Ron Paul speaks out about marijuana

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I'd vote for him... he is at least his own person and not a puppet like Obama or Bush.

Plus, he has some very valid points.


Sounds like a politician with common sense and some compassion for the people...the rarest kind of politician there is.


The Civil War was about States rights vs Federal rights. If something isn't done could lead to that again.


RP disappoints me greatly. Why did he not speak out when he was not allowed on televised debates? Why not speak out and tell us last year, that we were in a rigged election? He had a huge following, and had he chosen to break the dam of oppression there would have been a tidal wave of support right behind him.

What also disappoints me is when people even bring up politicians and weed, as if their views on weed has anything to do with anything. Way more important stuff out there, the pot it not going anywhere so why don't we forget about legal pot and just act like it is something normal, like we do already.


His son is running for Senate now!

Sounds like a politician with common sense and some compassion for the people...the rarest kind of politician there is.

Speaking of rare, I just found out his son is now running for the Senate seat that Bunning was pushed out from in KY --my opinion is that this was directly related to Bunning being an outspoken critic of the federal reserve and the fact that he voted against the banker bailout. I'd hate to see him replaced by typical banker-boot-licking politician. Rand is pretty much identical to his father position wise. There is a donation "moneybomb" day setup for him on his father's birthday (Aug. 20th).

Pledge site for donations:
Rand's website:
Great article on their tactics and support he has gathered:

This is how we will take back our country non-violently, one good candidate at a time.


RP disappoints me greatly. Why did he not speak out when he was not allowed on televised debates? Why not speak out and tell us last year, that we were in a rigged election?

IDK, I recall him speaking out about it, he was only left out of a single debate. They tried to force him out of the other debates, but caved-in due to overwhelming outrage from his supports. And he continually said and still says there is no difference between the parties. How far do you want him to go?


Yea, but the problem is that he is still a politician.. They all speak of the things they say they are going to do but once in office they realize that they cannot make good on their promises....


Good video post, I like Dr.Pauls approach as a Liberty issue on canna it goes beyond medical. He knows folks consume anyways and that prison isnt the place for marijauna users.

On so many levels it is wrong for it to be illegal. Individual health and property rights are just 2. I see no way you can harm anyone else; what you do to your body and in the privacy in your home should be no ones business.


Yea, but the problem is that he is still a politician.. They all speak of the things they say they are going to do but once in office they realize that they cannot make good on their promises....

Well, I would call him a statesman instead. But he's been busy plugging away for 20yrs at it now. This year is the first time he has gotten any support as well. His audit the fed bill now has every single republican sign-on as a co-sponsor and 1/3 of the democrats in the house. The winds are shifting, it is up to the citizens to put the pressure on them. Speaking of which, might be a good idea to call your congressman and ask them to co-sponsor the Hemp farming bill. It is a tough one to argue against.


RP disappoints me greatly. Why did he not speak out when he was not allowed on televised debates? Why not speak out and tell us last year, that we were in a rigged election? He had a huge following, and had he chosen to break the dam of oppression there would have been a tidal wave of support right behind him.

What also disappoints me is when people even bring up politicians and weed, as if their views on weed has anything to do with anything. Way more important stuff out there, the pot it not going anywhere so why don't we forget about legal pot and just act like it is something normal, like we do already.

I suggest you read The Revolution: A manifesto by Dr. Ron Paul. Ron Paul is an extraordinary Individual. He is a rare human being and an even rarer politician. The simple fact that he cannot be bought by special interests; coupled with his fervent defense of individual liberty, makes him very special in my eyes. He is alot more than a politician; he is a defender of true liberty, a real champion of the people. I quote Ron Paul now "Liberty once again must become more important to us than the desire for security and material comfort. Personal safety and economic prosperity can only come as the consequence of liberty. They cannot be provided by an authoritarian government... The foundation for a police state has been put in place, and it's urgent we mobilize resistance before it's too late... Central planning is intellectually bankrupt – and it has bankrupted our country and undermined our moral principles. Respect for individual liberty and dignity is the only answer to government force, force that serves the politically and economically powerful. Our planners and rulers are not geniuses, but rather demagogues and would-be dictators -- always performing their tasks with a cover of humanitarian rhetoric... The collapse of the Soviet system came swiftly and dramatically, without a bloody conflict... It came as no surprise, however, to the devotees of freedom who have understood for decades that socialism was doomed to fail... And so too will the welfare/warfare state fail... A free society is based on the key principle that the government, the president, the Congress, the courts, and the bureaucrats are incapable of knowing what is best for each and every one of us... A government as a referee is proper, but a government that uses arbitrary force to direct every aspect of society threatens freedom... The time has come for a modern approach to achieving those values that all civilized societies seek. Only in a free society do individuals have the best chance to seek virtue, strive for excellence, improve their economic well-being, and achieve personal happiness... The worthy goals of civilization can only be achieved by freedom loving individuals. When government uses force, liberty is sacrificed and the goals are lost. It is freedom that is the source of all creative energy. If I am to be your president, these are the goals I would seek. I reject the notion that we need a president to run our lives, plan the economy, or police the world... It is much more important to protect individual liberty and privacy than to make government even more secretive and powerful."

"Truth is treason in the empire of lies" R.P......Taken from The Revolution: a Manifesto


He's a nut job with some very questionable supporters and motives.
Freedom is something really hard to accept to those who enjoy being enslaved or have succumbed to tyrants.

That piece was written November 14, 2007 in an attempt to derail the campaign from the main topic at hand the Fed Reserve. Those that adhere the basic tenants of the constitution are lights years ahead of those who even question the thought of individual freedom.

The very ones who cry suppression are normally the first to supress others its an old media trick. Walden is a commie I would rather have 100 Dukes over him. Aleast thier honest and make no bones about who they are.


ron paul is the only politician i have ever felt really NEEDS to be in office. he will save this country and revert it back to our founding principles. this country is run by corporations, and its extremely out of hand and 100% corrupt.


Reel look at it this way as a prison yard. Groups seperate themselves in the gulag & in the so-called free world. If wanna be gay go be gay over there, if you be a junkie hang w/ junkies, wanna keep to yourself do that, you wanna join a gang then do all can be done without invading someones private space or interupting ones culture or way of thought and life. I dont know why folks feel the must push everyone together because it will never happen...what we all have in common in life in the usa is Death & Taxes. Ron Paul promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all individuals. He believes in minding his own business in other countries affairs ending useless wars that have nothing to do with American Souverginty.

Duke hasnt done the sheet gig in near 20 years. When Duke ran for president there were more mexicans that voted for him than whites in the state of Tx. Reason was because they went thru the long hard road to citizenship and they knew that having an open border thier replacments from south of the border would undercut and replace them. Duke was in support of enforcing our borders and the enviroment much like Ron Paul. I think both recognize that big corps are the villians here and not so much the border jumpers...I mean you cant blame someone for wanting a better way of life but Not at the expense of those Citizens already here.

Let me just add if you want hybrids fine but nothing wrong with preserving a land race strain now either. Culture & Hertiage are the same why destroy it


(organizer) I campaigned for him very hard spending weekend after weekend getting info out there and talking with folks. To win is a goal but I think the overall campaign was a success in several ways.

1. Both sides of the of the 2 major parties showed their true colors and showed that they are much the same on a national and local level. NFL and the AFL play the same game just as these politicians do when elected they see how fast they can spend your money and money that hasn’t been created yet by future generations. All being manhandled by an agency that has no accountablity and is not subject to being audited (fed reserve) which isnt even federal,lol

2. The media lost all creditability during the campagin and showed their agenda also but what can you expect from a bunch of descendants of communist who now promote monolithic capitalism? Actors and mouth pieces for the govt FCC doesnt matter if it cnn or fox or any others they are controlled by script.

These politicans idea of free trade isn’t free trade at all if that was the case farmers wouldn’t be paid not to farm while we import crops that can be grown here and exported. America is turning into a services industry that produces nothing or gives no allowance to true inovation that built this country.

Now all we (usa) export is cardboard to china so they can send us more crap that came from in the very same boxes.


I guess one shouldn't be surprised to find a bunch of Ron Paul supporters here, yet it is still amazing given the level of delegitimizing the media pushed on his campaign and supporters. I agree with Liberty Seed that his campaign was very successfully, even if he didn't win; but we all knew it was a really longshot anyways. If anything hopefully we can continue to push the freedom ideology onto the now weakened Republican party.

So I gather at least some of you are planning on donating to his son's campaign for Senate? And spreading the word about it?

ReelBusy1: Ron Paul is no racist and neither am I or any of the hundreds of his supporters I have worked with personally. Smearing through association is one of the oldest tactics, it works; but it fails the logic test.

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