seddlings look a little sick,one week old,any advice?

  • Thread starter wtjames
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I ask only because I did that, with similar results. seems the heavy concentration of dissolved solids in my tap water was locking out other needed minor nutrients. compounded by having the correct pH so the seedlings were soaking them up. My symptoms looked exactly like yours until I bought a Brita brotha. now my seedlings all start green and healthy.

Seems like the only subject not talked about in this thread is your water qualiteh.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I am going to apologize for coming off as cranky. I finally chimed in on this thread because "desperate times" are looming and I think I am giving you the advice that could save these seedlings.

The bad news is that in my experience seedlings like this, even if they start to snap out of it are always going to be stunted. It is similar to having your flowering plants become droopy from lack of water. Once that happens, even if they spring back after watering, the yield will forever suffer.

If you can get these to kick start and start to veg it is going to be a miracle. Hence, it is Hail Mary pass time.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Toes has a valid point. I said it had to be the cubes or the light. But the other factor is water quality which would still have to be flushed from the cubes with distilled water.


Tober (If that is really you LOL) and anyone else,

Please note my posts were full of "we" and "our" which by any interpretation means more than one.

Now that everyone knows who they are we can continue.

At any rate the tap is 145 PPM and 7.1 PH.

We are PHing to 5.5-6.0.

As previously mentioned the split test shows they are wanting nutes with marked improvement.

As always thanks to everyone for the help!


hey now brother boBpop,

I've never used the RR plugs, however I've read they can be kinda acidic. I would use Tabors advice and just run some neutral pH distilled water through for a few. check your run off. looks like you've solved the droopyness problem caused by too much light, as for the yellow. N gets locked out at a pH below 6/5.5
You'll get those babies dialed in no worries


..... Your dad came back with the "I know everything" they are 2 week old seedlings when I said I never put mine under the T5 until they are 2 weeks old. Because technically they are now 2 weeks old but he knew they were under the light since germination.
They are NOT 2 week old seedlings. They are 2 day old seedlings stuck at 2 day development for 14 days. All 2 day seedling rules still apply.
It seems you are now getting "chippy" with me Tober.

WTF is this "I know everything" shit?

I was stating "FTR these babies are 14 days (2wks) tomorrow" to anyone the CHRONOLOGICAL age and NOT the behavioral age (or whatever you want to call it) and it wasn't even directed at you since I quoted SM. It was a general reference. DAM! :sign0065:

I try to get along with everyone but now you're getting on my nerves.

I appreciate anyone's help (including yours) but if you can't do anything but try to disrupt this thread just go somewhere else and do it!


so what has been done??? the plants i mean im intrested now.


  • No the pix are Peat moss and EWC. Half and Half mix. They are seeds and my lighting is way different then yours at the moment but all my seedlings look like this minus the stretch at this time. I usually grow in Root riot plugs tho so i know what your working with.
  • What lighting did you use with those dextr0?
  • Sorry to you and all for bouncing around so much but it's kinda hard to keep up with a fast paced thread and trying to work at the same time. ;)


I use whatever light i have around....Dirt poor farmer here. This was specificly a CMH 400w.


Living dead girl
If these were my seedlings I would hit them with a good seaweed/kelp feed, along with some alfalfa tea and something, anything, that will help start a microbial culture at the root zone. I think I mentioned that I've only ever started seedlings in soil, I must admit, starting a new seedling in coco seems like it could be problematic, but it's time to get that experience under my belt now, isn't it?

Now I can't remember what the RH & temp numbers were you posted up, but I remember *that* you worked the VPD calculator and came up with a number that seemed off.. (sorry, been a long day and I've done a few bong hits), and my suggestion is to not worry about the numbers, play with the ranges (of temp and RH, but don't let temp get too low, that stalls seedlings) and see where they tell you they like things.

I remember someone asking me about what I meant about how I water seedlings. I put them in beer cups filled with a light soil mix after I have a tap root (the dreaded paper towel method!), put those onto a tray, fill that tray with about 1/2" of water. Because the soil is well amended I don't need to feed *or* transplant until they're falling over in the cups, which is also when they're rootbound which is also about when they begin to alternate nodes and show sex. Once they're transplanted from those first cups they begin being watered and fed like grown-ups.


well thats a grand idea oh except the fact they werent given any nutes till yesterday and still were yellow and sickly looking,that was the reason for trying the nutes,havent heard any other ideas that has helped,still pretty stumped

doesn't mean nutes are the solution, it just adds an unneeded variable to the problem. They actually were given nutes b/c they are in rapid rooters that are pre-fortified w/nutes, probably what caused the purple stem to begin with. The other guy using rapid rooters soaks them in water the whole time. More nutes just seems to be going in the opposite direction if you're looking for a solution. Again, seedlings don't need nutes, under nutes is obviously not the problem. You ask for advice then when good advice is offered you don't take it, you trying to save these plants or just piss people off? You say you haven't heard any other ideas that would help but you didn't even try the solutions I've offered... In fact you've done the opposite and your plants got worse... hmmm. I'm done here.


Yall are not being personal enough with the plants? Bad vibes?


I hope your not using mh 400 on these. Thats way too much power imo. Get some fluorescents and keep em right on em. Your 50% humidity is great. Let them cubes dry out a little. No water two days. Lots of fresh air. Keep the nutes to nothing, almost. P.h. to six max.



To all that have tried to help in this thread whether directly replied to or not please don't feel slighted as it has been to hectic for me to keep up with everyone's posts and it seems like every time I make a post several have replied since I started it LOL! It does not in any way mean that I do not appreciate every comments and suggestion very much.

There seem to be two camps here on the issues with one saying too much water and the other saying to little water.

Also one saying no nutes and the other saying nutes.

We're coming up with a plan and will keep the thread updated.

As always thanks to everyone for the help!



Its really simple. Every person has their own ways and when u find yours you b happy. Until then you will struggle. I would start fresh with new plugs, etc. Your invested tho right.Flush, then Give them hoes some EWC to drink, short of that then get u some type of soluble kelp and foliar feed with that. I still wanna say its that water.


Ok all we could find is purified water which PHd to 7.5 and 30 PPMs.

Flushed them with that just now.

Also there is algae that's formed on the top of some of the plugs.

I suppose that's from the strong light.

What can/should we do about that?

As always thanks to everyone for the help!



I don't know what you can/should do about algae. I do know Lambert organic professional potting soil lists algae as it's only nutrient source.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

The algae won't really hurt much but you need to put a cover over the rapid rooter to block the light. It could be black plastic.
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