spiderfarmer sf4000 and grizzly crinkle autos

  • Thread starter biggerbud420
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mmmm not sure, got a couple ideas..
these are all autos?
hope im not being disrespectful but i would love to hear any ideas
because this is affecting the whole branch


If I were you I would just chop off that whole branch and forget it ever existed. Doesn't look like the issue has spread to any other branch or other plant its only on that one spot. Im willing to bet that it was some type of environmental factor that has since changed and you'r trying to rack your brain on it however it's likely already been resolved. You'r likely just looking at the aftermath of the original problem that cant be fixed anymore. Its possible it was something super simple. Sometimes when something happens it takes it a while for the damage to fully unfold. This might be one of those situations. Totally random but here is just an example to get my point across. It's like when you'r a pale ass white boy like me and you go to beach without sunblock and get a sun burn. Sometimes your red skin color doesn't even start to show up until you get home from the beach hours later. It's like a delayed reaction. It could be something like this but for your plant. Im willing to bet it was something simple like that one branch being too close to your fan. If that one pot got turned or nudged then that branch could have been touching right against the grill of your fan. It got shocked and blasted too hard but you didn't realize it then you moved or rotated the pot again away from the fan. You noticed it days later as the damage set in and now you a freaking out about the issue when in reality you already resolved it by moving the branch back away from the fan. This is just an example but I bet it's something like this. Since the rest of your grow seems to be unaffected just take the loss on that one branch and chop it and move on. Thats what I would do.


plus my humididty is below 50 most the time it is raining here now been raining all day my humidity is 54
use a jewellers loupe or something to see if the white stuff has a fuzzy appearance??
yes pm will make it claw, but so will other things


If I were you I would just chop off that whole branch and forget it ever existed. Doesn't look like the issue has spread to any other branch or other plant its only on that one spot. Im willing to bet that it was some type of environmental factor that has since changed and you'r trying to rack your brain on it however it's likely already been resolved. You'r likely just looking at the aftermath of the original problem that cant be fixed anymore. Its possible it was something super simple. Sometimes when something happens it takes it a while for the damage to fully unfold. This might be one of those situations. Totally random but here is just an example to get my point across. It's like when you'r a pale ass white boy like me and you go to beach without sunblock and get a sun burn. Sometimes your red skin color doesn't even start to show up until you get home from the beach hours later. It's like a delayed reaction. It could be something like this but for your plant. Im willing to bet it was something simple like that one branch being too close to your fan. If that one pot got turned or nudged then that branch could have been touching right against the grill of your fan. It got shocked and blasted too hard but you didn't realize it then you moved or rotated the pot again away from the fan. You noticed it days later as the damage set in and now you a freaking out about the issue when in reality you already resolved it by moving the branch back away from the fan. This is just an example but I bet it's something like this. Since the rest of your grow seems to be unaffected just take the loss on that one branch and chop it and move on. Thats what I would do.
if you rem i i showed you a pic of im guessing the same plant but a different leave a few weeks ago , well i pulled that one off and these appeared .


Or better yet just nip off all those shriveled leaved on the branch. Leave the rest of the branch on there to see if you still can yield a little on that branch. I know the perfectionist in you wants to correct those leaves but I dont think you can in this example cuz something already damaged those leaves they cant be fixed again.


use a jewellers loupe or something to see if the white stuff has a fuzzy appearance??
yes pm will make it claw, but so will other things
if you look there is pics posted taken through a jewelers loop it is not fuzzy at all i know i have only been growing for 2 years but it is not fuzzy


the leaves are dark shiny kinda leather like , the white you guys see i do believe is reflection of the light


if you rem i i showed you a pic of im guessing the same plant but a different leave a few weeks ago , well i pulled that one off and these appeared .
OK so your certain that this problem has developed further since the first pic you showed me? Use your fingers to feel down at the very base of that branch where it connects to the main stalk. Did it split or crack at all? That is something that happens too if there has been a slight split near the base of the stalk it will slow the plants ability to draw water up. this will sometimes make the leaves on only that one branch droop. Its like when you get a split in your soda straw at the fast food restaurant. You go to suck up your soda but you get air bubbles pulled in the straw also so you get less soda in each sip. Same physics with the plant it will struggle to pull water up resulting in drooping or curling leaves. It's a possibility Ive seen it happen. Especially if its a tiny crack or split the branch will still live but it's just crippled so to speak.


how hot has it gotten in there in the last 2 weeks?
also could be start of a pest issue


This is really the only other thing I can think of. Since the entire plant isn't being effected its gotta be something specific to that one branch IMO.


how hot has it gotten in there in the last 2 weeks?
also could be start of a pest issue
Yes that is possible too perhaps it is beginning of pests. I would look at the underneath of those curled leaves and see if there are mites or thrips. That could be it too


well upload a video as soon as it downloads from my phone to computer lol


how hot has it gotten in there in the last 2 weeks?
also could be start of a pest issue
i have seen no bugs at all in there the hottest i have seen it is 80 f it mostly stays between 70 night to 78 daytime
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