Tengu Seed Co-Triangle Kush x Okie(F) and Original Diesel x Okie(F)

  • Thread starter jonnyonthespotaz
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I have 6" square elastic one now and those were too big for my liking. N that's my dilemma tho, is I have a LED panel and also a HPS/MH at the same time n I like to give everyone an even spectrum of that. Now I have 2 thoughts. Run an experiment w the trellis and leave everyone in position start to finish and compare results or...set the trellis up for the first 2 weeks training everyone underneath then pulling it and staking in the future??
That’s not a bad plan. I always stake everything down, and pop it all, then let the. Show me where they want to go a bit. stakes are more versatile to me, gives you more management options. I usually won’t toss a net down, unless I have 3 open side to work on the plants. That sounds like a cool little ru. You have planned. Glad I found your thread…..


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
That's the thing too, is I pretty much have cuts of everything 2x so I could place ome on each side of the room?!?!?🤔
You could sure. But I would back them up from the lights footprint a good ways until they get legs under them again, or are your cuts already rooted?


You could sure. But I would back them up from the lights footprint a good ways until they get legs under them again, or are your cuts already rooted?
Rdy to roll my friend!! Waiting to evict the other girls so I can get these in there and rolling b4 my inlaws get here this weekend.
20231109 073651
20231109 073655


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Rdy to roll my friend!! Waiting to evict the other girls so I can get these in there and rolling b4 my inlaws get here this weekend.View attachment 2073623
Fuck yeah! Sorry man, this clown curses 👊🏻🤡 man, my sons coming back for t day and bringing his girl. His old room has like 60 plants in it. He’s fucked hahahaha.


Fuck yeah! Sorry man, this clown curses 👊🏻🤡 man, my sons coming back for t day and bringing his girl. His old room has like 60 plants in it. He’s fucked hahahaha.
Ha, no worries, I have to watch my 11 year old, she'll be doing something n I'll catch her saying "cmon, motherfucker" it's hard to not chuckle but she gets carried away sometimes, not real sure where it comes from tho🤬🤣 I'm looking forward to when she can help in the garden w me, she's real.curious as it is n I try n educate her as best as possible without crossing legal boundaries and having her flapping her gums at school!!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Ha, no worries, I have to watch my 11 year old, she'll be doing something n I'll catch her saying "cmon, motherfucker" it's hard to not chuckle but she gets carried away sometimes, not real sure where it comes from tho🤬🤣 I'm looking forward to when she can help in the garden w me, she's real.curious as it is n I try n educate her as best as possible without crossing legal boundaries and having her flapping her gums at school!!
Yeah that’s not a bad way to go about, I didn’t open the doors of Shangri La until my kids hit 18 though. Raising a kid to understand the deal in my eyes is a way of relieving stigma and taboo over it. It’s not like we are trying to brew bathtub gin 😂


Yeah that’s not a bad way to go about, I didn’t open the doors of Shangri La until my kids hit 18 though. Raising a kid to understand the deal in my eyes is a way of relieving stigma and taboo over it. It’s not like we are trying to brew bathtub gin 😂
I think she understands y I can't let her be more involved and unfortunately she has been subject to quite a few misnomers regarding the legality and use of it from opposing family members who have unscrupulous agendas!! It's taken alot of work and effort on our part to reassure her that everything I do is within the legal confines of the law and she has nothing to worry about, but then have to tell her she cant b running her mouth?!?! It's like a double edged sword, fukkng stupid! I hope I'm setting her up to at least just have an open mind about things. Idk man, sorry bout the ramble lol


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I think she understands y I can't let her be more involved and unfortunately she has been subject to quite a few misnomers regarding the legality and use of it from opposing family members who have unscrupulous agendas!! It's taken alot of work and effort on our part to reassure her that everything I do is within the legal confines of the law and she has nothing to worry about, but then have to tell her she cant b running her mouth?!?! It's like a double edged sword, fukkng stupid! I hope I'm setting her up to at least just have an open mind about things. Idk man, sorry bout the ramble lol
Nah man, I get it. If we hide everything from our kids, alls that does is teach them to hide shit from us. Sure maybe our parenting style is different than the average bears, but who fucking cares what others are doing. That’s for the mouth breathers who can’t look in the mirror bro. You keep on keeping on, because if I learned one thing in this life, it’s that family is family. We will all look out for each. Because hopefully we all know the damned deal. It’s worked great for me bro. I raised 2 kids that NEVER got in trouble. Never a plate call from the cops, friends moms, stores for sticky fingers, none of that shit. Be real and they will be real back.


Nah man, I get it. If we hide everything from our kids, alls that does is teach them to hide shit from us. Sure maybe our parenting style is different than the average bears, but who fucking cares what others are doing. That’s for the mouth breathers who can’t look in the mirror bro. You keep on keeping on, because if I learned one thing in this life, it’s that family is family. We will all look out for each. Because hopefully we all know the damned deal. It’s worked great for me bro. I raised 2 kids that NEVER got in trouble. Never a plate call from the cops, friends moms, stores for sticky fingers, none of that shit. Be real and they will be real back.
For sure, I kinda blew up the other day in front of her about her grandma from my ex, she didn't rly say anything cuz she knows how.i feel about them and then a few days later she had equine therapy and wad talking about how she wanted to b like me bc "idk u don't like bullshit about stuff u just say it like it is" , made me feel pretty good bit GOD pls don't b like me for fuks sake, I've been a chef for 20 plus and have lived that stereotype lifestyle, and it's not rly a stereotype lol and as a younger man in the industry I have no fuks and feelings for anything!!


Afternoon all!! Well , everything got chopped yesterday!! I wish I could have ran them a few days longer but as life may have it, circumstances sometimes dictate other plans!! I wasn't able to snap pics at the chop but i promise I'll uodate when done drying etc. I have cleaned up the garden area and am preparing for transplant of the next room. I'll prolly just continue this thread as next run is strictly going to b all TenguSeedCo!! Sorry again for the lack of pics at harvest aa


Afternoon all!! Well , everything got chopped yesterday!! I wish I could have ran them a few days longer but as life may have it, circumstances sometimes dictate other plans!! I wasn't able to snap pics at the chop but i promise I'll uodate when done drying etc. I have cleaned up the garden area and am preparing for transplant of the next room. I'll prolly just continue this thread as next run is strictly going to b all TenguSeedCo!! Sorry again for the lack of pics at harvest aa
Grats man and I get it. When it’s a one man job it’s hard to clean, harvest and take pictures without getting overwhelmed ! Take your time and can’t wait to see the final pics!


Morning all, so shit has been crazy hectic here. Preparing for family, kids bday, all that shit lol!! Anywho, been in SW here I obviously have trouble s humidity but I'm in the process of figuring out a solution for drying. Anywho 2 have dried and I trimmed and jarred then up today!! Beautiful specimens and looking forward to a proper smoke report on them. Honestly as well, easiest plants I've ever had the pleasure of trimming, Tha k u @Trustfall I jarred up the ODx okie 2 and that yielded 1.4oz going into the jar and the OD x okie 3 was 1.1oz going I to the jar. I'm super happy with those numbers but also know they have alot more potential!! Anywho I'll post up some pics of those 2 when I have a few more mins today!!


Also jist so everyone knows, these all came from 5 seeds I started of the OD x Okie
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