Support Dr. William Courtney

  • Thread starter Marco Renda
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Living dead girl
The reason I might not vote for him, were I in his district, is because he's too focused on cannabis, as though that's the only pressing problem we have to deal with, or as though it might solve the other problems we have.
Let's show our support for Dr. William Courtney run for Congress

Dr William Courtney has been a major supporter of Cannabis as medicine and needs our support. So for those of you in California please go to his web site and see what you are able to do to assist in his run for Congress

Take Care and Peace
Only those in his district will be able to even see his name on the ballot. I am in Dan Lundgren's district (that name should cause a few eyebrows to raise up, yeah? He's got his history here in Cali, that's for sure), but wish we would have ended up in McClintock's territory when the new districts were drawn up. No such luck.

Folks, this isn't for the whole state, this is for state congress, not federal, which means he's representing a certain district in the state in the state congress, not representing the state at the federal congress.



I noticed that a lot of his issues revolve around MJ too but that didn't bother me so much.

You are right, Only those in his district can vote for him and based on his "issues" he won't be elected anyway. He'll offend both the left and the right and that won't help him one bit. Like I said, thank God he's not in my district either.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

SME you see how Seamaiden explained things. She had an actual reason. She had a reason she wouldn't vote but didn't call him a nut job.


Just because I didn't bother to explain it to YOU doesn't mean I don't have a reason. Maybe next time you'll leave out the personal attacks and insults. Your amateur attempts to get me to engage you on the subject won't work.

You'll get it someday.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Just because I didn't bother to explain it to YOU doesn't mean I don't have a reason.

You'll get it someday.

Then you should have just stayed out of the thread to begin with. You made a bold statement. Yet you can't defend it. It isn't going to be because you don't want to explain it. If that is the case you should have never said it to begin with. The reason is because you CAN'T defend it.

You can't! Period! End of story!

After reading his website, there's no way I'd vote for him. He's a nut-job, even if he is pro-mj.

Your first post was a personal attack. LOL!!

You did engage me after you said you wouldn't though. LOL!

I will let you off the hook now because you CAN'T explain why he is a nut job because you don't freakin have one or the one you have is going to get you flamed all over this site.


It's not up to you to decide what threads I join in or not, no matter how important you think you are.

Again, amateur attempts to get me to explain things to you will not work.

Courtney is not a member or commenting in this thread.

I have not engaged you on this subject nor will I. In fact, you just made my ignore list. I'm not taking your trolling crap.

Bye... :D
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

It's not up to you to decide what threads I join in or not, no matter how important you think you are.

Again, amateur attempts to get me to explain things to you will not work.

Courtney is not a member or commenting in this thread.

I have not engaged you on this subject nor will I. In fact, you just made my ignore list. I'm not taking your trolling crap.

Bye... :D



I have not engaged you on this subject nor will I.

You have not engaged anyone, you stated an opinion. When asked for reasons that influenced your opinion, you became defensive and took it as a personal attack, and wasted three pages of thread with your fingers in your ears singing lalalalalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you... Grow up noob, your grandkids play better with others... I hope you ignore me too
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

You have not engaged anyone, you stated an opinion. When asked for reasons that influenced your opinion, you became defensive and took it as a personal attack, and wasted three pages of thread with your fingers in your ears singing lalalalalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you... Grow up noob, your grandkids play better with others... I hope you ignore me too

I thought I was asking a simple question. I was genuinely interested about why he thought that. All the sudden it was like trying to nail jello to a wall.

I don't want the pro MJ candidates to be off the wall kooks. If they are we need them to be exposed so we can support the good ones.


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
What a joke this guy is! Why would u make a bold statement on an online forum and not back it up, only one reason; u can't.



Well-Known Farmer
SME you can ad me also! I didn`t even make a comment to you but reading this makes me think YOU are the nut case! Maybe a troll that has little expirence?


Let me just say that I don't agree or disagree with anyone. I completely don't care at all being a near-Chicagoan. My vote matters very little.

Though this whole thing could use a neutral set of lips to say some reasonable stuff.

Many times emotions are not properly transferred through words alone. The same can be true for thoughts.

@Tobor: You came off a bit rude and combative--this is not the way to get someone to want to have a political discussion with you. I have a lot of experience with this being the very liberal son of conservative parents. If you really want to change things the way you say--it behooves you to approach others in a way conducive to opening, rather than closing, minds.

@SME: I see where the due was coming from a bit. I'm not certain if you realize or not, but your first comment about the guy being a nut-job sort of begs for more detail. I don't meant that your point wasn't clear--but the way you framed that sort of leaves the reader wanting more (especially a reader that disagrees with you). That said, I understand why you reacted the way you did to Tobor--he came out of the gates swinging. To be fair though, the first thing I thought when I read what you said (having not checked the guys page out or anything) was, "I wonder why SME thinks the guy is a nut job, he hasn't really explained that."

For me, when I call people stuff--I say why. I think most people are this way and that may be why this problem arose.

Either way, I hope everyone can see that THIS THIS THIS THIS is what is wrong with our political process.

It's not politicians. It's us. We're a bunch of whiny ninnies who can't properly argue or discuss(the way Aristotle would have an argument--i.e. the right way to do it).
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

@Tobor: You came off a bit rude and combative--this is not the way to get someone to want to have a political discussion with you. I have a lot of experience with this being the very liberal son of conservative parents. If you really want to change things the way you say--it behooves you to approach others in a way conducive to opening, rather than closing, minds.

I don't see how my first post was anything but inquisitive squiggly.

I don't see how you come to that conclusion by looking at his website. I didn't see anything that makes me think he is a nut job.

I see he was smart enough, dedicated enough and organized enough to become a practicing physician.

What tangible thing makes you think he is a nut job?

The guy was banned so it doesn't really matter. That being said I like to learn from my mistakes but I don't see how I could have made any better opening statement.

He was banned due to another thread where he also exhibited his fine communication skills. Ironically he was banned on that thread for asking a question over and over that was wrong to do and here he wouldn't answer a simple question that was asked repeatedly.

Yesterday was a weird day for me but it ended on a high note with new genetics on the way. And that made it a good day.


Living dead girl
<waves to Tobor the 8th Robot>

Squiggly, in the U.S. most people haven't been raised to have political DISCUSSIONS. Politics and religion are taboo subjects because they become so heated and we haven't, as a nation, been taught how to discuss or debate without taking things personally.


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
Sea, although I agree with u about us not being taught to discuss such topics, I didn't know it's only limited to the states. I read a scientific study done awhile back that showed ppls brain( the reasoning and logic portions) shut down during these discussions the minute u bring up an opposite opinion. I could of sworn the study was dine outside if the states but not 100% sure.
Furthermore , more than taking these discussions personally, ppl take these things emotionally. It is a fatal error to discuss politics and religion with emotional based stand point. Imvho.


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