Seems like a big MMJ story to me

  • Thread starter lino
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64 is game changer, prohibition will begin for THE USA; Colorado is right in the middle of the ol USA and will be the next Canada of US prohibition. The Cartel and other states will be buying marijuana from Colorado. I feel that the impact of 64 will dwarf our current marijuana successes and problems. Mules will make huge $,$$$,$$$,$$$. Colorado helicopters will fly over other states and countries and raid their gardens and ours will be protected with everyone holding trash bags Full of buds. We'll be like Northern Cali where you cant give herbs away for free so with a prohibition type economy the mules will be plentiful and wealthy while they're not incarcerated the grower might make minimum wage for his efforts as fields of good bud will be plentiful in Colorado.
Cops are now getting "DRE" certified , Drug Recognition Expert, in the masses to accommodate the new law that we might vote in. Cops are foaming at the mouth waiting for this because they have a hard time with marijuana DUID , but soon the new law will give them a threshold of THC in blood. This is what DRE is about. Traffic cops and as many other cops as they can get MEDICALLY certified to exam you at your home and along the road for 5 nanograms. Yes, "Medical Expert" testimony from cops who take your blood, blood pressure, eye exam (eye pressure test), mouth saliva exam, yes there certifying these cops to nail your ass (roadside). Police are in a euphoric state with this , more overtime and finally the ability to nail your ass with a solid non defend-able DUID and not even the Nazi SS had the power our cops have over us. Grab you off the road, strap you down, and prod you with needles and start taking any of your body fluids that they want OR loose you right to an American highway. Yes this is DRE training .

From prohibitions we get gangs like DEA and FTA. Our next gang could be something like MEIA, Marijuana Enforcement and Incarceration Agency.

New laws; Nixon, no more large bills. This fucked up Americans because you have to be part of the banking system now so you loose $interest$ unless you play their game. Try to buy a car with $20, $50, $ 100 or buy a house and business.
Next Regan ; search and seizure - just take their assets and cash with no means for legal defense.
And I can see it now, the next Bozo, HoBoma or RomHole, well enact the Federal 'No jury or Public defenders for Drug runners leaving Colorado Act" with more than a gram for any reason with a 5 year minimum and MMJ will still not be allowed as argument in court. Ya you read it hear first. thats what we're still voting in to the throne for you to take a knee and bow to and give your money to. Police are now entering our homes with "no warrant" shooting us in the head right here in Colorado and they get away with it, this is your government now take knee and bow to your new president and police chiefs , NOW I SAID ! L O O K if you dont want to believe my words,. You have no 4th amendment rights any more. Read to the end before going off to this website

How does this all tie together with prohibition. DRE is intensive training. it is not what you think it is , the part you dont know about,
1 week of mock trials, how to convince a jury. What went wrong for other cops on the stand. What to say and what not to say on the stand.
1 week on Home Entry, Car Entry- how to enter homes, cars and storage facilities without a warrant, and how to get away with it. And after several other weeks of how to find drugs in private property and non medical training. Then their sent to medical programs for some more medical certifications to awe a jury with and give them more power with expert testimony and more rights to inspect and exam you for marijuana. For me it didnt end there- attorneys, MMJ Experts, cops, judges, Dr's were crooked or had a hand in something and tied together right down to the bondsman and it is amazing the ties you'll find with the right investigator, which in my case happened to be me. Some of these ties were good and some were very bad for me. I have 2 abilities that have Luckily avoided prosecution of myself. One is the art of figuring out who and what is thought of me and lo and behold in my last trial I had many for and against me directly . But to my dismay I was double crossed at the last minute in trial and had what I thought to be my adversary turn out to be on my team so with all my profound wisdom I almost shot myself in the foot with what I thought be and it turned out not so. So I have to be careful with what even seems to be fact. In the end the corruption turned on the corrupt but it wont happen if you don’t see it coming.


My husband and I were dealing with our then 14 year old daughter who was running away and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Officers found her and brought her back home and while we were talking they smelled marijuana and asked us if we had any growing. We were told that if we didn't let them search then they could get a warrant and then have the right to destroy our home. We had a total of 37 plants in all different stages. My husband has a doctor referral for 24 plants for him and I get my 6. There were only a handful of these in flower and they are charging us both with felony possession, felony cultivation, felony distribution, and 3 counts of child abuse, one for each child. Our garden was locked in the garage and the meds that were dried was about 2 ounces and they took our trash and weighed it too and is saying that it is useable meds. It is such bs...we have Robert Corry as our attorney and we just went to court today because the prosecution wanted to sever the case, costing us and the tax payers double. When we win this case we will be suing the city, county and the North Metro Task Force. I will also name personally the officers who lied and exaggerated the truth in order to persue this case. The funny thing is NMTF was at my house 1 month earlier aNd didn't find our garden so when they came back they were pissed and they were giving the officer that missed it a really hard time and I think a lot of this is some sort of payback for it. They are really bored here and obviously don't have better things to do. I am disabled on disability and my husband has many physical impairments that mmj helps us take care of without having to take as many harmful pain meds.


My husband and I were dealing with our then 14 year old daughter who was running away and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Officers found her and brought her back home and while we were talking they smelled marijuana and asked us if we had any growing. We were told that if we didn't let them search then they could get a warrant and then have the right to destroy our home. We had a total of 37 plants in all different stages. My husband has a doctor referral for 24 plants for him and I get my 6. There were only a handful of these in flower and they are charging us both with felony possession, felony cultivation, felony distribution, and 3 counts of child abuse, one for each child. Our garden was locked in the garage and the meds that were dried was about 2 ounces and they took our trash and weighed it too and is saying that it is useable meds. It is such bs...we have Robert Corry as our attorney and we just went to court today because the prosecution wanted to sever the case, costing us and the tax payers double. When we win this case we will be suing the city, county and the North Metro Task Force. I will also name personally the officers who lied and exaggerated the truth in order to persue this case. The funny thing is NMTF was at my house 1 month earlier aNd didn't find our garden so when they came back they were pissed and they were giving the officer that missed it a really hard time and I think a lot of this is some sort of payback for it. They are really bored here and obviously don't have better things to do. I am disabled on disability and my husband has many physical impairments that mmj helps us take care of without having to take as many harmful pain meds.

Also, forgot to mention because of the runaway situation Social Services was called because other refusal to cooperate. But they didn't open up a case for child abuse...the people that in a heart beat would open a case if a child was in any danger and yetno open how do they get 3 counts of child abuse for each one of us!!!!!


Tell Rob Lino says hi ! barbra you'll be alright. Fight like a asshole , be dirty right back. Stand Proud and WHAT EVER YOU DO talk to me before you talk to anyone about hiring a MMJ expert and Rob wont like that comment as he is the expert on that also and/ but do exactly what he says but you need my 2 cents on MMJ experts. get your patients together NOW, I can help with this. I know how to win. there are key elements that have to be in place to win . You can win but the courts are not design to let you win.

This is not in regard to TT, Tim Tipton, but the MMJ experts in Colorado will burn you ! TT actually inadvertently played a key role in exposing corruption within my legal system and he doesnt know exactly how he helped me but one story he told me led me to my Freedom and NOT GUILTyLINO and TT does not know what he did for me but I'm thanking him right here and now. Thanks TT and get my book to be released soon.

Rob says I'm like the luckiest, craziest person he has ever met. He told me a cpl times that he had NEVER defended anyone like me. The jury fought it out for a day locked in closet with a hung jury. Rob tells me he can get me a misdemeanor at one point and I reply so the court room can hear; give me four years or give me freedom, dont say that , not recommended. Rob likes fighters but they got you in the child abuse thing so do what you have to and what Rob says.... Kids are more resilient than adults under stress. When London bombing happened it was a horrifying sight with people burned and naked in the streets from shock for days. The kids were much quicker to recover from the bombing and were gathering food and getting shelter long before the adults. Long story short your family has got shelter and it is your turn to bomb them dirty bastards back and you got the best commander and general for the final war. I went thru attorneys before I found Rob. If the Corry canines emerge during your trial I will have some pitty for the prosecutor against Corry's team at that moment but they deserve the consequences. I'm a little touched. I high fived it and had fun at my trial and I was ready for prison no one could understand my demeanor, I shook the prosecution hand. Parts of the story I'm not supposed to mention is I went to the churchs of people directly involved with my case and offered them peace and love and them knowing my background it tweaked thier minds. Kinda like the mafia offering your son a business opportunity , come to dinner, with me crazy type of shit I'm different and I had no fear of anything, except 2 events that happened and one thought, but other than that I had No Fear and this was battle that the Corry team liked a crazy mo fo ready for prison and thanked everyone for the experience in great sincerity.

I know how to win.
you're more than welcome to contact me. private message , Upper Rt corner of this web page.

Rob says I'm Lucky , tell him; Luck is when opportunity meets preparation . barbra, FeelN lucky, then prepare to win and get luck on your side. Let me help you prepare mentally and get your case in order for Elfi, then Travis, the body guard and Corry can strategize your defense. Nothing is for sure , John Elway, Jesus nobody wins em all...

Most dont like to play my games and Rob will tell you I actually have fun with stress. Preparing my mind and body for prison was fun but that is not what your trial is about. Im touched in the emotional aspect of life but have to admit i want the easy life now...
Lets hope you dont go to trial but I feel luck for you already so dont fret.


To be a little more clear, I havnt beat a blood drug test, but that is as much as I can reveal about drug test without pissing off my book owner.
Gotta go Gattaca style for that one.


so how do they get 3 counts of child abuse for each one of us!!!!!
Public schools are failing our children....
They can 'charge' you with whatever they want. They always pile it on high, so when it comes time for the plea deal you think you are really getting a break. Many times those charges don't make it to court because they were just there to scare you in the first place. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
G Cooky

G Cooky

Gcooky, since you are in a medical state I was under the impression that a warrant could not be issued on smell alone. If they had time to request a warrant they had time to check the registry.
have you heard any news?

Well it's been over a month now and still no word from West Metro Task Force or Jefferson County DA. Had my attorney resubmit my patients paperwork. Talked with our doc and he is ready to stand up for us. Patients treatments all documented but no word from Jefferson County. So hopefully nothing comes of it. Or they are watching me trying to build a case. Who knows... just sitting on eggshells waiting.
G Cooky

G Cooky

Also, forgot to mention because of the runaway situation Social Services was called because other refusal to cooperate. But they didn't open up a case for child abuse...the people that in a heart beat would open a case if a child was in any danger and yetno open how do they get 3 counts of child abuse for each one of us!!!!!

Can I ask you how long ago you two were arrested and what county?
G Cooky

G Cooky

Well Jefferson county just summonsed me for felony cultivation and possession after 5 months and the big amendment passing! This so fucking stupid. I have paperwork for the cultivation, I have sick people gaining weight on pheonix tears and my mj doctor anda badass attorney plus a popular vote but jeffco doesn't care. They just want to fill there courtroom or something.
G Cooky

G Cooky

But still I can't sleep all night because of it. Plus it's going to cost god knows how much time and money. Ugh....


g Cooky, nothing the police and courts do will surprise me anymore. However I eat my words because i wrote earlier that they may not charge you, sorry , I wished I was right. After many years and and many court battles I have watched the system melt down into complete corruption with cannabis. There is no law with cannabis. The Colorado courts are doing whatever they want. How many felony charged people have been in news media winning lately, law and order with regards to cannabis no longer exists. No one gets on line and tells you how they lost in court . There is no constitution, it has no merit, its just a piece of paper. With cannabis felony charges a Colorado judge can do whatever he wants, no matter what happens in your trial or after trial he can retry you ($15- 30k more), again, issue a bench warrant on you even after you've been exonerated from bond, or the judge on his own can just decide to convict you at anytime, its a very scary world in the USA right now. No one would believe this but its VERY true and scary. I'm so sorry and wished i had more positive things to say, but the best thing you can do is to have court room support. If it is possible for me, I would be there if you ask. To this day I still don't sleep good either, only we'd understand that.

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