Scare Tactics: DEA Chief Terrified of State Marijuana Legalization

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@caregiverken - the young ones who think that way are simply getting it passed along from their parents....
My wife is completely against it and in a long conversation this weekend I asked "so if it is totally legal for me to participate... Will you still be against it? To my surprise she said no... We shall see...!


Fear Not!
Yeah, LegalGrow The lie is unraveling fast now...



Fear Not!
I hear you Sea, But I think those folks are coming around.
Our government has been lying to us and most of them realize that now
Hopefully more will wake up soon!


Fear Not!
I just want to know what those people say is the reason it should stay a schedule 1 drug?


Fear Not!
Try livin' in the Bible belt, Ken. It's only a little bit north of you.

Teach your children well and alla dat, right? ;)
Your Bible belt neighbors don't believe it has any medical benefits at all??


Living dead girl
I hear you Sea, But I think those folks are coming around.
Our government has been lying to us and most of them realize that now
Hopefully more will wake up soon!
You mean the same folks who think that you don't have the right to name and marry your next of kin if you're both the same sex...? Those folks?
I just want to know what those people say is the reason it should stay a schedule 1 drug?
Ah, the circular argument used is spectacularly idiotic. Their reasoning goes as follows, "The government has placed it as a Sched. I drug, and it's illegal, therefore it's bad and should stay a Sched. I drug and illegal. Because it's illegal. That's usually the reasoning. Others will point to kids in college who, according to them, sat around the tv drooling after smoking a joint. Therefore, it should be a Sched. I drug. Because it's illegal."

See where I'm going with this? I have not found a way to counter that kind of argument, it's impossible.
Your Bible belt neighbors don't believe it has any medical benefits at all??
There are some who do, and many who don't.


Try livin' in the Bible belt, Ken. It's only a little bit north of you.

Teach your children well and alla dat, right? ;)

This might be why Dave thinks so many young people think like they do.
I'm in the opposite of the bible belt with kids ranging from 22 to 28 and the vast majority of their peers are for legalization. Just depends where your from i mom has come full circle in the last 5 years.she is 75 and used to be totally against pot.


Ah, the circular argument used is spectacularly idiotic. Their reasoning goes as follows, "The government has placed it as a Sched. I drug, and it's illegal, therefore it's bad and should stay a Sched. I drug and illegal. Because it's illegal. That's usually the reasoning. Others will point to kids in college who, according to them, sat around the tv drooling after smoking a joint. Therefore, it should be a Sched. I drug. Because it's illegal."
See where I'm going with this? I have not found a way to counter that kind of argument, it's impossible.

Very frustrating, Sea because this is not a moral issue at all...

I suggest you ask those folks about the difference between illegal, and immoral. Make them explain themselves. Ask a ton of questions. Give them time to answer.

When they are done, remind these self righteous folks that it was illegal to worship Jesus at various points throughout history...punishable by death. Ask them if worshipping their god during those periods became an immoral act because it was deemed illegal by the authorities in power at that time. They will start chasing their asses, because there is so much contradictory language in the bible, and throughout history, about this very issue.

From another site (not my words):

-Christianity stresses obedience to the civil authorities, so illegality itself becomes a moral issue.
Romans 13

-1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience' sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

-That being said, I think "morality" is a bit of a vague, and not very useful, term. However, I understand the point that legality and morality are not equivalent terms. Just because the law allows something does not mean that it is not sinful, and just because the law forbids something does not mean it is necessarily sinful, etc. If a certain act that is not inherently sinful is forbidden by law, I suspect that committing the act in disobedience to the law renders the act sinful unless the committing of the act was necessary in order to obey the commands of Christ.

They can't agree among themselves Sea, so don't expect them to agree with you. :)

Are you familiar with the book Drug Crazy by Mike Gray? Excellent read....


Dave hires a lot of these young people, Dave doesn't "think" this, it's a fact. We're not 'from' here, we live here. :)

I live here to :) and I hire young men every my outdoor biz they don't seem to last very long either lol.i get guys and sometimes girls from friends of my daughter's. And when they were growing up we let them have friends over all the time even small parties, it's better here to keep an eye on them wife ran a youth group for the church for those 20 some years our kids went kids can be more well behaved for 5he most part but some are just bad kids from bad parenting.
But it's the voting population that has turned for the good when it comes to pot laws and i do believe as time goes by these kids will vote more in our favor not less.just as we are now and they are our children ;)
but i do think there all lots of us here that know kids and teens as well as Dave might.sounds like cali kids believe what cali says guns are bad government is good lol.michigan kids love their hunting and guns.and i think they will someday vote to save those rights and free the weed, least i hope so.


Living dead girl
Let's hope.

@ftwendy -- I'm keeping that in a document if you don't mind. I wasn't raised with any religion other than a vaguely Christian/Catholic affiliation, so I can't go and quote verse and such. Thank you.


I wasn't raised in a churchy home, either Sea.... found most of that when I searched 'illegal vs immoral' and came onto a site of religious -types debating the same issue. That's where the Romans 13 quote came from. Glad you found it helpful.

Mike Gray's book is full of excellent arguments. Can't recc it enough.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

I will be for the legalization of when cannabis is looked at as a natural resource, not a drug... All this hype for years of the legalization of pot so everyone can smoke freely... thank god we are finally paying attention to the medical benefits of.

- I think we should step away from the recreational uses of mmj, its not working.
-we should focus on the many benefits of hemp:
-medicinal properties
-health properties
-fuel source
-domestic needs; clothes, paper, fabric - compare hemp to the crops of cotton and trees, look @ how much water it takes for one crop, the land, the time it takes for harvest, and the damage these crops do to our eco system.

In my perfect little world, the US would focus on medical patients with needs. Find a system with maybe a bit tighter sanctions on qualities of medicine and possibly the proper liscensing of mmj cultivators. I feel that it is unethical to legalize it medically, but let the growers who supply mmj to patients use whatever chemicals,pesticides,fungicides they want w/o having the proper knowledge of their own products. There is no liscensing or permits that focus on the education of growers, which is allowing any schmuck to pick up a couple bottles of this and that and grow a plant that can be more harmful than beneficial. - this would also weed out the market saturation of mmj and hopefully would bring back the proper pricing of mmj.. (thats my greedy side of this theory:jimlad:)
So im for medicinal legalization on a bigger scale with tighter regulations and the ability to utilize hemp as a natural resource >>cash crop:D - this might just lead to a healthier planet:pompus:


But how can the DEA really think that kicking in your door, killing your dog in front of the kids, harassing your family or even killing you for growing and smoking a plant in your own home.

This is just part of the big picture as to way its not legal. this is the reason why
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