Tangerine Power, Cotton Candy, Strawberry Blue, True Blueberry, Killing Kush, Hawaiian Skunk Haze

  • Thread starter dirtyshawa
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So, I chopped up the Killing Kush...it hurt a little as I was butchering it. I really wanted to try that strain. It definitely was gonna yield well, especially due to the fact I'm not flowering for another 30 days. It had some decent roots; it was definitely gonna need an upgrade to a 5 gal pot for flower.
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I've just cloned the True Blueberry, hopefully it's a female. If so, I'll take 3-4 more cuts and let them veg until I begin flowering.


Update! Here we are one day shy of exactly a month since I popped the TangieP's and the gang. They've all been really easy to grow except for HSK #5, but in all honesty I've treated them all like step children. The TangieP's are really the bell of the ball. I think the issue with HSK #5 is that I did a poor job of transplanting it. I damaged one side of the root system and I think that's where it's problem lies. Anyway, since axing the Killing Kush the aroma dynamic of my tent has completely changed!!! I love it!!! Things haven't began to flower yet, but if this is any indication of what my end product will be I'll be extremely happy. The tent smells extra citrusy...it's reminiscent of Delmonte Citrus Salad. When I rub my fingers on the TangieP stems there's no fruity at all...straight kush! Hopefully, the citrus smell and kushiness of the stems blend to make some sort of orange kush flowers. Anyway enough of the small talk...here's the pics


Hey Dirty what are those black circles you have in your tent? Plants lookin green brother.


Thanks...I'm trying to keep them from being too green now. I just cut back my feed a tad bit this week. Those holes are vent holes. It's a cheapo tent off ebay that I had in storage, so I decided to use it for veg in this run. My flowering tent is double this size (4×4). I like these holes a little better for ventilation, because they seal better than the other tent with the sleeve, to me. They have little screw holes for the bracket that my connects to my fan, which makes the suction that much stronger. Those Gorilla Grow Tents are beasts, but name brand tents are way too over priced imo, when you can get one off ebay for 1/6 of the price. I'm not sure what the 4×4 Gorilla goes for, but I think it's like $500-700 dollars...this tent was less than #100 including shipping and serves the same purpose just fine. There's some minor light leakage around the meter holders stitching, but my grow room is light proof in general. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Update will be in a few hrs when lights come on...been super busy


Update! Here we are another week in the books. Very smooth week in the tent. I cut back on the nutes some, because I know there's probably enough leftovers for a week or two. All of the plants are beginning to take off and I still have a few more weeks of veg left. I will begin taking cuts sometime within the next two weeks.

The standout plants as far as growth and structure to me are TangieP#3, which has taken on a structure as if she's been topped, and TangieP#6. I like how the lower branching of #3 just wiggled it's way to the top of the canopy to get their share of the light. It's a very interesting characteristic that I've yet to see or failed to notice in my growing experience. TangieP#6 is the tallest by a hair, she's trying to Bogard the sunshine. I can appreciate her efforts.

The Cotton Candy's and the Strawberry Blue probably could've kept being fed full dose nutes, but they're getting use to a smaller plate.

Lastly, the smell is beginning to kick like karate. I feel dumber and dumber for cutting up the Killing Kush male, because him all by himself was ten times more funkier than all the other plants I have going now combined. Nevertheless, I'm quietly hoping my True Blueberry is a male, so I can make some seeds for the first time and store some pollen for the Bohdi gear I'm running next.
The smell in the tent is balancing out from heavy citrus orange zest to a danky orchard, if that makes sense.

There's too much fighting going on in the tent, so I'm switching up the normal routine. I'll just be taking group flicks until flower, then I'll go back to singling out each individual plant. That's about it...time for the pics.


I hope so, the funk is just beginning to kick in. Flowering should be interesting!


Thanks...I'm trying to keep them from being too green now. I just cut back my feed a tad bit this week. Those holes are vent holes. It's a cheapo tent off ebay that I had in storage, so I decided to use it for veg in this run. My flowering tent is double this size (4×4). I like these holes a little better for ventilation, because they seal better than the other tent with the sleeve, to me. They have little screw holes for the bracket that my connects to my fan, which makes the suction that much stronger. Those Gorilla Grow Tents are beasts, but name brand tents are way too over priced imo, when you can get one off ebay for 1/6 of the price. I'm not sure what the 4×4 Gorilla goes for, but I think it's like $500-700 dollars...this tent was less than #100 including shipping and serves the same purpose just fine. There's some minor light leakage around the meter holders stitching, but my grow room is light proof in general. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Update will be in a few hrs when lights come on...been super busy

Hey don't worry about the rant I didn't mind at all reading. I feel ya on the eBay tents vs Gorilla Tents. It's just not worth it! I too went the eBay route & glad I did.


UPDATE! It's been a super busy week...to say the least! After a 3 year break, I can really appreciate my time away from growing. Don't get me wrong, there is no greater feeling than raising a seed up into the highest of high quality cannabis and seeing the expression on your friends faces when they blow with you. Knowing that the herb you're consuming is ultra-clean and pure is priceless! But, hand watering coco is a bitch! Shit a put hair on your chest and is just like rearing children. I love it haha! Enough of my weekly fluff.

This will be my last week of veg (give or take a day or two). I'm still waiting on my flowering supplies, which should be here throughout the week. The 29th is the last shipping date, so that is when the next update will be at the latest.

Off topic, I had a lot of cookies in the Bay, however I never had Platinum Cookies or at least I don't recall burning any. I'm really not all that crazy about cookies (I prefer Cherry Pie), but the hype on the Internet has honestly taken over my head. It's like I know better, but I can't help but fall for it. I ordered some of SinCity's Platinum Delights (Platinum GSC × Blue Power) and will be popping them sometime this week. Seeing so many people speak highly of his Sinmints peeked my interest, but I just can't pull the trigger on forum cut hybrids. Man I'm excited to see what this strain is about!

Anywayyyyyy...Welcome To The Jungle!
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