They got ur phone tapped whatcha gone do. (Must read)

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That's the problem no ones willing to die anymore. People start killing and dying over this shit and it will stop in a hurry but the people are happy with the way things are so it wont stop until the shit hits the fan:cigar:
Sad thing is the people who have that thought the most are are in there late 40's or 50's doing 20 years in prison for nothing substantial and wish they had to make it worth the sentence. Meanwhile the news reports of the revolving door letting out all the child molesters and violent victimizers of the common man.


I had the list the NSA had to give to some media outlet. Think it was Washington post or WSJ, cant recall who published or where i saved it. While searching for it again I found this:

At 7:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, June 12 a large group of online activists are encouraging as many people as possible to send out a form email filled with a variety of NSA trigger words, to clog up the system and make life as difficult as possible for big brother.

By JG Vibes -
In wake of the recent NSA scandals a group of activists have posted the following notice at a new website

Hey! How’s it going? I’m all right.
My job is so shitty I wish could overthrow my boss. It’s like thisoppressive regime where only true believers in his management techniques will stay around. I work marathon-length hours and he’s made all these changes that have made it the worst architecture firm to work at in Manhattan. Like he moved the office to the Financial District and fired my assistant. She was the only one who knew where the blueprints were! I need access to those blueprints to complete my job! F my life, right? And he keeps trying to start all these new initiatives to boost revenue, but seriously we just need to stick to what we do best. There’s only one true profit center. I seriously feel ready to go on strike at any second.
I just read this article about how these free radical particles can cause the downfall of good health and accelerate aging. These could actually cause death to millions of Americans. If these particles are flying around undetected everywhere, does that mean we’re all radicalized?
Have you seen the second season of Breaking Bad? I just finished it. I couldn’t believe that episode where they poison the guy with ricin! That was the bomb! I won’t say any more because I don’t want to reveal the earth-shattering events to come.
Oh! So I’ve been planning a big trip for the summer. I’m thinking of visiting all of the most famous suspension bridges in the United States. So probably like the Golden Gate Bridge, The Brooklyn Bridge, and the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. I’m gonna bring my younger brother and I know he’ll want to go to bars, so I’m thinking of getting him a fake drivers license, but I hope that doesn’t blow up in my face.
Okay, I gotta run! I’m late for flight school. I missed the last class where we learn how to land, so I really can’t miss another one. Talk to you later!​
Oh boy Cort you just brought them here, lol Hi Boys were just kidding,, I don't know about these guys, but I only grow peppers..
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Huh- I call BULLSHIT. IF human eyes read this at NSA, or any other Federal level agency authorised and tasked with matters of national security, they're going to roll their eyes at you sad, tiny little fish splashing angrily in your teeny little puddle.

The bad guys they want? You can't even imagine. 'Terrorist' is just a buzzword. The job of NSA, NRO, DIA, and that whole 5 sided can in DC chock FULL of the worst kind of whoop-ass alphabet soup there is known to MAN, is to make sure THOSE bad guys never scare you out of bed, or make waves in your comfy little puddle, little fishies. They DO NOT WANT YOU! They have, pardon the pun, much bigger fish to fry, and we need to leave them to it.

Now go back in your growroom and worry about spider mites, or something.

No, the real thugs are the ones in Congress. And the Senate. We need real reform there, with real teeth in it to keep these 'neocons', aka 'neofascists', also known as 'chicken hawks' from doing even more really stupid things with willing young troops- and seasoned diplomats alike. Never forget that it was Congress that passed the 'Patriot' act, an appropriately Orwellian name if ever there was one.

You want a focus? There it is. And strangely enough, our votes for Senate and Congress still count. How about that!


Just seen a recap of Obama on the Tonight Show, saying how the NSA Program isn't tracking Americans? Really??, :confused::confused:
At least Regan said "well I said we weren't giving missiles to Iran, I guess I was wrong" lol


Never forget that it was Congress that passed the 'Patriot' act, an appropriately Orwellian name if ever there was one.

You want a focus? There it is. And strangely enough, our votes for Senate and Congress still count. How about that!
"Ok think tank we need a buzz Phrase" No not the stone em act, "rally America" to blindly say while raising their fists "Hell yaah",,,,, Hmmm how about the Patriot act..


"Ok think tank we need a buzz Phrase" No not the stone em act, "rally America" to blindly say while raising their fists "Hell yaah",,,,, Hmmm how about the Patriot act..

Doublespeak at its finest. Orwell would be proud. Or more likely, wagging his finger at us and saying, 'dammit, don't say I didn't warn you AND tell you what to look for!'


Joel Brenner is a bad liar and should not be on television. ECHELON is public knowledge, why the supposed shock that we would keep the info we grab to sift back through it in light of events and investigations to come? Imagine that kind of power in ANYONE'S hands, let alone 'the government's'.


ya..he's pretty bad lol. I thought the most interesting comment was the one about how even with the old tech they could hold all metadata for the world for a year easily in a small space..and even all records of the actual phone calls for the whole world for one year in a small a space as a 12 x 10 room.
Imagine the actual intelligence they have blows the mind. Then think on how Brenner says how great it is that all 3 branches are under control as one entity...might as well say New World Order.


ya..he's pretty bad lol. I thought the most interesting comment was the one about how even with the old tech they could hold all metadata for the world for a year easily in a small space..and even all records of the actual phone calls for the whole world for one year in a small a space as a 12 x 10 room.
Imagine the actual intelligence they have blows the mind. Then think on how Brenner says how great it is that all 3 branches are under control as one entity...might as well say New World Order.

So you gotta wonder, who is running the show, and why? If you could run the government in a way to make more money for yourself, what would that look like? I think it would look a great deal like it does today... and the 'who' are the neveau riche in this economy who have done well in the last bubble, own a large corporation, or own companies involved in building overseas construction projects, our defense contractors- and now, believe it or not, private prison industry lobbyists, to find ways to increase sentences and build growth in their bottom line. Seriously. If that is NOT a crime and stealing a bag of cheetos to survive is, our society is in grave trouble.


It's like a singularity effect...the top of the very rich corporations keep absorbing anything that profits. I like the media outlets as a good example..It's worth googling the actual stats. Something like hundreds of news/media outlets up until the 80's when it turned into a dozen..then by the 2000's we are seeing only a handful. Most is said Obama who publicly renounces monopoly in the media industry to have back-doored a secret deal to let it reach 1-3 main owners of all news media.


I just thought of something

Why is Terrorist on the list?

Do you think those planning acts of "Terror" call each other terrorists? Id wager freedom fighter, holy warrior, something along those lines.


It's like a singularity effect...the top of the very rich corporations keep absorbing anything that profits. I like the media outlets as a good example..It's worth googling the actual stats. Something like hundreds of news/media outlets up until the 80's when it turned into a dozen..then by the 2000's we are seeing only a handful. Most is said Obama who publicly renounces monopoly in the media industry to have back-doored a secret deal to let it reach 1-3 main owners of all news media.

And none of them bother to keep a bureau of reporters in foreign hot spots, to really learn the local area and report back from am insiders point of view. No one wants or cares to see the truth anymore, it's all about how to spin things to their own advantage.


You make it sound like there is one group behind the scenes, pulling all the strings wizard of oz style. The even more frightening truth is that there are a million hands in this pie, all with their own agendas- a bureaucracy's first mission is to survive and get funded again, remember- and NO ONE is at the helm, the ship of state, indeed the entire planet is just ponderously rolling forward of its own weight of inertia.

In short, one massive exercise of the principle of the tragedy of the commons; where the interests of individuals and small groups are at odds with and even destructive to the needs of the whole society, and now, planet.

Just read that article again and realized its a spoof article meant at satire... the deputy director did not defect haha. Wow really need to lay off the chem sap. While agreeing with your assessment of the world and the role of politicians it is hard for me to deny that a very small percentage of people control a disparate proportion of the wealth. Really have no problem with them having said wealth or that we should feel entitled to it. Even though it does deprive whole populations from being economically mobile. Its not for me to decide whether they fairly possess it or not. Its just the nature of the beast. So as a logical thinking human being knowing that politicians are bought daily, then its not hard to imagine a cabal of powerful people from different sectors of the economy meeting so they can decide the foreign policy, monetary policy, etc. for nations they can more easily influence. Think Bilderberg.
This country took me in at the age of 5 and have a lot of love for this country and its people. Where I was born, one could only dream of the life I was afforded here. When one really looks into why my family was given political asylum. How the federal government (CIA) sold drugs to its own population so they can fund and wage an illegal war in Nicaragua. A civil war fueled by the CIA that went on for over a decade. No real approval from congress or knowledge by the American people. Then its easy to imagine a small group of people (cabal) in a situation room deciding policy with no oversight affecting little children who were born into a revolution in some thirld world country. History is repeating itself in Egypt and the middle east. This time the COMMUNISTS are replaced with ISLAMISTS. Heroin is flooding the streets like never before. And the wars go on -Keepz


It's like a singularity effect...the top of the very rich corporations keep absorbing anything that profits. I like the media outlets as a good example..It's worth googling the actual stats. Something like hundreds of news/media outlets up until the 80's when it turned into a dozen..then by the 2000's we are seeing only a handful. Most is said Obama who publicly renounces monopoly in the media industry to have back-doored a secret deal to let it reach 1-3 main owners of all news media.

Exactly, its the homogenization of wealth and power. Why only allow 3 main owners for media outlets all with the same exact worldview? While they keep up this WWE facade that republicans and democrats hate each other? Maybe they have come to the conlusion that as long as they can play on peoples emotions and dont have the truth getting in the way. Then people will believe anything you spoon feed them as long as it plays to this emotion.
I'll give you an example... Has anyone noticed how at the beginning of the war on terror the media used to call terrorists radicals, extremists and religious fundamentalists? Only recently did ALL the media start calling them ISLAMISTS. Why do we think that is? It seems to me that this is quite a significant shift in vocab considering that 1/3 of the world belongs to a faith called ISLAM. Now people who are angry, most have no idea why they're angry btw, associate any act of radical islam with 1/3 of the population on earth. If you want a never ending war go to war with Islam. Seems like these chicken hawks are gonna get exactly what theyre looking for -Keepz


Just read that article again and realized its a spoof article meant at satire... the deputy director did not defect haha. Wow really need to lay off the chem sap. While agreeing with your assessment of the world and the role of politicians it is hard for me to deny that a very small percentage of people control a disparate proportion of the wealth. Really have no problem with them having said wealth or that we should feel entitled to it. Even though it does deprive whole populations from being economically mobile. Its not for me to decide whether they fairly possess it or not. Its just the nature of the beast. So as a logical thinking human being knowing that politicians are bought daily, then its not hard to imagine a cabal of powerful people from different sectors of the economy meeting so they can decide the foreign policy, monetary policy, etc. for nations they can more easily influence. Think Bilderberg.
This country took me in at the age of 5 and have a lot of love for this country and its people. Where I was born, one could only dream of the life I was afforded here. When one really looks into why my family was given political asylum. How the federal government (CIA) sold drugs to its own population so they can fund and wage an illegal war in Nicaragua. A civil war fueled by the CIA that went on for over a decade. No real approval from congress or knowledge by the American people. Then its easy to imagine a small group of people (cabal) in a situation room deciding policy with no oversight affecting little children who were born into a revolution in some thirld world country. History is repeating itself in Egypt and the middle east. This time the COMMUNISTS are replaced with ISLAMISTS. Heroin is flooding the streets like never before. And the wars go on -Keepz


Just read that article again and realized its a spoof article meant at satire... the deputy director did not defect haha. Wow really need to lay off the chem sap. While agreeing with your assessment of the world and the role of politicians it is hard for me to deny that a very small percentage of people control a disparate proportion of the wealth. Really have no problem with them having said wealth or that we should feel entitled to it. Even though it does deprive whole populations from being economically mobile. Its not for me to decide whether they fairly possess it or not. Its just the nature of the beast. So as a logical thinking human being knowing that politicians are bought daily, then its not hard to imagine a cabal of powerful people from different sectors of the economy meeting so they can decide the foreign policy, monetary policy, etc. for nations they can more easily influence. Think Bilderberg.
This country took me in at the age of 5 and have a lot of love for this country and its people. Where I was born, one could only dream of the life I was afforded here. When one really looks into why my family was given political asylum. How the federal government (CIA) sold drugs to its own population so they can fund and wage an illegal war in Nicaragua. A civil war fueled by the CIA that went on for over a decade. No real approval from congress or knowledge by the American people. Then its easy to imagine a small group of people (cabal) in a situation room deciding policy with no oversight affecting little children who were born into a revolution in some thirld world country. History is repeating itself in Egypt and the middle east. This time the COMMUNISTS are replaced with ISLAMISTS. Heroin is flooding the streets like never before. And the wars go on -Keepz

We see the world in ways with many, many more similarities than differences. I agree with everything you wrote above, although I believe even 'cabals' of highly influential people are failing to affect the inertia of things as they are. New World Order is so far looking like Everyone Out For Themselves. That's not leadership, not is it really influence, so much as a free for all, and only the already rich and powerful are invited to gorge themselves at the trough. That has only one outcome, and you've already grown up in one.

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