope he gets canned. The only promises he kept are the ones he made behind closed doors to the banking cartels that put him in office. Operation gun walker!? Raiding food collectives and Amish people with SWAT teams!? Expanding Monsanto while making organic gardens subject to who knows what regulations. Today the Republican party line is cut corporate taxes and regulations. GE paid 0 last year. How can they pay less? Lol. Warren Buffet was laughing at his low tax rate. Then you watch Oblablah with his special joint session and he... says nothing. No plan. Just a campaign speech full of his usual hallow words. His "JOB CZAR" sitting behind him with a smirk. The CEO of GE is the job CZAR sending jobs to China. How can anyone take this seriously? Wake up if you have not yet. He had two years with the Demos in charge and simply sunk us into a deeper mess of debt and undeclared illegal wars. More patriot act, more banker fraud, More Homeland security and terror BS. I am a Jon Adams fan but since he isn't around anymore I guess Ron Paul is the only somewhat sane person in the race. At least he knows the Constitution and believes in states rights. I hate to say it but I think Mitt Romney has some good CEO experience and is probably "honest" in a sense. I WANT to hate him but something about him seems ok. Bachman was an IRS lawyer and is a stammering evangelical extremist so she should go Fu*k right off. The rest of the field is a joke. Santorum!? LOLOL You what his name means right? Rick Perry? FAKE FAKE FAKE. He steals Ron Paul's points even though he would never make good on one promise. Heard he is a party pervert too but who knows. No proof. The democraps should fire Obama and run Hillary against Ron Paul. That would be silly. Truth be told it does NOT matter who is elected because the whole kit and kaboodle is wholly owned by giant multinational banks and giant multinational corporations who will do as they please. F you all very much. Every Senator and every Congress person is in someones pocket. These people pass laws regulating companies they OWN STOCK IN. Dick Chaney wrote the energy policy with the energy companies behind closed doors. How dumb are people really? All cozy and brainwashed with their LCD TV's and Iphones. What a joke. True patriot here and proud to be an American. Boy do I miss her. Too bad the Tea party got hijacked by zelots and right wing extremist types. Could have been something cool.

I am off to find a horse to hook up to the BMW so I can join the Right Wing Royal Jewish Nationist Party Of Southern African Nations that are aliened with The IRA of Belfast and the Comunist party for a better Republican Solution to Socialization of Democracy in the Middle Eastern parts of Iceland now I guess. I heard they have good coffee at their meetings.

OOooo man .... So much to discuss.. Its like looking into a mental mirror, yet I did learn some things as well from your post.

Thanx for the posts OneSpark. Im with %100.

Paul is the only hope 'politically" that the ppl have. I was very surprised he was able to even get into the race. Very Glad he did which means we still have Hope just not the Obama Brand anymore.

Its unfortunate because if people dont put aside their personal allegiance to race in order to take another mans true ideas and true record we could be in for some more Obama.

The problem with Obama beyond the fact that he didnt follow through with anything he "promised" in his election platform is he HAS the $$$$ behind him and the X factor will be-- how will he be portrayed by the Media.

As the Savior pt. 2 or for what he HASNT done for the country and people?

If the Media takes an "objective" approach [ which is almost comical for me to assume] it could be any man/ womens race to Win.

PM... Sent

Too EVERYONE.... thanx for the responses.. it goes along way to see others still enjoy discussing and building on ideas.

Hopefully this THREAD can stay active up until elections--- Ill be posting back


Well-Known Farmer
Yep i`ll be voting Ron Paul if he gets on the Ballot,wonder though who he would pick for a running mate? Sara palin wouldn`t be bad if you put some ducktape over Her mouth! LOL! Just wouldn`r want anything to happen to Ron after he got in office!


Yep i`ll be voting Ron Paul if he gets on the Ballot,wonder though who he would pick for a running mate? Sara palin wouldn`t be bad if you put some ducktape over Her mouth! LOL! Just wouldn`r want anything to happen to Ron after he got in office!

Im with you on that one Mark..

I read a funny qoute somewhere and id have to agree.

Paraphrased: I support Ron Paul so strongly that I volenteer to be standing in front of him when the BULLETS start flying.'

Id be joking myself If i didnt honestly believe that the Military industrial complex and there Black shadow ops men may take a shot at Ron bc he does plan on stopping the War Machine dead in there tracks which means ALOT of powerless people who used to ENJOY ALOT OF POWER.

JFK wasnt long ago.. it has been awhile since we have had an official message sent to the "truth seekers".

Originally I said he shuld run with D. Kucinich [sp] But id even accept maybe Kane the buisness man--

Im hesitant to put anyone who has spent time in GOVT with Ron Paul cause pretty much all are flip- floppers and judas's per the people.


I think that war should have to be done like it was in the old days. People had to pay for it out of pocket so you got a war tax and you knew how much it cost! Now with the federal reserve they just print money and steal pieces of every dollar and the sheep just keep on keeping on! That is why Ron Paul has my vote ! Fuck the thieves at the federal reserve and fuck unsound money! I think Dave hit the nail on the head! You have to get involved and do your research which takes time!

Also just because the system isn't perfect doesn' t mean it should be abandoned! Someone else already made the rules to the game now we as the people need to learn how to play better! We really are pitiful when with all this social networking tech and texts and cellphones and what do the people do with it? Fucking flash mobs!? Back in the sixties the yippees were getting their heads bashed in and there were still 12000 people to demonstrate and this was before cell phones and email and all that jazz! My generation is pitiful! Ignorance is bliss... Unfortunately bliss is a very precious commodity!


I think that war should have to be done like it was in the old days. People had to pay for it out of pocket so you got a war tax and you knew how much it cost! Now with the federal reserve they just print money and steal pieces of every dollar and the sheep just keep on keeping on! That is why Ron Paul has my vote ! Fuck the thieves at the federal reserve and fuck unsound money! I think Dave hit the nail on the head! You have to get involved and do your research which takes time!

Also just because the system isn't perfect doesn' t mean it should be abandoned! Someone else already made the rules to the game now we as the people need to learn how to play better! We really are pitiful when with all this social networking tech and texts and cellphones and what do the people do with it? Fucking flash mobs!? Back in the sixties the yippees were getting their heads bashed in and there were still 12000 people to demonstrate and this was before cell phones and email and all that jazz! My generation is pitiful! Ignorance is bliss... Unfortunately bliss is a very precious commodity!

I agree with your post SCrog, Id even add Ignorance is a very precious commodity which also goes hand in hand with Good ol Bliss.

As always it comes down to a collective understanding or collective paradigm shift for the good. In this case a resurrection of actual accountability in the form of individuals holding one another in check when it comes to their words and subsequent actions. The rest will fall into line after that framework is set.


Bamma Dance


Uncle Scam


Uncle Scam


haha... Almost wasted a bowl of fine Meds laughing my ASS off over that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Im wondering if anyone has any political updates or anything?

Ill keep an eye out and try to update soon.


Im wondering if anyone has any political updates or anything?

Ill keep an eye out and try to update soon.

Now that ya mention it , I Do have a few ,,,

A politician will do anything to keep his job - even become a patriot.
William Randolph

A fool and his money are soon elected.
Will Rogers

A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
Frank Lloyd Wright

All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.
Harry S. Truman

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Quincy Adams

America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.
Warren G. Harding

Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.
William E. Simon

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.
E. B. White

Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.

Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance.
William O. Douglas

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.
Winston Churchill

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
Milton Friedman

Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.
W. C. Fields

I do have a political agenda. It's to have as few regulations as possible.
Dan Quayle

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Will Rogers

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Barry Goldwater

If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
Emma Goldman

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
Louis D. Brandeis

If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.
Winston Churchill

If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.
Milton Friedman

In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.
J. William Fulbright

In most places in the country, voting is looked upon as a right and a duty, but in Chicago it's a sport.
Dick Gregory

Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.
Ronald Reagan

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.
John Larson

It is a measure of the framers' fear that a passing majority might find it expedient to compromise 4th Amendment values that these values were embodied in the Constitution itself.
Sandra Day O'Connor

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together.
Daniel Webster

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy

My brother Bob doesn't want to be in government - he promised Dad he'd go straight.
John F. Kennedy

Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone



What do youll think when ur going to the polls ur voting on your master. Stop voting end the b.s. un-enslave yourselves do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. respect, the only code we need. We are the people we own this and we can have it back if only people cared about them selves enough not to vote start a new movement.

Its a good end game yet in order to get people to vote or in this case " to not vote" you must foster a knowledge or understanding at to what their actions may represent or directly cause.

Many would argue its the lack of voting and political ignorance on the masses part that lead in part to the mess we are in.

I personally see merit in both cases. I agree tho... if people had more personal integrity and respect that would be all we would need. the rest wouuld fall into suit.


Thanks everyone for the thread. Lot's of good info to share. I agree with those who feel the system is worth saving. We have to dump fractional reserve central banking. We can start building an incredible technological infrastructure here and lead the world into peace and respect of our Earth. We have the money and the people if we eliminate the criminals. Let's go back to local food production. Dump the GMO's and food patents. Let's get rid of the silly government bloat. Bring our soldiers home. Stop building empires. Let's build and grow things here again! (not just tanks, missiles, guns, etc...) Stop feeling up little kids at the airports and sports games. Stop eavesdropping and illegal surveillance. Restore Earths natural power grid. Study Tesla and dump Edison. We can have free power for everyone from the electromagnetic field on Earth with NO meter. Spend some of our military budget on things that help people. Declassify things that we have but won't share with the "public" which could change the world for the better. Study Cannabis, DMT, LSD, etc... Every one of us has the power to achieve this and together we will make it happen. We ARE PEOPLE OF PEACE. WE WANT TO PROVIDE A FUTURE FOR OUR MOTHER EARTH AND OUR CHILDREN. FULL OF LOVE> Stop letting these nut jobs run our business. I am going to be out speaking my mind in peaceful protest. We are winning my friends. The more rational voices come into the conversation the more the tide will turn. I think some of Ron Paul's ideas are nuts but I still think he is the only one that respects the Bill of rights and States rights in the race for POTUS. That is why they delete him from the polls and say he can't win. Republicans hate him with a passion. They won't let him win. They have Herman Cain and a bunch of other shills to put in place. They are status quo to the T. We are going to shift the paradigms of this planet as long as we stay positive, educated, and together. It's a mess but I am still smiling and enjoying life! Get out, get vocal, do something, and KEEP IT PEACEFUL.:hi



Now that ya mention it , I Do have a few ,,,

A politician will do anything to keep his job - even become a patriot.
William Randolph

A fool and his money are soon elected.
Will Rogers

A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
Frank Lloyd Wright

All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.
Harry S. Truman

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Quincy Adams

America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.
Warren G. Harding

Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.
William E. Simon

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.
E. B. White

Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.

Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance.
William O. Douglas

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.
Winston Churchill

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
Milton Friedman

Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.
W. C. Fields

I do have a political agenda. It's to have as few regulations as possible.
Dan Quayle

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Will Rogers

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Barry Goldwater

If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
Emma Goldman

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
Louis D. Brandeis

If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.
Winston Churchill

If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.
Milton Friedman

In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.
J. William Fulbright

In most places in the country, voting is looked upon as a right and a duty, but in Chicago it's a sport.
Dick Gregory

Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.
Ronald Reagan

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.
John Larson

It is a measure of the framers' fear that a passing majority might find it expedient to compromise 4th Amendment values that these values were embodied in the Constitution itself.
Sandra Day O'Connor

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together.
Daniel Webster

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy

My brother Bob doesn't want to be in government - he promised Dad he'd go straight.
John F. Kennedy

Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Thanks everyone for the thread. Lot's of good info to share. I agree with those who feel the system is worth saving. We have to dump fractional reserve central banking. We can start building an incredible technological infrastructure here and lead the world into peace and respect of our Earth. We have the money and the people if we eliminate the criminals. Let's go back to local food production. Dump the GMO's and food patents. Let's get rid of the silly government bloat. Bring our soldiers home. Stop building empires. Let's build and grow things here again! (not just tanks, missiles, guns, etc...) Stop feeling up little kids at the airports and sports games. Stop eavesdropping and illegal surveillance. Restore Earths natural power grid. Study Tesla and dump Edison. We can have free power for everyone from the electromagnetic field on Earth with NO meter. Spend some of our military budget on things that help people. Declassify things that we have but won't share with the "public" which could change the world for the better. Study Cannabis, DMT, LSD, etc... Every one of us has the power to achieve this and together we will make it happen. We ARE PEOPLE OF PEACE. WE WANT TO PROVIDE A FUTURE FOR OUR MOTHER EARTH AND OUR CHILDREN. FULL OF LOVE> Stop letting these nut jobs run our business. I am going to be out speaking my mind in peaceful protest. We are winning my friends. The more rational voices come into the conversation the more the tide will turn. I think some of Ron Paul's ideas are nuts but I still think he is the only one that respects the Bill of rights and States rights in the race for POTUS. That is why they delete him from the polls and say he can't win. Republicans hate him with a passion. They won't let him win. They have Herman Cain and a bunch of other shills to put in place. They are status quo to the T. We are going to shift the paradigms of this planet as long as we stay positive, educated, and together. It's a mess but I am still smiling and enjoying life! Get out, get vocal, do something, and KEEP IT PEACEFUL.:hi


Thats too all that have contributed------

To those quoted above --- Thanx for the knowledge and positive reinforcement idealogy.

Ill b back to build on that Onespark-- but you hit it dead on the head.



Living dead girl
Its a good end game yet in order to get people to vote or in this case " to not vote" you must foster a knowledge or understanding at to what their actions may represent or directly cause.

Many would argue its the lack of voting and political ignorance on the masses part that lead in part to the mess we are in.

I personally see merit in both cases. I agree tho... if people had more personal integrity and respect that would be all we would need. the rest wouuld fall into suit.
I now refer to the US of A as one of two things--The United States of Amnesia, and the United States of Apathy.

We, as a whole, just don't care and can't be arsed.


Living dead girl
The protests in the streets are growing and soon the tide will turn and people will see that they dont need represention they can represent themselves. Own your self dont buy into the hype u dont need a leader.
Unfortunately, as long as the populace continues to refer to our REPRESENTATIVES as leaders, the paradigm has little hope of being shifted.


There indeed lies the conflict.

In Reality and from a Constitutional standpoint---Presidents, senators, Congressman/women .. are all PUBLIC SERVANTS. Now-a- days, Many and most regardless of age believe these people to be Leader's -- although they only lead us to slaughter both financially and physically.
The challenge lies in defining the Objective to people who live in an altered reality.

The objectives detail consists of understanding day to day life from a historical stand point and how it relates to our own Government. From there people must truly understand the few devices that enable them to . enjoy the freedoms we as Americans and all others in "Free Societies" enjoy.

Speaking strictly about America-- people need to understand the Constitution and Basic bill of Rights. From there its up to the individuals who posses knowledge and truth to foster that same understanding in the knowledge deficient individual-- which in American is a BIG BIG MASS OF PEOPLE.

Militarization or Mechanization is key-- in other words get people together, united and on the same team. Once the side is chosen-- The enemy is defined.


Living dead girl
Alias, GREAT post and I agree, however, I'm going to add the Declaration of Independence as another foundational legal document more native-born Americans should be familiar with.

Anyone here ever speak with someone who's had to earn their citizenship? They almost always know more about our country and history than the native-born.
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