Spider Mite War, Tear Gas E'm! Like Cops On Protestors

  • Thread starter DGP
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Hey, just had a war with thrip larvae and spider mites. Both seem Borg-like to me!

However, I won. In the past few grows I sprayed preventively and got a little behind schedule this cycle. Sure enough the mites came in and as some of you know it happens quick. I got on it quick before it was to the webs stage and at infestation levels but was still pissed at myself for slipping up on PM.

I thought I would share what I have been using the past year or so because it seems to really work and is quite safe and completely non-toxic.

I started out with a commercial plant oil preparation but because the material is so freakin expensive I make it myself now. What I started with is a product called Trifecta Crop Control. It has Thyme oil 14%, clove oil 10%, Garlic oil 9%, Peppermint oil 4%, Corn Oil 3%, Geraniol 3%, citric Acid 2%, Rosemary oil2%, filtererd water and vinegar.

It worked quite well but once the mites or thrips get to the point where I am seeing them even one or two on a leaf then I Gas E'm!

I grind up whole habenero peppers in a food processor including the seeds and all and then put them in a saucepan and pour just off the boil water over them (about a pint of water to the pound of pepper) and let them steep in the garage until my eyes start to water and then I break out the respirator mask, gloves and goggles. I strain the peppers out using a metal coffee filter and pour the pepper concentrate into my spayer with a gallon of the plant oil preparation and mix. Then pump it up and gas the little F'ers. Even with a mask etc. By the time I am about done spraying the grow rooms my eyes are watering a little and I have sneezed about 3 or 4 times inside my mask (yuk). that is how potent this is.

I watch some on a leave that i put a drop of this solution on and it was like a 2 minute long death scene in cheap B movie. the borg wiggle around and just die. also, the plants seem to like it. I even have sprayed with lights on and since I am using LED COBs I just turn the intensity down while they dry for an hour or so with the fans running.

I have even sprayed this on my latest crop that was in it's final week. I rinsed the buds lightly and no after taste. No toxic materials, no worry, no harm (except to the borg).

I even spray this on 1 week old seedlings with no harm to the little plants. Although sometimes I think people spray all kinds of materials and then blame the spray when the leaves look worse but often it is the bug damage that is showing up a few days after the borg got done chewing.

I know people have gobs of ways they deal with mites but I am not wanting to ever use any conventional toxic pesticides, insecticides or fungicides. All I know is with persistant spraying of this plant oil and pepper mix every 3 days for a week or more knocks em down nicely. This time since it got away from me it took a week and a half but I searched and searched with the loup tonight and only saw a few bugs but they were dead. still see a few eggs so back to preventive maintainence.



Great tips! I haven't had to deal with this yet as I am a total B**** about letting anyone in. I wear a damn painters suit myself since I get invited to many spots to see or help. Once worked in a commercial grow and watched dozens deteriorate from pests while the arrogant guy in charge swore it was a deficiency opposed to mites


I say this till I'm blue in the face, DR Earth fossilized diomites organic will allso add a little calcium and magnesium to your plants, buy food grade sprinkle around your plant and wait 48 hours water, no more pests remember you are going to smoke you product how do you know what you are useing is safe? Use DE Earth


I say this till I'm blue in the face, DR Earth fossilized diomites organic will allso add a little calcium and magnesium to your plants, buy food grade sprinkle around your plant and wait 48 hours water, no more pests remember you are going to smoke you product how do you know what you are useing is safe? Use DE Earth
I use diatomaceous earth (food grade) all the time in soil grows but I don't know about hydro, I guess it could go on top of the hydroton if it isn't too wet.



Promis for thrips, and flies.

Rosemary oil (main ingredient of sns217 mite spray), or limolene. Both mite killers.


Im realy sorry I though you were growing in dirt, but I wonder if you could water a bit down? Im out of my elements here again sorry


No worry didn't mean it that way but DE is a very useful tool in the arsenal.



First, upping your silica makes for tougher leafs and stems

3-10% H2O2 quickly dispatches most bugs. It's non toxic, leaving H2O residue

Repeat several times a day for a week, to make sure to kill any hatchlings


When I buy a bag of mix fox farms ocean forest while my seeds are germanating I get the pot ready, fill with dirt then I sprinkle DE Earth on the dirt,when I wet the dirt when I'm going to plant seed I give the pot a small flush, I don' care if it's miracle grow or fox farms they all have bugs in them, by killing them first before you plant you wont run into this problem down the road.


Reason why every watering of any new soil gets 1ml/g of promis. I've yet to see anything in 3yrs of me doing it this way.


First, upping your silica makes for tougher leafs and stems

3-10% H2O2 quickly dispatches most bugs. It's non toxic, leaving H2O residue

Repeat several times a day for a week, to make sure to kill any hatchlings

H2o2 will also kill any beneficials in your soil.

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