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I am wondering that maybe curing has something to do with VPD chartsAnd any mold? I'm betting not a hint.
This is very similar to the VPD thing ppl shit all over for years and claiming mold and PM and all that stuff. They refuse to accept they may not have done it properly and say you need 40%RH in fower or you get mold etc.
Idk believe it or not 60-65% has been a standard by some pretty top notch growers for a long time and yes we want to stay under 65% but that doesn't translate into 50%..... thats just people taking a guidline and basically saying the drier the better and thats just not the case.
How your stuff coming alone @Glassdub sounds like your hitting the mark nicely.
I notice that at 70 F, which is what people seem to recommend for a curing temp, that at 50% the VPD goes out of the optimal ranges shown on the charts. Interesting to note, that mythical 60-65% range everyone seems to say is the best also seems to be right in the optimal range.