the coffee shop

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No...the way the state has this set up you need to hit the floor running. The goal is to get a good supply of a good product to the retail shops when they are licensed in June. We have much riding on our first crop as does the state so it is crucial to put all we have into it from the beginning. I have compiled a good group of help with a combined experience level of about 25 years of growing. As with anything it all comes down to the details so lets hope I get them all right:)
That is good to hear. Shoot me a PM if you want to run any other details past me, I am a new grower, but long time business owner and happy to try to shoot any holes in your plan to help you think of all angles.


I'll be looking out for your threads. I want to do the same here when and if we ever become a legal state.


Georgia...might have a bit of a wait but hopefully if it all goes down OK here it might be a blueprint for the rest of the nation. I should be a pro on all this by then and I would be happy to help in any way I can:-)


Fear Not!
I wonder why Rec users in Colorado and Washington dont get a med card..
.Wouldnt it save money?..

IMHO Cannabis is Saving the lives of everyone that uses it!
Preventive meds..could be killing cancer cells from the Fukashima radiation
And the GMO's everyone's eating..

Im Preventing lung cancer with it ;)


what do you do if they deny the permit...just wondering

Well...that was the concern for the last couple of months but we have passed that hurdle now with the confirmation from the state:-) It has been a very nervous few months I have to say. I did know the rules that the state put into effect backwards and forwards. I was proactive to get moratoriums lifted in our county, not just for us but for all the people that applied for a license to grow or for a retail shop. I contacted every local entity I could find, county police, state police, the city administrators and of course the county to make sure they understood what we would be doing, how we would be doing it and to generally educate them to the process of growing. It all paid off for me and as our investigator with the state said, I had the most complete and most thought out plan of any she had seen:-) We have put over $25,000 cash into it already with about another $20,000 to spend before our doors are open and the lights turned on. None of us are wealthy, pretty much live pay check to pay check, even my partner that saved $45,000 working on the windmills here and it is just luck and determination that has brought us to this point. Then of course we still have to pay for the rent, power, water, internet, etc. for each month until we get our first crop harvested, dried and cured properly and sold to a retail outlet. Much still to do but I am at least no longer worried about not getting the license and I thank my lucky stars for that:-)


I can't tell you how happy I am for you and the direction in which you are taking the forest run...I hope you nail this on the head and prosper...modern day pioneers is what you guys are...go for broke and eat beans and will make you strong or break your back...with all the good feelings I get from seeing you're confirmation from the state you gotta kill it...good luck and God speed the green


Premium Member
009 800x600

Good morning campers.....
Eggs, fresh from the nest, still warm from momma hen, hash browns and ground pork homemade sausage patty.........
Come's along with an appetizer of strong 20 ounce mug French roast French pressed coffee with heavy whipping cream and hashdube, great way to start the day...
Fully nourished and totally baked.....
Go Chickenman....


I wonder why Rec users in Colorado and Washington dont get a med card..
.Wouldnt it save money?..

IMHO Cannabis is Saving the lives of everyone that uses it!
Preventive meds..could be killing cancer cells from the Fukashima radiation
And the GMO's everyone's eating..

Im Preventing lung cancer with it ;)

I don't personally think everyone who wants to smoke some pot should go through a "doctor" that really does not care what you use it for if you pay your $200 to them for prescribing it. Then use of cannabis for everyone is all just a farce to begin with. My opinion is that everyone should have access to weed....period! It is time for this goofy country to come to terms with the fact that more than half the people in the USA think it should be legal, for everyone and not just as medicine. We don't call a beer medicine and yet most people who use weed use it in the same way as alcohol more or less. Please do not misinterpret my words and think I am comparing the two...I prefer cannabis any day of the week and cannabis is a legitimate medicine absolutely. I will say that the broad acceptance of medical cannabis has fueled the change of opinion here and that is a marvelous thing but expecting people who want to use weed just for general happiness to get a prescription for medicine is not the way to legalization and the end of prohibition for this wonderful plant.


I can't tell you how happy I am for you and the direction in which you are taking the forest run...I hope you nail this on the head and prosper...modern day pioneers is what you guys are...go for broke and eat beans and will make you strong or break your back...with all the good feelings I get from seeing you're confirmation from the state you gotta kill it...good luck and God speed the green

Thank you so much:-) I hope we do too!


Good morning all! Starting my day in the hot tub with a big bowl is bound to make it a wonderful day:-) So much to do today including layout for fencing, set up concrete delivery, rent an auger for post holes, get the big BBQ to the WOW headquarters for the weekend, plan and buy the food for the BBQ, coordinate with the electric company on the alarm system and the list goes on and on! Wish I was there for breakfast Chickenman.....looks yummy:-)


View attachment 382889
Good morning campers.....
Eggs, fresh from the nest, still warm from momma hen, hash browns and ground pork homemade sausage patty.........
Come's along with an appetizer of strong 20 ounce mug French roast French pressed coffee with heavy whipping cream and hashdube, great way to start the day...
Fully nourished and totally baked.....
Go Chickenman....
wow, that looks really good. In my former life I was a fry cook.. nice work man.
All you need is to break that sausage up into some homemade white gravy over those hashbrowns! :)


Premium Member
will we ever be free???
IMO there will always be some restriction or penalties for use, it's so over taxed, over priced retail and medical, over regulated, fear of driving, work piss tests, they give us a little freedom supposedly but then come up with other ways to tell us what to do, how to do and where to do.
Fuck it all. create your own world and let the rest fuck it up and fight it out..
Same with the rest of the crap going on in this world if you cant change it change what you can to make your world the best you can while alive....


Good morning all! Starting my day in the hot tub with a big bowl is bound to make it a wonderful day:) So much to do today including layout for fencing, set up concrete delivery, rent an auger for post holes, get the big BBQ to the WOW headquarters for the weekend, plan and buy the food for the BBQ, coordinate with the electric company on the alarm system and the list goes on and on! Wish I was there for breakfast Chickenman.....looks yummy:)
If I started my day this way it would be an awful short day! I would be in bed by 10am..! We got a swim spa tub this year for the kids.. it is bad ass. Nice place to enjoy a cold beer and kick on the tunes. Well, actually just easiest to snap a picture.. here is the setup.. notice the fridge is in reaching distance of the tub and the submarine lights we mounted above.. :)



I've come to keep the gate locked and a firearm by all doors...last night I had a visitor and went out with dutch to see who was comin down the drive...they seemed a little nervous to see dutch on a leash watching them...he's very finds me munching out on oats and raisins on the porch...a little cool, 59 degrees today...sun will change that, y'all enjoy the day


Premium Member
wow, that looks really good. In my former life I was a fry cook.. nice work man.
All you need is to break that sausage up into some homemade white gravy over those hashbrowns! :)
Gravy love. I make the best gravies and sauces....


Living dead girl
Good morning folks! My morning is starting off with an internet argument about racism between myself and one of my sisters! Next thing I know, I'll be getting a phone call from her accusing me of being righteous. Yet she just recounted a story from our childhood about our father being denied a hotel room due to his appearance (back in the late 60s, he had a full beard). Dichotomies abound.

I love a good gravy, CM, 'specially if it's waveh.


I've come to keep the gate locked and a firearm by all doors...last night I had a visitor and went out with dutch to see who was comin down the drive...they seemed a little nervous to see dutch on a leash watching them...he's very finds me munching out on oats and raisins on the porch...a little cool, 59 degrees today...sun will change that, y'all enjoy the day
Its Sad that you have to be this secure. (some) People will steal and rob anyone though.

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