The Worst Wildlife Disease Outbreak Ever in North America

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The Worst Wildlife Disease Outbreak Ever in North America Just Got Way Worse

The US Fish and Wildlife Service confirms white-nose syndrome (WNS) is present at Fern Cave National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama. This cave provides winter hibernation space for several bat species, including the largest documented wintering colony of endangered gray bats. More than a million individuals of thisfederally listed and IUCN listed species nest at Fern Cave.
White-nose syndrome—a fungal disease possibly imported from Europe on the boots of spelunkers (cave explorers)—hits bats at their winter hibernation roosts. It was first identified in North America in New York in 2006/2007 and has since spread to 22 states (more on that here) and five Canadian provinces. WNS has decimated bat populations with mortality rates reaching 100 percent at some sites. In the northeastern United States, bat numbers have plummeted by at least 80 percent, says the USGS, with ~6.7 million bats killed continent wide. The Center for Biological Diversity reports that biologists consider this the worst wildlife disease outbreak ever in North America.

Scanning electron micrograph of a bat hair colonized by Geomyces destructans: Gudrun Wibbelt, Andreas Kurth, David Hellmann, Manfred Weishaar, Alex Barlow, Michael Veith, Julia Prüger, Tamás Görföl, Lena Grosche, Fabio Bontadina, Ulrich Zöphel, Hans-Peter Seidl, Paul M. Cryan, and David S. Blehert via Wikimedia Commons
The disease is caused by the fungus Geomyces destructans, which infects the muzzle, ears, and wings of afflicted hibernating bats. Bats with WNS get all messed up during the cold winter months—flying outside during the day and clustering near the entrances of caves and mines where they would normally be hibernating.

"The documentation of the disease from Fern Cave is extremely alarming and could be catastrophic."​
"With over a million hibernating gray bats, Fern Cave is undoubtedly the single most significant hibernaculum for the species," says Paul McKenzie, Endangered Species Coordinator for USFWS. "Although mass mortality of gray bats has not yet been confirmed from any WNS infected caves in which the species hibernates, the documentation of the disease from Fern Cave is extremely alarming and could be catastrophic."
Strong words for a government agency. But the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) is even more pissed off. "With white-nose syndrome wiping out bats across the eastern United States, it should be all hands on deck,"says Mollie Matteson, a CBD bat specialist. "But tragically the response to this crisis continues to be lackluster. [Bats are] supremely important for farming, for our food security. They eat thousands of tons of insects, including crop pests, every year."
The CBD says researchers estimate the economic value of bug-eating bats to American agriculture at $22 billion, maybe as much as $53 billion a year. Yet federal funding for WNS research and disease response coordination has been scarce the past several years and is likely to become even scarcer in the 2013 and 2014 federal budgets.


Living dead girl
We're in the Sierra Nevada. We used to see all kinds of bats flying around in the summer evenings. This last summer I saw THREE. That's it.


I'm out here in the northeast and Ive seen zero...years ago there were millions flying around at really does mess with outdoor crops tho, lack of bats forces farmers to use harsh chemicals to saves crops from bugs...


I just thought to post the article in case people gather their own guano, they might want to take extra per cautions or not use it until we find out if its safe......


I'm reading about that new drug that just started showing up around arizona. It started in russia and turns people into zombies and eats their flesh from the inside out, peoples hands and feet have just fallen off their bodies and left bones exposed!!!! SCARY SHIT.......The government said they need more cases in america before they can try to ban it, nevermind that russia has a night of the living dead problem this should check it out, its freaky as hell......."krokodil" is what they are calling it.....


Living dead girl
I've read about it. Insane. Just completely fucking insane. We'll do a good job of wiping our own asses off the planet at this rate, never mind Melancholia!


O my god,,,,your not kidding, that is the most disturbing shit I've seen in a long time, the government needs to just let people get high on reg drugs, if not they just use whatever they find laying around....that shit is made from gas, codeine, paint thinner, red phosphorus , and iodine ......sick


Living dead girl
Thing is, we've seen this before during Prohibition. This is where what seems to be a dirty word for a lot of people comes in--regulation.


The problem with regulation is that the government in reality becomes responsable for the product being regulated and nothing good comes from drugs, there are people that can do them with reason and still go to work but for the most part it just makes a bunch of lazy junkies that need rehab sooner or later, I say just leave everything how it is now but take away the 5 and 10 year prison not a fan of governent telling people what they can do, I also think that if someone makes the choice to smoke crack and shoot heroin everyday they should be responsable for any medical bills that come from side effects...I'm tired of carrying people while they sit home all day on welfare and get high and I'm bustin my ass at work....also how did canada take such a 180 on the medical marijuana issue, they banned bongs, pipes, and marijuana books and mags ???? And now people can't grow at home, big corp. Is gonna take over while they raid people using the list of legal med card holders, I would want a refund of my card fee, fuck those people......I don't get how these people get away with all this bullshit...


We used to have a lot more bats and would have them get in the house, but not for a few years now. The bats nest under the the eaves and some of the lap siding on my house. I am able to harvest guano that comes of the roof below the bat "homes" but I feed it to my compost for the red worms. HOW "hot" is fresh guano?


Depends what the bats diet was, fruit or insects. And guano for the most part is pretty hot and should be "cooked" first.....1-10-1......10-1,1 are around the norm for guanos that come from bats with rich diets, normal bats in the us might not be eating as well as bats from say a jungle where they always have very good nutrient intake....


Like the article says tho, bats are deadly sick and you should be careful handling guano, always wear a mask and wash your hands. You could get a lung infection from that shit and with that deadly fungi killing them rite now who know what else.....


Like the article says tho, bats are deadly sick and you should be careful handling guano, always wear a mask and wash your hands. You could get a lung infection from that shit and with that deadly fungi killing them rite now who know what else.....

Can't ever have too many precautions with stuff like this flying through the air. I remember mixing guano into my soil pots just willy nilly. Had I known, had I known. Thanks for the heads up, this is the kind of stuff that this community should be about first and foremost IMO.

If using bat poo, use a mask and gloves foo. Gotta make a cute rhyme out of it so I remember. :p


White nose syndrome has a very low probability for vectoring into human populations- chances are much higher we infested THEM with it originally, long before contaminated caver's boots might have spread it around.

Any fresh guano is very hot and full of ammonia. It needs composting of some type before its ready for plants.

It's always a great idea to wear a dust mask when mixing organic nutrients. If it isn't batshit, it's chickenshit or bullshit. Even if there aren't any harmful microbes in it, the dust itself is bad for you.

This goes for handling fine particles of anything, like diatomacous earth, dolomite lime, even fine grades of dry sifted coco coir.

I mean, aren't we as a group tough enough on our lungs as it is?


You have to work a day on the flightline in the Marine Corps some time Tty. If we weren't breathing in exhaust fumes, it was some sort of AFFF residue, or MEK or some other cleaner fumes. My lungs are officially hardened off against everything from tobacco smoke to Agent Orange, military certified!

dust? I eat dust for dinner and piss concertina wire.


Living dead girl
White nose syndrome has a very low probability for vectoring into human populations- chances are much higher we infested THEM with it originally, long before contaminated caver's boots might have spread it around.

Any fresh guano is very hot and full of ammonia. It needs composting of some type before its ready for plants.

It's always a great idea to wear a dust mask when mixing organic nutrients. If it isn't batshit, it's chickenshit or bullshit. Even if there aren't any harmful microbes in it, the dust itself is bad for you.

This goes for handling fine particles of anything, like diatomacous earth, dolomite lime, even fine grades of dry sifted coco coir.

I mean, aren't we as a group tough enough on our lungs as it is?

It's not WNS that I'd be concerned about, it's the other diseases they're known to vector to humans. ;)
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