The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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Actually....... I do have mouths to feed. Wife and three teenaged boys. The thing is I have lived over 50 years on this earth. I think I have earned the right to put into my body ( or not ) whatever I wish. I also don't need the fucking government to tell me I can only have XX amount of plants. When something is wrong it's wrong. You have folks with money growing thousands of plants for profit at the expense of the patient. Then you have Joe-Blow down the street who need's this medicine just to live and function but is afraid to grow some plants because of johnny-law. Fuck that noise.

If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hey i agree, an im not tryin to argue morals. Ive jus done too much time. I dont got it in me no more. So for me an mine i follow as im not interested in consequences. Id feel stupid sittin in a cage because of my own ignorance. That being said, i do me. I try to stay away from losing battles or risks that dont exceed benefits.


so the timer came on at the right time.. hopefully the fucker goes off or ill be doing this by hand. hah.. i did get the 12/12 right, hah. but i do not need that yet.
guess ill go for a walk. if im get back home and feet frozen i know its about 35-40F out side. hah.

need a bong hit first.


Glad that they are under control.How fast the can wipe out a plant is mind boggling.I have fungus gnats, using a bacterial larvacide, de, and traps, Its always something,

Hey bud. Continued gnats is usually just a sign of high humidity or over watering frequency. Any chance something environmental can be corrected?


so the timer came on at the right time.. hopefully the fucker goes off or ill be doing this by hand. hah.. i did get the 12/12 right, hah. but i do not need that yet.
guess ill go for a walk. if im get back home and feet frozen i know its about 35-40F out side. hah.

need a bong hit first.
Damn sounds like a heat wave lmao
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View attachment 675470 View attachment 675473 think I'm gonna get chopping on the early faded LB,tonight...looks really tasty,smells like a different variety...its acting way different under two cmhs than under leds or both together..wish I had the skills to make two pontoons to fit over both cmh reflectors,with red and far red leds ...definitely helps with ripening and making nugs more dense. I do still have a spare mars 450 reflector series panel.might hang it between the two cmhs ,just to use for last 3 weeks.???

That bud is weeks away from done!

Cmh in my room is shortening flower time an average of 10 days.

Is it going longer than you hoped? She is just about to start getting fat. I would be feeding that plant.


this waking up sick shit has to stop man.. only relief is a hot shower, and a bowl. shrugs..

oh well, such is life. day 32. hah

get high fools its 3am. hah., fuck sleep right.. its over rated anyhow.


Chris. Are you just getting of opiate pain meds?

They can't make you physically sick a month later as far as I know. One of my best friends is a psych tech and he admits heroin addicts to dry out. he said some psych meds are more dangerous.

Just asking. Because if it is mental/ emotional sickness you can beat the sickness. I did after many years of chemical dependency.


not experience that kind of cold in 17 years, sigh.. im a desert rat.. ill be heading out for my walk in T, shorts, and snadals. hah.

ok, one more bong hit and i go get my walk on.


9 degrees here


Chris. Are you just getting of opiate pain meds?

They can't make you physically sick a month later as far as I know. One of my best friends is a psych tech and he admits heroin addicts to dry out. he said some psych meds are more dangerous.

Just asking. Because if it is mental/ emotional sickness you can beat the sickness. I did after many years of chemical dependency.
yeah its from opiates. 15 years of every day use for a my shattered leg. they fucked my back up, so i had no choice to go to pills.. i was ok first year, but after than its just went bad.. just trying to get healthy now.. im day 31.. i was on oxycotin, oxycodone ( known as roxxies on the street i hear), atavan, some other shit.. all high dosage.. i through up strait the first week.. sigh.. my brain is a fucking mess. ( i know i have a rough year ahead of me )

just got back from my walk.. feet started to get cold half way through.. but not as cold as last time so im gonna say its 44F here. hah now i need to check.

ii was off looks like 50F. i must be just looking cold in my feet..



i have to go be a human on sunday.. i really do not want to go.. but that would be my old pill popping self excuse.. this learning to live again is a bitch i tell ya.



yeah its from opiates. 15 years of every day use for a my shattered leg. they fucked my back up, so i had no choice to go to pills.. i was ok first year, but after than its just went bad.. just trying to get healthy now.. im day 31.. i was on oxycotin, oxycodone ( known as roxxies on the street i hear), atavan, some other shit.. all high dosage.. i through up strait the first week.. sigh.. my brain is a fucking mess. ( i know i have a rough year ahead of me )

just got back from my walk.. feet started to get cold half way through.. but not as cold as last time so im gonna say its 44F here. hah now i need to check.

ii was off looks like 50F. i must be just looking cold in my feet..


Keep plugging along. Eventually I stopped thinking and feeling about it for the most part.

It's been almost 20 years now. I don't take pain meds beyond ibuprophin now. And the better I learn to grow. The better my flowers ease the pain and help heal the body and soul.


Keep plugging along. Eventually I stopped thinking and feeling about it for the most part.

It's been almost 20 years now. I don't take pain meds beyond ibuprophin now. And the better I learn to grow. The better my flowers ease the pain and help heal the body and soul.
thats the goal.. or well thats the plan.. one day at a time.. i just hate being a sick mental case.. its like im bi polar.. sucks shit.. depression, i guess is the next stage in this shit.. was just waking up sick, now its waking up sick, and depression.. and this stupid leg cramps bug the s hit out of me like no other. hah.. been eating lots of bannana to try and help but no such luck. hah

oh well id rather its me than anyone i know or my family.. it wold suck if any of them had to deal with this shit. hah

i have a little hash left i need a attitude adjustment stat. hah



Actually....... I do have mouths to feed. Wife and three teenaged boys. The thing is I have lived over 50 years on this earth. I think I have earned the right to put into my body ( or not ) whatever I wish. I also don't need the fucking government to tell me I can only have XX amount of plants. When something is wrong it's wrong. You have folks with money growing thousands of plants for profit at the expense of the patient. Then you have Joe-Blow down the street who need's this medicine just to live and function but is afraid to grow some plants because of johnny-law. Fuck that noise.

If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I grow because I want to know what I am consuming is the best for my medical needs.
At least it is legal for you both ( greenhouser ) to grow. :-)
I do not look forward to the " Feds " stepping in for those states where recreational use is legal also.


Well thats 20 seeds put in 2 pop iv kept 5 for a rainy day let the mystery grow commence fingers cross there something good..........jipp stay strong dude dont think about the past look to the future you can beat this
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Well thats 20 seeds put in 2 pop iv kept 5 for a rainy day let the mystery grow commence fingers cross there something good..........jipp stay strong dude dont think about the past look to the future you can beat this
easier said than done im afraid. im not even craving the pills persay.. sure if i have no herb i think well fuck with pills at least i had something all month.. but in time once i get my shit working i hope to not have that problem.. also i need fire... stupid tolerance.

but yeah dwelling on the years lost bugs me. but whatever. time marches on.


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