Psicodelicia - indoor/outdoor combo grow.

  • Thread starter I_Love_THC
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Hello, friends! :)
I have one Psico and one Lost Coast OG from Emerald Triangle going right now. They are at day 5 and the OG has some smell - like every other strain I've grown, but the Psico doesn't. Could it be, mistaking the Psico seed with the other seeds I have - from my small breeding project to get the best fiber or is it the strain?
It's fast, but the Lost Coast OG is way more vigorous for now - it sprouted first, showed its self above the soil first, but I hope the Psico will catch up - I mean, it's only been five days, haha... Both sprouted fast - the OG took 31 hours, the Psico - 35.
But, I can see from now that the Psico is going to be taller - it stretched a bit, for some reason. They are now both under 2x30 watt blue CLFs and I hope I can give them 18/6 until the end of the first week of August and then put them outdoors to flower there... If they need more time, I can always take them back in and put them under 150 watt HPS + 110 watt CFLs...

Here's some info:
I put some high-P Guano and EWC to the soil and I give the plants only boiled water for now. I have some Humic Extract and Bio-Bloom from BioBizz for the flowering period. I also consider the option to get some palm-tree ashes, as the guys at Guanokalong say it makes a nice flowering stimulator, when combined with their Guano...
Any advice will be highly appreciated!
Here are two pics:

The Psico
Psicodelicia   indooroutdoor combo grow

The Lost Coast OG
Psicodelicia   indooroutdoor combo grow 2

I have some problems with the humidity - it's too low for now, never goes higher than 40% - any ideas if it's a problem?

Wish you lots of Love, friends!
I would love to get some help on the project.

Sweet Seeds

Hi mate!

Looking good :pimp:

I don't think the low humidity is a problem. The soil seems a bit moist and that's enough for them. Where do you measure the humidity? Near the plant? ..the soil? ...the light?

Keep it sweet, kind regards,



Well, since I'm using CFLs, the distance between the light-source and the plants is like 2-3cm, so I have 2 PC fans that are constantly blowing towards the bulbs... and that might make the air drier, hehe...
I'm measuring it on the level of the pot - right between the two pots, actually, hehe... I also mist them sometimes - as I put them outside when there is some wind, because it's been hot these days - 35-39 degrees C... so the soil is drying out very fast if they are outside, hehe...

I have some insect problems, btw - I have a bio and chem insecticide... and a homemade one - onion, red hot peppers and tobacco in 1,5l of water. It should be ready in another day or so, and in the meanwhile, I'm going to use the bio-insecticide... If it doesn't work - I guess I'll use the chem one, haha...

Oh, can you - or anybody else - recommend me something to keep the plants healthy and pest/disease-free? I'm thinking about that Leaf-Coat product - from BioBizz... Any other ideas?
Peace and Love!

Sweet Seeds

Hi again my friend!

Yes, with the bulbs that close to the plants and with the fans constantly blowing air towards them it is normal that the humidity stays low. No problem if plants can hidrate themselves with the humidity present on the soil ;)

I never used that Leaf-Coat, maybe it's good... I always use neem oil as a preventive and when I get insects (which is very rare, at least in the past 3 years) I have rotenona to try and get rid of them. But yes, if you can't get rid of them with bio products you can try a chem one, but only before they start flowering, as I'm sure you are aware of ;)

Good luck with them mate, peace and sweet smokes!!



Well, I took your advice and put on the 150w HPS bulb - let's hope they feel better under it and veg nicely, hehe...
I don't see any bugs right now, btw - let's hope they'll be gone. I now changed some things in the small improvised box (I am not using the previous one as it's not really too comfortable to do so right now) and let's hope for the best! I hope everything's gonna be alright and this run will not disappoint, hehe...

Well, I guess I'll update if there's anything interesting... and hopefully, there will be, hehe... What do you think of the veg time - you said sth about the 10th of August - is it about that time plants start flowering in Spain, Tommy? How's the climate there - I mean, we can't go more than 10-11 weeks of flowering here, mainly... At least not without interfering, that is, hehe...
See you later, hopefully!
Lots of Love, friend!

Sweet Seeds

Hi mate!

I'm not sure about the date your Psicodelicia will start flowering outdoors in your country. The 10th of August would be good and yes, in Spain they usually start flowering in the begining of August. I'm sure the HPS lighting will make the plants grow faster and with thicker stems. If you want them to finish as early as possible you may have to induce flowering when they grow a bit more, like some more 3 weeks of HPS growth with at least 16/8, and in 3 weeks it will be around the 10th of August. Then she would take around 8-9 weeks until she's ready, so harvest could be expected for mid october, more or less, depending on the hours of sunlight in your country ;)

Keep it sweet, big hug!!



Oh, it's usually a bit chilly here - October, haha - it's always less than 19 degrees C, so... I guess I'll just have to put it back in when it gets colder, haha - word-play... nvm that.
On the 10th of Aug it's gonna be 26 days of pre-vegetative and vegetative state, so... Let's hope they start vegging soon, for now - they're still in the pre-vegetative phase...
Hugs right back, Tommy!
Wish me luck,
Lots of Love from the THC Lover.


THC wheres the updates with pix?? I wanna see the GIRLS!!!


Ohh, HOW ARE YOU, my friend?! I'm so happy to see you haven't forgotten about me, hehe... and so sorry that I haven't been able to write you in such a long time...
I haven't even begin making the FAA yet - I bet this fact indicates by its self that I've been very busy or simply unable to... let's say live completely, hehe...
Well, as far as the girls are concerned - there hasn't been any big of a change - they're still in the pre-vegetative phase and I hope we'll see some five-pointed sets of leaves as soon as possible, hehe... Plus, my camera is broken and I only have the phone witch is not really preferred... But, I could show you a couple of pix later on today, friend... Man, do we have to catch up or what, haha? Send me PMs when get the time and desire - maybe we can chat a bit...
Many hugs coming your way, hehe... All the best, friend!
Peace and Blessings.
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

hello buddy:) looks like I am just in time for the show


Yay, nice to see you again, too - man, I've been so busy that I haven't had the time to share a few words with ya'll mates...
The show... well, it hasn't really started - let's hope I can bring the full potential of that Psicho, as I have deep respect for Sweet Seeds and their work... So, I wanted to pay a tribute, by trying one of their strains... I know it doesn't sound right, but I put my love into that strain, as our friend Tommy here has always been of a great help and I've come to like him and after that - get more familiar with their work... Maybe it's not much, but I am not that much of a material man, so I only have to offer positive vibes and love to you all!
I am a bit nervous - wish me luck with the grow, mates... :)
Peace and Love!


Well, here's an update, fellas!

Day 8



Lost Coast OG


A general view - just to see what's happening...


Sorry for not taking the pictures while the HPS is on, but I am using my phone, right now, so the pictures had black stripes on them, haha... That's why I used the CFLs.
The white spots are probably from the soap in the "bio"-insecticide I used and if it's not that - I hope it's from the water I'm using... and not thrips, haha...
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, so I don't really know why the leaves have this form, but it could be because of the bugs, who knows...

I am watering them whenever the soil gets dry - it's been like 3 days now and it's still very moist, so I guess it's retaining water very well... at least I hope it's a good thing, haha... I had planned to use FAA for the veg period, but I don't seem to have enough time to devote to it... and I wanted to make pictures and explain the whole process, so I guess it'll be later on...

Peace and Love, friends!

Sweet Seeds

Hi buddy!

They're looking good, thanks for the update! :hi

And don't worry about the spots, they're not going to kill them, so I'm sure they'll keep on growing anyway. Just keep an eye on their leaves in case some bugs come around...

Good luck with them, sweet regards!


Sweet Seeds

Oh... and I think you could get the bulb closer to the plants in a couple of days. Now it's ok to keep it that far away, so they have a few days do adapt to it, but after you can get it closer. A 150wHPS doesn't produce a lot of heat and can be only 12-15cm far away from the plants when they get to the 4th par of leaves.

Sweet smokes!



Cool - I hope the spots will vanish after some misting - at least once I can be sure that there are no bugs that is... They grew up quite a lot in one night, btw - it was surprising, hehe...
About the HPS - it is, after all, quite hot these days, so the temperature in the box itself is high and I've put a ventilator to cool the air around the lamp and the plants, but for now, the air-stream is too strong, so I can't lift them up too much. But, as you said, let's hope they'll have stronger stems and I'll be able to expose them more to the air-stream, thus - keep them closer to the light-source, hehe... And I'm sure that constant wind towards them will make them put aside more energy to strengthen those stems, huh?

In comparison with my previous grow with DP's Orange Bud, these girls both are way behind - on day 8, the OB had already began its 4th pair of leaves, but I guess there is always a variation - wouldn't know as this is only my second project, but I hope sharing my thoughts will result in discussion and sharing knowledge, hehe... I know it's only the veg period, but still - it's always nice to exchange info. :)

Peace and Love!


Hello again, friends-who-do-not-care-about-the-vegetative-state, haha...
This is an update from

.:: Day 12 ::.




Lost Coast OG



I still have some insect trouble - I guess I'm going to switch to the chemically derived insecticides... Not using any kind of fertilizer/additive for now - still, just plain water, but as you can see - they're both very vigorous... at least imvho...

Well, if you have any advice/questions - please share.
Peace and Love.


OK, we have some problems, friends... Can anyone tell me what I might be looking at here:




What do you think this could be? Is it something for me to worry about? Please, help, friends...
Peace and Love.


~Day 14~



Lost Coast OG​


A group-shot: The Psico on the left and the OG on the right​




beautiful plants, I would not worry for now, they seem very healty...

Sweet Seeds

Yep, I agree with DXTR ;)

They look really healthy, seems like they are very happy with all the love you give them :)

Don't worry about those spots, what's important is that the new leaves keep growing with vigour and health. But keep checking them for bugs constantly ;)

Stay cool, lots of peace and sweet smokes!

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