Psicodelicia - indoor/outdoor combo grow.

  • Thread starter I_Love_THC
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Nu Jerzey Devil

lol "I say this whilst smoking Psico"

Lovely Strain to grow and smoke, Defo a good change from the Usually Couch Lock. Infact after smoking Psico you will most likely find yourself looking for something to do. it makes the senses Heightened ;)


Well, thank you friends for your considerate words! :)
I doubt that the girls will swell up to the max, but I hope we'll have some beautiful and high-quality bud, witch I find more useful than huge, but not as tasty/potent/full-flavored ones, heheh...
I read a lot about boosters and I found a great article about it:

So far in my experience as a grower i have grown to notice the lack of faith in bloom boosting product. Finding that more people dont see a difference or dont see the logic behind it. But i must say taking some strains into account that this is a fatal mistake in the lack of potetial flower structure... Let me elaborate.

When using a bloom booster, you need to realize first what exactly is a bloom booster and what it is not. For example if we were to take some sweet leaf bloom STIMULANT and did a cross comparison growing a plant with only one of the two products, the other being Hammerhead PK 9-18, the Hammerhead plant would devastate the sweet leaf plant in terms of yeild, yes cmbining theese products can infact increase their effectivness by atleast 5 fold, the point here is what does the plant NEED. And not what the plant can USE and HOW it uses it. These little tidbits of information are not nesacary in the education of an up and coming grower. And are udder confusion.

Which brings me to the main point here. Marijuana plants enjoy an enviroment that they need to figure out what to do with all it has to work with, better than having just enough to work. So having said that, a bloom BOOSTER is what the plant needs simply because of the fact that you are giving it the available building blocks for heavier flowers. In this case, there are only a few things that are closly related in what they do and need to be figured out. Once you have this ratio, you are set, and no longer need to understand more or less, or what each peice does, learn what you NEED. With a bloom booster, you need namely Phosphorous and Potassium, you can also add more calcium and magnesium and iron, but these are less important in the structural formation of flowers in terms of overall size.

There is much speculation on what exactly is the proper ratio of P and K for a bloom booster through flowering and i have come to a conclusion that might just set you into a bit of cofusion. If you do your homework, commen bloom boosters contain a 1:1 ratio of P and K(i.e canna pk 13-14). Which has recently become under scrutiney from hydroponics nutrient manufactures for being an old form of boosting floral formation in large soil soybean and corn crops. And suggest the new ratio to be more 1:2. Like Advanced nutrients Hammerhead P/K 9-18, while they are correct that this ratio is more efficient in producing more structurally sound buds(solid bud formation thoughout a calyx cluster) They seem to lack a little bit of reasearch in the fluxuation of this ratio during the blooming phase. And when i say that i do not mean the dose, but the fact that if done properly, the use of a 1:1 ratio booster ALONG with a 1:2 booster will produce more substantial results than using one for the entirety of the flowering process. To explain ill will put it quite simple. The upping of potassium and lowering of phosphorous should be held off until mid to lat flowering(on an 8 week flowering strain, between weeks 4 and 5.) Why you ask? Because, i have found that phosphorous is no longer needed to potentiate flower structure at the rate it does in early to mid flowering(weeks 2-5) And that potassium needs to being increased more dramatically to induce the plumping and hardening of flowers.

This system can be ajusted for any strain. And this sytem will give you results. As a matter of fact using only of of the products at a steady rate from the second week of flower until flush will give you great results. I have posted this thread to ecplain to new comers what the big deal is about all these boosters. And i have done what i can here to help.

So, I thought I'd use more Guano and less palm-tree ashes until day 35 and after that, switch to higher doses of the palm-tree ashes and Humin (as my humic extract has a very high potassium level).
I thought I'd do this:
Tomorrow, I give only Bio-Bloom.
Then, the next feeding will be done only with Guano (high P and Ca).
After that - water.
Then, the last normal dose Guano, mixed with a normal dose Humin and a normal dose palm-tree ashes (high K and Mg).

After doing this, I give twice as much water as I'd normally give them and start raising the Humin dose along with moderate doses of the Guano and a little more frequent dose of the ashes (they say once every two weeks, but I'm planning on giving it every other week and flushing - they seem to love the flush).
What do you think? Please, share your tips/critiques and... help, hehe.
Thank you again for your kind words, friends!

Peace and Blessings.


Everything is looking Great! I cant wait to see how these are gonna end up! I was curious to see how tall they were before you flipped them in to flower with out the pot?


Thank you for stopping by, spicoli129! And, welcome to the Farm! Here's your first rep as a welcoming good will, hehe.

They are both about 79-81cm now and were about 35 before they were switched to 12/12 so they doubled in height, pretty much. The guys at Emerald Triangle said that their OG should be induced early to flower, but mine didn't stretch that much - still, I hope it's a good pheno, hehe.


Thanks for the response! I have three of them that I have been vegging for 27 days. I topped them, then topped all the branches, and the tops another time to maximize my yields. Mine are 9 inches tall and growing fast! I definetly have two different phenos, two grow very fast and vigorous, while the other is much slower. All are very healthy! I'm also doing three Royal Purple Kush from Emerald Triangle, and two Critical Sensi Star. The RPK only stretches 25% after inducing it in to flower so im trying to maximize the height on that before I switch!

I cant wait to see your next photos! your plants look awesome!


I will update within the next 25 hours as there is not much change, except for the many trichs that keep poppin' on the Psico, hehe...
I have like one 150w HPS and some CFL's for the lower branches, so I don't expect them to swell up too much, haha... Still, I hope it will be top grade sensimilla, as it seems both the Psico and the OG have big genetic potential.
I was thinking about training them, but I was also planning on taking them out and couldn't afford the extra vegging. I now regret it, as I couldn't take them out, haha - not a single fucking day, haha...
Oh, I forgot to mention:
There hasn't been a mistake with the days... The Moderator of the Bulgarian Forum deleted all my posts there, so the attachments also got deleted. So, I guess the Orange Bud is starting to get to me AND my memory, haha... Anyways - everything's OK now and I will update tomorrow...

Oh, hey - do you have any pics of your plants? Do you mind trowing in some info on your style - ferts/medium/light?
Thanks in advance, friend!

Peace and Good Luck!


I don't mind at all! I'm running 8 plants, 3 Lost Coast OG, 3 Royal Purple Kush, And 2 Critical Sensi Star. The Lost Coast OG, and Critical Sensi Star double to triple in transition to flower so they were topped multiple times, and will be in a tomato cage so I won't have to deal with as many stakes, and ties when they stretch. All 8 are in a 2ft 7in X 4ft 11in growlab tent. Im running 2 400w MH's for veg. I'll be switching to 2 430w Hortilux HPS for flower with 300w of LED over the OG's to help increase yield and potency. LED's are GREAT for trichomes!
I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and add 20% perlite to help add oxygen, and dry out faster so I can water more often. I go from a 4" pot to a 5 gallon Smart Pot.
I run Reverse Osmosis water, Ph'd to 6.2.
I run Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A/B + Voodoo Juice, B52, and Sensizym in veg.
In Flower I use Sensi Bloom A/B + Bd Ignitor, Big Bud, Carboload, Voodoo Juice, Overdrive, and Botanicare Sweet Raw.
I then Flush in the Final two-three weeks, first week with Final phase, second to end with Sweet Raw and Ph'd water.

I need to take some pictures so I'll upload them after I get them loaded onto my computer!


This is a picture from the 5th. I didnt take a picture before super cropping everything except the Royal Purple Kush's so it would be a very good picture.

I'll post another picture of them once they recover from the stress I put them through today.

In this Picture the two on the left are Critical Sensi Star, the L shape are untopped Royal Purple Kush, and the 7 shape to the right are the Lost Coast OG.

They have changed dramatically in the last 5 days! this isn't the best representation of them at this point. I lollipopped the bottom 3 pairs of nodes on the RPK, and supercropped the tops and tall branches of the CCS and LC OG.
DSC 0165


Heres a pic from the three days ago.

The left two are Critical Sensi Star, the L shape are the Royal Purple Kush, and the 7 shape to the right are the Lost Coast OG.

They've grown a lot since then I supercropped the CCS and LC OG. and lolli popped the RPK so I'm gonna wait for them to recover and I'll post an accurate picture if you want to see them up to date.
DSC 0041


I didn't realize I had to wait for a moderator to approve my post. I accidentally posted two separate pics with a similar write ups. Sorry for that! the second post will be the most current though!


Nice, man! I'm sure you'll have some monsters, hehe - with all that light, man - can't wait to see some pictures! But, I'm not a big fan of so many nutrients, simply because even a dialed product-line like BioCanna's or BiBizz's is usually more than enough, hehe... I've seen huge buds from friends and Farmers who use many different nutrients and from my experience, the less nutes one uses, the greater the quality of the finished bud is. If have the chance and desire, you could try some organic fertilizers - I've seen that there is a HUGE difference in terms of the flavor- and taste-bouquet of the finished product...
I have a saying that there is a difference between meeting genetic potential and mutation, haha - but that's just me being neurotic, so don't really mind it, friend. After all, that is just my opinion from my point of view and my point of view is not based on actual experience with most of the nutrients, but rather on things I've read in many books and the fact that I'm usually a huge fan of permaculture. Yes, I grow under artificial light, but I just can't really grow outside for now...
Anyway, I'm sure there will be a lot of quality sensimilla coming from your project, mate! I am eager to see your plants! You can post your pics anytime you want here, friend - as long as Tommy is OK with it, I guess.

If I could, I would definitely get more light, but... I simply cannot afford the bigger power bills and I'm growing only two plants - just enough bud to get me through until the next harvest, hehe...
Peace and big hugs!


No offense taken! I've grown all organic before, and the problem is that generally, not always but most the time organic bud doesn't have the bag appeal like a lot of the chemical ferts. I smoke mine, but I also supply local MMJ clubs in my area. and unfortunately people want bag appeal more than quality, and final taste. I grew some Beautiful Super Silver Haze and Purple Kush all organic. The smoke was great! But when I took it to the clubs they compared it to some Fire OG that crackled from chemical nutes and expected mine to have equal trichome production.

I don't ever use full strength on my nutrients, and flush for up to 21 days at the end, and cure properly so the ash burns to a light grey/white. I always try to flush out as much of the crappy chemicals as possible.

I tried posting a picture twice without any luck. I added a picture from 10 days ago, the day I up potted and put them under the 400w lights from a 125w cfl, and one from three days ago. They've grown a lot since then, but I super cropped them tonight so I'm gonna wait to take new pictures until they recover from the stress. Check em out when you get a chance! :)


@Day 31 of 12/12


Day 31 010

Day 31 013

Day 31 019

Day 31 020

Day 31 025

! Lost Coast OG !

Day 31 011

Day 31 014

Day 31 017

Day 31 023

Day 31 026

As you can see, the Psico is behind with the fattening up, but is frosting up really nicely! It seems as if the Psico is going to produce a little bit more than half of the OG, but it does feature much more trichs... Anyways - I can't really say anything for now - maybe the Psico will swell up in the last few weeks, hehe... For now, they seem healthy and except for those few leaves on Psico's top, everything's fine. The stems have that color probably from the temps - at night it's about 20C and during the day, up to 25C... I don't know - they don't seem to be hungry, right?

Well, friend - it sucks if you wanna use organics and have to use chems, just because other growers have lowered the quality requirements... I don't know if the reason for your plants to be less covered with trichs is actually the ferts, because trichome production is also a quality-related factor... So, maybe you just needed to dial your organics better. I'm sure there are people out there, using exactly the same ferts as me, only using them better, haha... Is it easier with the chems? I think it should be easier - just gotta have the money and keep EC, Ph, etc. under control and use whatever you like better? I have never used chems and that's why I'm asking. I mean, I don't even have a Ph-meter, let along EC-meter. I only measure temperature and monitor humidity. If it's too high, I put the fan on level 3, if it's low - I let the fan at 2 and take the light a few cm upwards, hehe...
I'm sure there shouldn't be a problem uploading photos, but maybe you gotta become a Farmer, instead of being a Trial User, donno, friend. Still - I'll be waiting for those pics! :)

Peace and Love.


Nu Jerzey Devil

When you are trying to grow Big Stinking Ass buds with loads of trich's on them, then Nutes or Boosters play there Part but it is a very small part when you compare it to other things which help get better Production ;)

Getting your Environment spot on is one of the Most important Factors
The other one I play about with is....... Getting the DO (dissolved oxygen) content of your nutrient solution Correct or getting more DO to the Root Zone

Getting the above Spot On will help you increase your production



Thank you for your tips, mate!
I am well prepared when it comes to the theory part, haha - there is not doubt that environment is the first and most important thing for a bountiful harvest, hehe.
Still, if may throw in a few words about DO... Yes, there is a minimum of the oxygen needed for robust growth, but studies have been very clear that there is also a maximum, above witch there is no improvement in the growth rate and the higher you go, more and more risk factors will appear. What I'm saying is, that it should be kept in mind that nothing too much will make our plants better - just like boosters, ferts, CO2, etc. - nothing more.
So, this is very useful if one already has problems with the available oxygen for the roots, like having it under the minimum, hehe. I use Humic extract - it helps me keep the anaerobic/aerobic balance in the soil as well as keep that CO2 and other C-based compounds on a bit higher levels, hehe. No matter what I do, there will be no real noticeable improvement, unless I solve my biggest problem...
And, my biggest problem is the lighting... If I had 400w HPS, they'd be twice as big right now. The more I worry, the more I see that I'm doing fine, given the poor lighting, haha...
DO is advanced - wanna share anything else? Exchange some info - I've read many books, haha...

Oh, let's not forget why I actually came here, haha... I WILL HAVE SEEDS, yay! Haha - it seems as if the Lost Coast OG really was a hermie or has hermied on me really soon, donno. I checked both plants, but didn't find any male clusters - still, there are some seeds forming up, hehe... I don't know whether I should be happy or not - if I'm right and there are male sacks, that means that there could be a seed that's Lost Coast OG x Psicodelicia - only, I donno witch one of them is a hermie... I am prone to thinking that it's the OG, as I have never seen anyone complaining about hermies at Sweet Seeds, haha... I'm still planning on keeping them until harvest, though - any advice on what I should do in such situations? As I said, it's only my second run and one can't understand everything just from books and the Internet, hehe - so, please... ANY advice/critique will be very welcome!

Thanks again for the info, Nu Jerzey Devil!
Peace and Blessings.


Oh, I almost forgot some things. I am currently making my own compost - it's got some 1-year-old cow manure, some alfalfa, straw, and anything from the kitchen: watermelon excess, egg-shells, old tomatoes, etc. I hope it will be ready after the winter, hehe...
I also have a question - what do you think of adding sugar to the solution/water? Or should I check for fructose, if it's better? I am also making some nettle-extract right now and I also have a kelp/algae extract almost ready, too. I tried it, actually - works fast. The nettle-extract will be ready by the end of the month, hopefully - just in time for the last 2 weeks before flush - exactly when I was planning on using it.
What do you think - should I wait until about the end of week 8 (day 56) to flush them and give them water until harvest? Or is it too early to think of that?

Peace and Love.

Nu Jerzey Devil

Your concerns about DO: There is a maximum and minimum to most things in growing, it is finding the Balance or sweet spot that makes for successful growing.

I grow in 3 different mediums, I started in soil, but I would only add Bat guano to soil. tbh I feel that Grotty enough. Sorry but home made composts and Manures are not my thing soz I cant not advice you there

there are a few different ways to gain more knowledge about growing, I tend to stay away from Studies or Books as they are usually out dated and there techniques, findings ect have advanced since they were published ;)

I am sure this web site and its Members have alot of good info and advice
why not try looking over a few Soil growers diary who you regard as being Really good and learn tips off them

Lovely pics by the way, I only posted at first as I thought you were looking for pointers

Anyways atb in your search for knowledge and with your grow ;)


Oh, did I hurt your Ego, friend? I did not mean to - although I really don't find Ego too useful, haha.
Anyways, I still am looking for pointers, hehe. I read almost everything in the Farm. I disagree with you on books, as I've invested a solid time in reading like a motherfucker. Yes, there are old books, but there are new ones and some of them, if not most of them, usually have at least one questionable conception - it is inevitable! People used to believe that synthetic Nitrogen was very good for the soil, as it feeds bacteria, witch is living on Nitrogen, haha. Well, now we know that the exact process is nothing like that - we know that there are predator-microorganisms in the soil that feed on a particular type of bacteria/fungi. When only the ones that need N are being fed, then only they prosper and everything else simply dies. After a certain time, even the living bacteria is bound to die off, as synthetic N doesn't help them multiply, just to grow on size and when the fed population comes to the end of its cycle (or they run into said predator-microorganisms), nothing replaces them for a long time, haha...
Also, I'm looking to bring out the taste AS MUCH as possible - I have Guano and EWC mixed with the soil. I use only organic ferts and in that number is also Humin. If you think about it, I've replaced everything that a normal farmer would use for a particular purpose with a product or a mix of products that has also another purpose, other than what other farmers are aiming for - that is not yield, appeal or anything else - it is taste, haha... Here's a list of what I'm using. Every component is usually said to bring out the taste more, so I decided to go with all of them and figure out a way to use them for multiple purposes, other than improving/bringing out the natural taste of the herb.

Guano - High P (fungi)
Palm-tree Ashes - High K (overall); combined with Guano you get a booster (1:1, classic booster like Canna's PK:13/14)
Humin - High K (overall, but mostly bacteria); combined with the Guano at a lower dose and palm-tree ashes, I get another booster (1:2, new formula like Hammerhead PK:9-18)
EWC - combined with Humin, I get a vitalizer, hehe.

No way to beat the quality of organically grown herb, mate - no way, haha. Flushing, molasses, etc. - that is not the herb's smell and taste. Soma even claimed that when using fertilizers, whatever kind of a chemical fertilizer one uses, even after a flush, it stays present on a cellular level on one can't just flush it away like that, haha - I totally agree. Also, when using only organic fertilizers, if one has a dialed diet, maybe there could be nothing present from the use of a fertilizer, as it has all turned into organic and degradable matter - usually, plant's matter, haha...
Still, thank you for your kind words! Can you tell me what atb means? And what's going on with your harvest? Did you chop or?
Peace and Love.

Sweet Seeds

Hi friends!

Nice to see you changing ideas about growing, I'm a bit tired of being always me and someone else, hehehhe, so it's a pleasure to have 2 "independent" growers with such a nice debate ;) Oh, and I_Love_THC, the "ego" thing as to be a misunderstanding, that's for sure. I know Nu Jerzey Devil for quite a while (we even met personally in Amsterdam a couple of months ago) and I can tell you that this is the style he always use. I'm really sure that he wasn't even a little bit pissed off when he wrote that post, hehehe, but that's what we have about internet, as we don't see other people's faces sometimes misunderstandings can happen :pimp:

Now, lets go to what really matters... Your plants are really beautiful mate, I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruits you'll get out of those beauties. And the quality of the pics is really surprising me, you also are a very good photographer and I can see some improvment as time goes by ;) I hope the issue with the seeds in the "non-Sweet Seeds" plant is just a case of a couple of seeds per bud. Oh, and when you don't find any "bananas" it usually means the "bananas" are formed inside the bud itself so I kinda doubt the polen came from the Psicodelicia, but I don't like to say I'm sure when I'm not, so...

Keep it high my friend, I'll keep passing by to see how they finish :hi

Peace n´sweet smokes! :friday:


Nu Jerzey Devil


Yes Tommy ;) think some wires have been crossed somewhere

I do not know everything about growing and have never claimed too, I told you the experience I did have and tried to advise you like you asked. I answered as honestly and as sensibly as I could.... I guess I was wrong, Anyways.....

All the Best (atb) on your Quest for knowledge my friend ;)

Hope you have some Sweet Smokes..... Peace
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