Second Outdoor Grow

  • Thread starter GoldNBoy
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Forecasts for this weekend are saying high of 40° & low of 30°, with an 80% chance of snow. Had planned a trip to the dinosaur tracks, but I'm not much in the cold, anymore. Maybe we'll go Friday, just to beat the weather.
To prepare the garden, I'll have my work cut out for me. I'll dome the Kona Chem. The MOT in the lick tub will need wheels. I hope to back fill three of the holes I've dug, and plant a few beans directly on top. These will be my black out crop, along with three in tubs. Their placement will be only 2' from my privacy fence. This will give them shelter from most summer storms, and will be much easier to cover each evening.
I am hoping to get a cut or two from a friend. He has a super skunk, one of my favorites from back in the day. I know it is a huge producer here, and it's a good stone every time. It's large stature has left me replotting my map of the garden. He also has a Bubba kush mother.
Another guy has some northern lights beans, and said he'd pop a few for me. This will give me a late option. I will take cuts, to go in tubs. Going outside after the blackouts are done, and greenhouse them late in the season.
Having more options is a good thing, when you want a little variety, but still want to keep it legal.
The mendelberry seems to be almost ready to up pot, again. I had hoped to put her in the ground, but it's early yet. The 2.5 gallon pot she's in is over half garden dirt. She has a healthy appetite.


Forecasts for this weekend are saying high of 40° & low of 30°, with an 80% chance of snow. Had planned a trip to the dinosaur tracks, but I'm not much in the cold, anymore. Maybe we'll go Friday, just to beat the weather.
To prepare the garden, I'll have my work cut out for me. I'll dome the Kona Chem. The MOT in the lick tub will need wheels. I hope to back fill three of the holes I've dug, and plant a few beans directly on top. These will be my black out crop, along with three in tubs. Their placement will be only 2' from my privacy fence. This will give them shelter from most summer storms, and will be much easier to cover each evening.
I am hoping to get a cut or two from a friend. He has a super skunk, one of my favorites from back in the day. I know it is a huge producer here, and it's a good stone every time. It's large stature has left me replotting my map of the garden. He also has a Bubba kush mother.
Another guy has some northern lights beans, and said he'd pop a few for me. This will give me a late option. I will take cuts, to go in tubs. Going outside after the blackouts are done, and greenhouse them late in the season.
Having more options is a good thing, when you want a little variety, but still want to keep it legal.
The mendelberry seems to be almost ready to up pot, again. I had hoped to put her in the ground, but it's early yet. The 2.5 gallon pot she's in is over half garden dirt. She has a healthy appetite.

hey i have gone on a dino dig before. heh. i had a lot of fun.. i volintear for some dino dig.. heh.. free beer and food, so what the hell.. and lots of cute science chicks back in the day this would of been like 95, laughs.

sounds like you have a plan for shade.. man its hotter than hell here and you getting snow.. fuck we are doomed like the dinos. laughs.

hope you have a great night my friend.



hey i have gone on a dino dig before. heh. i had a lot of fun.. i volintear for some dino dig.. heh.. free beer and food, so what the hell.. and lots of cute science chicks back in the day this would of been like 95, laughs.

sounds like you have a plan for shade.. man its hotter than hell here and you getting snow.. fuck we are doomed like the dinos. laughs.

hope you have a great night my friend.

The plan was to go to Picketwire Canyon, and ride up to a place where dinosaurs left tracks in the mud, which became stone. But, with snow coming & much to do, I probably won't make it.


The plan was to go to Picketwire Canyon, and ride up to a place where dinosaurs left tracks in the mud, which became stone. But, with snow coming & much to do, I probably won't make it.

yeah id wait for the snow to melt. hah.

it will be triple digits today.. sigh. and no river near by
even if i was mobile.

have a fantastic day sir.


Been busy. 500 square feet is almost ready. I need 2 more loads of red sand, and a load of horse crap. Fish guts are frozen, but I'll put them out in the sun today.
Woke to a howling wind. When I looked out, I noticed the lights were on. Timer must have reset when the power went out in the last windstorm. Oops.
The tall Kona Chem was a male, as suspected. With a MOT & a Gordon Lightfoot that look male, I'm popping a few more beans. More than likely, I screwed myself, by going cheap on lights. But, I'm still planning to go from seed in every hole. I'll take cuts, from the females I have access to. That way I'll have replacements, at least one of each.
The city's water tanker just pulled up to the tower. That's not good news. Usually means their about to treat our water, and it'll be a week before it's usable again.
Gotta go fill my tank.


I put some molasses in a cup of hot water, and stir it up. Add it to a gallon of rain water, and a splash of whole milk. The mendelberry loves it. Maybe if I feed her more, I'll be able to keep her in a 2.5 gallon pot for 2 more weeks.


I put 2 beans in wet paper towel method of each: mendelberry, mother of Thor, Gordon Lightfoot kush & Kona Chem. At twelve hours a Kona Chem had emerged. But, I totally spaced it out. I forgot to bring my dirt inside. Doing that now.


I put 2 beans in wet paper towel method of each: mendelberry, mother of Thor, Gordon Lightfoot kush & Kona Chem. At twelve hours a Kona Chem had emerged. But, I totally spaced it out. I forgot to bring my dirt inside. Doing that now.

good morning. mother of thor sounds kick ass hah.
hope the weather improves your way.


good morning. mother of thor sounds kick ass hah.
hope the weather improves your way.
The MOT is an unknown, for me. When Mendel comes back, I'll ask him about it. They are a bit harder to germ, but appear to be a hardy strain. The first male pheno is a small round leaf, the second & the lick pot are both more elongated. So, the first one intrigues me. I've been seeing what kind of abuse it can withstand. Thirst, starvation, extreme temperatures, wind and breakages... He's tough. It showed sex early, which is a plus in my book. Went twice as long without water as I'd dare with my girls. Watered it (finally), with straight cold tap water, on the hottest day so far. No light supplement, and I've waited until 9am to put him out, and brought him in early, just to screw with his clock. The 2.5 he's in is 7/8 garden clay and 1/8 used miracle gro potting soil & sand mix from last year's strawberries. (Strawberries died after spider mites invaded.) I added diatomaceous earth to the soil, and put a little at the base of the plant. Yes, I purposely exposed him to a known pest in these parts, with minimal defenses. When it withstood 30+ MPH wind, I broke a branch, just to see the reaction. The hanging branch has reached up to level with the break, and has new leaves.
The other males are late to show, and thus, haven't been as abused. My goal is to take a single cut of each strain, and pollinate one branch with each male, except 2 for it's matched strain. I'll isolate them, and bud them out early.
Mother (actually Father) of Thor
Kona Chem
Gordon Lightfoot kush
Same as above, plus,
Gorilla glue
Super skunk
Northern lights
Bubba kush
This one run will give me more than I need I'm sure. I'm really not doing this for me, though. A couple old friends are anti internet, banks or anything they can't smoke first. This will help them out.


I'll keep the four extra straight run branches, and a few of each of the others, just in case. That will give the guys 32 flavors to choose from. All they have to do, is bud them out.
***males are currently castrated, and isolated.***


One Kona Chem bean is over an inch in 24 hours, and now in a solo cup, with straight garden soil.
A GLK & mendelberry cracked as well, also in cups. 3/8 in 24 hours... Not bad.


Dabbling in Oil
Well, at 36 hours both Mother of Thor have emerged. So, it's 5/8, so far. Paper towels seem to be the easiest method, by far.
Ive used jiffy root plugs that come in the big black tray with the lid for years and get near 100% germ rate. You just put a few of them in a saucer of water until they swell up and put the seed on top and gently squeeze the plug to cover the seed, works great. After the seed pops just put the whole plug in a cup of dirt to keep from having to water so often.


Ive used jiffy root plugs that come in the big black tray with the lid for years and get near 100% germ rate. You just put a few of them in a saucer of water until they swell up and put the seed on top and gently squeeze the plug to cover the seed, works great. After the seed pops just put the whole plug in a cup of dirt to keep from having to water so often.
I did this. 7/8 popped & went into pellets, but the weather was tremendous. 60 mph winds knocked out power, and killed my dollar store fan. Within 48 hours all 7 were dead.
The 3 gg4 cuts that survived from last year, were "ready to take cuts." I go over there, and bring the stuff to take 50 cuts. I needed 24, for my two Vietnam era friends.
I walked in, and almost walked right back out. Plants were 18" tall, poorly revegged, with tiny leaves. Tips & edges were badly yellowed & all drooping. The stems were dark red. Spider mites were all the way to the tops of the plants.
We took 40 GG4 cuts, and 20 super skunk. Ended up using ten used rockwools, and all of my new ones. Leaving mothers with almost nothing to survive. The guy says we didn't get enough. He needs at least 100, to take care of his "patients", (he's not a caregiver. So, huh?). I asked when I could pick up the 25, for my vet friends.
Cuts from my garden, my rockwools, my gel, my tray and my water, but how many do I get? Zero. Guy says to come back in 2 weeks. "We can take your cuts, when they recover. When do you want to chop up yours? Cuz I want at least ten of each, so I can have a little variety. I can come over tomorrow." I told him, "I don't have a plant with ten cuts on it. (A lie.) Besides I'm out of supplies."
I left, skin crawling and more than a little disappointed in my greedy friend. I got home, stripped down and threw my tainted clothes in the washing machine. It would not start. "F#ck Kenmore!"
I shower, then head over to break the bad news to my vet friends. They weren't surprised. The same guy was their "provider", for the last couple years.
He gives them cuts, (last year on July 10th), they water & care for them, in their own gardens. He helps harvest, (we all help each other). But, he was taking 1/2 of their harvest.
I helped them prep their gardens, tie up plants and harvest, last year. So, after they had discussed it, between themselves & their spouses, they had cut him out. I had helped them out more than he had, and asked nothing in return.
I think I need to have a heart to heart with my greedy friend. He's hard to connect with, though. He has asberger's.



She's not my kind, but yeah. Budding in may? She'd make some nice head high, late finishing clones.


I decided to take my tiller over to one of the vet's house. Figured if I'm the reason he isn't paying someone to do it for him, then I should make sure he's ready. He's been fighting pneumonia since before Christmas.
I'll be headed your way in a lil bit, @mendel . Gotta check horses. Neighbor cows are out of grass & tearing up my fences every night.


I really enjoyed my visit to Mendel land. Good food, exceptional smoke and better people. I can't wait, to show a couple ol' vets, what we can put in the ground this year.
On a side note, the mother of Thor, in the lick tub, is female. She's already survived a hail storm and a blizzard. The tenacity of this strain is amazing.
I got to see an older mendelberry, and try it for myself. I was pleased that mine looks exactly the same. For once, my plant looks like it's supposed to. On top of that, the smoke off of it is amazing. Nothing short of "WOW!"
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