The Uk Awesome Member And Growers Thread

  • Thread starter ghettogrower
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My reason for wanting to leave has nothing to do with being racist. but the flood of people from these new merged countries has put a strain on our economy that cant be dealt with any other way . Or at least I can't personally see another way I haven't got a issue with any race if there cool there cool if there not they can sling it simple. And tbh I think that is the attitude of most of the uk but enough is enough when we got people dying at a&e because of 6 Hr waiting times because the country is full I could talk shit about this all night as probably u could on your opinions but when all is said and done your guna think your right and I'm guna know I'm right so I'm guna nip it in the bud :) time for a fat spliff and some sleep. Laters fuckers :)
fair enough, i wasn't calling you racist. This economy is not fucked because of immigration, the nhs isn't fucked due to immigrants either - both are fucked because of previous governments mismanagement and bankers bending us over the table and rimming our asses off. Leaving the EU will not change any of that.
G gnome

G gnome

1466584724502 1540365536

G gnome

G gnome

I would be the happy gilmore of the disk golf world no body and nothing would be safe :)
U think that now but i guarantee the first time u go to throw a disc its gonna go like 20ft and wudnt hurt a fly haha. Its a lot harder than it looks to throw one hard nuff to do some damage.
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