These girls need HELP

  • Thread starter Saul_Goodman7
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Hello everyone.

This is going to be a little lengthy but I appreciate anyone who can help me. I am growing these seven Nanaz in a 4x4 tent in my basement. Just a week ago, these girls had green stems, healthy green leaves, and were killing it.

Now, I have dark purple stems, light green leaves with all kinds of issues going on. I have listed everything I am using below as well as photos for reference. I know my lights are not the best, but I have used them for a while and have had great runs with them.

I am not an expert by far but I am not brand new either. I have grown in coco a lot, I have grown a lot of different strains, I keep moms of my favorites, I have been very successful up until I moved everything into this basement. Growing is my passion and to have such backwards progress is a real kick in the nads and it’s driving me insane. Please anyone who can help me get my growing back on track, words couldn’t express how grateful I would be.

RO water, all measurements per gallon
4ml calmag
2.5 g V1
2.5 g V2. This brings my EC to roughly 1.6-1.7. I have grown this exact cut with 3.0 EC without problems before.
2 Meijiu 240w quantum board LED. I had them dimmed to about 70% @ 24” but just lowered that to 50%
Temp stays between 77-78 F consistently
RH is 50%
View attachment 2140552

I hand water with a little bit of runoff, to test my dry back I pick each pot up. If I can provide anymore information please let me know. I should also add this is an issue I faced on my last run as well. The symptoms are consistent and it has been a repeat issue.


Looks like light stress. I also see interveinal chlorosis, which is likely magnesium deficiency. Try foliar feeding with Epsom salt dosed at 1 tablespoon per gallon.
Thank you very much 🙌🏼 I will foliar spray today and keep an eye on them with my lights dimmed


What lovegrowingit said

Strange sure the pics weren’t a attachment when I looked 5 min ago
Thank you! Yeah I just looked back at my post and for some reason only one pic out of 3 were there… I’m new to this so maybe I did something wrong lol


Thank you! Yeah I just looked back at my post and for some reason only one pic out of 3 were there… I’m new to this so maybe I did something wrong lol
Saul, Thanks for posting as I am also growing in Coco/Perlite with RO and using 5ml CalMag with Reefertilizer B - and see similar issue on a couple of my plants. I may try the epsom salt foliar as well. I assumed the cal-mag would handle this.
My previous experience was rockwool and flood method.


Saul, Thanks for posting as I am also growing in Coco/Perlite with RO and using 5ml CalMag with Reefertilizer B - and see similar issue on a couple of my plants. I may try the epsom salt foliar as well. I assumed the cal-mag would handle this.
My previous experience was rockwool and flood method.
Don’t always assume it’s a mg issue you can overdose the plant with cali mg that said your Your both not using tap water witch normally contains calcium & mg.

with ro water your missing minerals the plants need like zinc,Manganese ect

Unless your tap waters not drinkable you’d both be better with tap water rather than ro water


GMIX - My water was so high in iron we could not use without a water softener, which I was told years ago would be worse and to use ro or distilled (by teacher of the rockwool method).
Yesterday I had a IRON Filter with Air Injection Oxidation and a matched Softener. Is the soft water worse then the RO? I would prefer not having to had Cal-Mag to water every time and the ro water always needs PH up to 6.0 from 5.1 to 5.2.


Saul, Thanks for posting as I am also growing in Coco/Perlite with RO and using 5ml CalMag with Reefertilizer B - and see similar issue on a couple of my plants. I may try the epsom salt foliar as well. I assumed the cal-mag would handle this.
My previous experience was rockwool and flood method.
Absolutely, I hope this helps others as well. At one time I questioned if I was using too much Calmag as I had reached out to Floraflex and they said there is plenty of calcium and magnesium built into their nutrient line, and that extra calmag is not needed even with RO water, however I have used it for years with both RO and tap and I have never experienced lockout due to excess calmag... I am thinking my light intensity was the issue. I checked on my plants about an hour ago, after dimming the lights when I made my original post and sure enough, they are already perked up and starting to pray. I will hit them with the foliar feed this evening when my lights are off and monitor them for the rest of the week


Don’t always assume it’s a mg issue you can overdose the plant with cali mg that said your
Your both not using tap water witch normally contains calcium & mg.

I was thinking the same thing. Ca and Mg can be antagonistic, which is one of the reasons I don't like to use calmag products. I prefer to watch the plants to see what they need. So, anyway, I also understand that Mg has a wide dosage range, so it can be applied liberally. The caveat is to watch for Ca deficiency due to the potential antagonism.


GMIX - My water was so high in iron we could not use without a water softener, which I was told years ago would be worse and to use ro or distilled (by teacher of the rockwool method).
Yesterday I had a IRON Filter with Air Injection Oxidation and a matched Softener. Is the soft water worse then the RO? I would prefer not having to had Cal-Mag to water every time and the ro water always needs PH up to 6.0 from 5.1 to 5.2.
Always freaks me when I hear it’s not drinkable you guys must pay for your water differently as they can’t seriously charge you if it’s not drinkable
If we had that here it would cause mayhem be in the news ect as we pay a lot for drinkable water in the uk
In the south it’s chalky but that about the extent of it we never or once in a blue moon get told not to drink tap water


Absolutely, I hope this helps others as well. At one time I questioned if I was using too much Calmag as I had reached out to Floraflex and they said there is plenty of calcium and magnesium built into their nutrient line, and that extra calmag is not needed even with RO water, however I have used it for years with both RO and tap and I have never experienced lockout due to excess calmag... I am thinking my light intensity was the issue. I checked on my plants about an hour ago, after dimming the lights when I made my original post and sure enough, they are already perked up and starting to pray. I will hit them with the foliar feed this evening when my lights are off and monitor them for the rest of the week

Always freaks me when I hear it’s not drinkable you guys must pay for your water differently as they can’t seriously charge you if it’s not drinkable
If we had that here it would cause mayhem be in the news ect as we pay a lot for drinkable water in the uk
In the south it’s chalky but that about the extent of it we never or once in a blue moon get told not to drink tap water
Gmix, I have a well (lots of water with lots of iron and hardness) the cost to connect to city water is close to $7,000 and they make you cap your well.
With the softener it is drinkable , but we have the salt to deal with. I added an ro system just for the plants.
Soft Water - PH 7.6 , 695 ppm, 1390 ec --- RO PH 5.85, 29 ppm 58 ec


Ah right we don’t get a choice our waters connected up like it or not.
We get billed by water companies that said they have a monopoly as each county has a set water company and you can’t switch to another as there is none for your area. They bill us for waste water and the amount we use.

We’re kinda trapped into having to pay as one of the conditions that you would have to pay is if your waste and/or rainwater goes into a public sewer

We have a very strange rule regarding water as you can’t be cut off for non payment. Water is regarded as essential there are various routes they can take if you don’t pay but they can’t cut you off unlike gas & electric
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Looks like light stress. I also see interveinal chlorosis, which is likely magnesium deficiency. Try foliar feeding with Epsom salt dosed at 1 tablespoon per gallon.
So I’ve tried the foliar spray and have hit them with it twice, however it hasn’t done anything for the mg deficiency. The plants have perked up a lot and have been doing great since adjusting my light. Here is a picture of my worst plant as of this morning. Any other recommendations? Thanks!
IMG 1031


This is one of the better ones I've seen....hope it helps.....

And to be honest, I'm going through the same thing.....I went from 18/6 veg nutes directly to 12/12 flower nutes in a Kratky......I'm thinking I needed more n, which threw the plant out of whack.....



This is one of the better ones I've seen....hope it helps.....

And to be honest, I'm going through the same thing.....I went from 18/6 veg nutes directly to 12/12 flower nutes in a Kratky......I'm thinking I needed more n, which threw the plant out of whack.....

I appreciate that. This is my first time using floraflex so I’m still learning this program, and after doing some research I’ve found multiple people saying they’ve experienced the same thing when they first started with this line, they found it worked best at high EC levels so I think I need to raise my EC on my next feed and see how that plays out.

I find myself often tapering or slow transitioning my veg bites to bloom nutes when I first flip to flower. In my experience the plants like that N in the beginning stages of flower


This Kratky Method is new ro not knowing and also wanting to know, I changed one completely over and weaned the other one.....yeah....I found out fast......
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