Support Dr. William Courtney

  • Thread starter Marco Renda
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Living dead girl
Oh really? Now that's a fascinating idea, Confuten. Perhaps it simply is part of the human condition. Except that I was brought up to debate politics, like daily. You're 100% correct, though, we do get emotionally involved. I've experienced it myself.



"You are kinda sounding like an uninformed voter."

"What did you become in life?"

These are what I was talking about. Granted the guy was a jerk before--but after you said this he became an asshole.

Wasn't placing blame on you, just saying when you're already facing opposition it is in the discussions best interest that you be cordial. If you kept the tone of your first message throughout you'd have come out smelling like roses (or skunk, my personal fav :P ).

Ultimately if the guy is an ass he's an ass--but it seemed like he had a reason to begin with. You lost the ability to probe his reasoning by insulting him--asshole or not this will almost always happen in an argument. If it doesn't it will at the very least spiral into hurling insults back and forth.

Again, not trying to chastise you--just speaking from lots of experience arguing in a hostile environment.


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
Sea, I tried to find the link on that study to no avail, sorry.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I never argue politics squiggly and I never did in this thread. I wanted to know why he thought what he did. If he just would of said it, that would have been the end of it.

When I ask him the first time he answered with "Paul is a nut job too". Than he added "too funny" We both know what that "too funny" meant. It meant my thought or comment was so stupid it was "too funny".

At that point I came back with what you quoted.

"You are kinda sounding like an uninformed voter."

"What did you become in life?"

I wanted to achieve exactly what you are saying. I meant to do it. At that point the gloves were coming off. I already had an accurate read on this guy.

You are saying I made a mistake and that is why the conversation took a bad turn. I disagree. The conversation took the exact turn I wanted it to at that point. I was going to relentlessly hound him into backing up his statement or stop talking about something he didn't really know about.

I can make plenty of friends and have great conversations. I make my fair share of communication via the internet mistakes but IMHO this just wasn't one of them squiggly.

The guy just had a chip on his shoulder or a screw loose somewhere.


@Tobor: You came off a bit rude and combative--this is not the way to get someone to want to have a political discussion with you. I have a lot of experience with this being the very liberal son of conservative parents. If you really want to change things the way you say--it behooves you to approach others in a way conducive to opening, rather than closing, minds.

@SME: I see where the due was coming from a bit. I'm not certain if you realize or not, but your first comment about the guy being a nut-job sort of begs for more detail. I don't meant that your point wasn't clear--but the way you framed that sort of leaves the reader wanting more (especially a reader that disagrees with you). That said, I understand why you reacted the way you did to Tobor--he came out of the gates swinging. To be fair though, the first thing I thought when I read what you said (having not checked the guys page out or anything) was, "I wonder why SME thinks the guy is a nut job, he hasn't really explained that."

I'm not required to justify my opinions to him nor anyone else. When he started acting like I owed him an explanation and became rude, that was it for him. Not my loss. :D

The guy is a nut-job and if I were in his district, I wouldn't vote for him. To me the reasons are obvious and I'm not surprised by those that don't see why either. I doubt he'll be elected by the people *in* his district ether but some areas are stranger than others so you never know.

It really doesn't matter anymore...
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

I just suffered through all this bullshit because I'm sincerely interested in Dr. Courtney and his work. I do know that he's very highly regarded in Mendo as a physician and public figure, and also helps quite a few people who otherwise might not have access to medical care. On top of this, he's done some extremely innovative work with the medicine we're all here to discuss, including using it in raw/juiced form to achieve mega-dose CBD therapies with minimal or no side-effects (unwanted sedation or psychoactivity). He is easily regarded as one of the top MD researchers in this field.

I had no idea he was running for public office, but if I was part of that constituency I would definitely consider voting for him. In fact I just skimmed his website and read the issues section as noted above, and I can't find a single thing there to disagree with. Regarding comments that he might be 'too' focused on mmj, I think that's really short sighted (and wrong). Don't forget, mmj is the number one issue to the people he is asking to elect him, and the subject is becoming tied to almost every quality of life discussion in that congressional district. To say he is some sort of fringe nut-job is pathetic slander.

Now I usually just ignore trolls, but this SME person is a real jerk for acting this way and ruining an interesting discussion. Some friendly advice, drop the threats to veteran forum members, and try to get your post count to where more than 2/3rds aren't trolling this same thread. Or better yet, just go away..

[edit] Would it be reasonable to request a mod clean this up so we can start the subject over without interference?


To say he is some sort of fringe nut-job is pathetic slander.

Now I usually just ignore trolls, but this SME person is a real jerk for acting this way and ruining an interesting discussion. Some friendly advice, drop the threats to veteran forum members, and try to get your post count to where more than 2/3rds aren't trolling this same thread. Or better yet, just go away..

[edit] Would it be reasonable to request a mod clean this up so we can start the subject over without interference?

No, to say that he's a nut-job is obvious and a truthful opinion or do only people that agree with nut-jobs get an opinion here?

Frankly, I don't care if somebody has been here longer than me, that doesn't give them a right to flame and troll because they don't like my opinion.

I ignore trolls too, you can join the others...


He's my Doc and a friend of the family. The guy is far from a "nut job"! This guy really knows cannabis inside and out. He does fantastic things for the movement.


He's my Doc and a friend of the family. The guy is far from a "nut job"! This guy really knows cannabis inside and out. He does fantastic things for the movement.

As I've said, more than once, his support of MMJ is *not* the problem and I couldn't speak to his skill as a physician but some of his "issues" show that he's a nut-job, in my opinion.

Unlike some around here, I don't expect (nor require) everyone to agree but that doesn't change my opinion about him. The election is not that far away and time will tell if he's embraced or rejected.



Since you're actually in his district, what do you think of his opponent?


Living dead girl
Regarding comments that he might be 'too' focused on mmj, I think that's really short sighted (and wrong). Don't forget, mmj is the number one issue to the people he is asking to elect him, and the subject is becoming tied to almost every quality of life discussion in that congressional district. To say he is some sort of fringe nut-job is pathetic slander.
I'm the one who said it appears that he's a bit too focused on MMJ, and I stand by that. I'm not familiar with him, this is looking in from the outside. How do I know he's fiscally responsible? What assurances would I have that he would represent me well with regard to, say, land use issues? School issues? How about zoning issues? Would he be able to detect, and address, malfeasance within local government effectively?

While MMJ is important to us, and many of us feel it's practically a panacea, we cannot presume to think or speak for everyone. I know it would be a mistake almost any/everywhere else except a place like Mendocino or Humboldt. I would think that he's asking more than just the MMJ community to vote for him. If we were truly in the majority, then we would not be suffering the infringements on our rights at a local level that we are. There's currently a serious backlash occurring on a local level whereby qualified patients, caregivers, cooperatives and collectives are being zoned and ordinanced out of existence. See my sig line if you doubt that.


I like this video :fighting0085:
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

I'm the one who said it appears that he's a bit too focused on MMJ, and I stand by that. I'm not familiar with him, this is looking in from the outside. How do I know he's fiscally responsible? What assurances would I have that he would represent me well with regard to, say, land use issues? School issues? How about zoning issues? Would he be able to detect, and address, malfeasance within local government effectively?

I'm not into debating politics, but Seamaiden if you decide to familiarize yourself with Courtney, I bet you'll be surprised, and probably impressed. He's much more than just pro-mmj. Frankly, I wish I lived in a place with more politicians from an intellectual background like his. IMO a first step toward political progress would be to vote more compassionate and trustworthy people into public office as quickly as possible while removing corporate patronage for the corrupt sociopathic evil that it is.

Lead, nice video. I see they are using the CI site now, so maybe that explains why leavesofgrass faded away.


what a thread. i kept reading to see if SME would ever list the reasons why he was calling the Dr a nut job but that never happened.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

He got thrown out for being a troll, surprising he made it that far here. Thanks mods.


Living dead girl
I'm not into debating politics, but Seamaiden if you decide to familiarize yourself with Courtney, I bet you'll be surprised, and probably impressed. He's much more than just pro-mmj. Frankly, I wish I lived in a place with more politicians from an intellectual background like his. IMO a first step toward political progress would be to vote more compassionate and trustworthy people into public office as quickly as possible while removing corporate patronage for the corrupt sociopathic evil that it is.

Lead, nice video. I see they are using the CI site now, so maybe that explains why leavesofgrass faded away.
Unfortunately, politics is exactly what this thread is about when we're discussing a candidate for a public office or seat.

I briefly perused the site provided, and like I said, I found it to be a little too focused on MMJ as though that's the most important, pressing issue of our day. It is but one, in my honest opinion. Don't get me wrong, I think we need to not only get RID of incumbents (but for some reason, people like to continue to vote them back into office, many have to DIE to be released!) but vote in those folks who are indeed more thoughtful, about *all* issues. However, we, as a people, do not behave in this manner.

Either way, I would not be one of his potential constituents, so my opinion is just that--an opinion. It holds no weight and no vote.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

Like is said, what a guy. This is really worth watching on several levels. I might have to move just so I can vote for him. He represents exactly the kind of rational individuals we need to put in office.


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