This is my first grow, how does it look so far?

  • Thread starter Dextromaniac
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Alright, So I only have about lets say around $250 for my first grow. These are what I already have prepared I know its past may 1'st and I still dont have my seeds or my soil but I should have everything in a week :)​
I bought my seeds I have​
World of Seeds Diamond Line Obsession Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 03 seeds

Sensi Seeds Limited Edition Feminized Skunk #1 Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds

UFO#1 EVA Seeds TNT Kush Feminized

UFO#2 Eva Seeds Jamaican Dream Feminized

So total of 10 fem'd seeds​
I have 12 regular Afghan Kush seeds that had been presurved since 1972 which I will be growing in 20 gallon pots this is 2 cubic feet of soil right?​
Well, This ran me about 72 dollars. So now I have $90 left for soil.​
I will be growing with Hyponix top soil here is a pic (:​
This is only an 8qt bag but I will be buying the 2cf bags they cost 8.25 each​
I only have the money for 10 bags so I can dig 10 holes that are 2 cf each for these 10 fem'd seeds if they all germinate.​
This is made by Scotts, as you probably know they make MG soils which, do have issues but I did some research and found this will do. But if Walmart has Earthgro Organic for cheaper which one of these two would you say I should go for?​
I will be adding these few (few) things to the soil mixture​
Canadian sphagnum peat moss​
Neem Cake​
And this is about it because I am drained on cash. But the neem cake is a great source for Nitrogen, its a Bionutrient, Biofungicide, Biosecticide.
So hows it looking so far?​


Not bad, I know you probably don't have the cash now but next year you should invest in a grow light so you can start the seeds indoors then put them outside. I think they have a better chance of survival outdoors once they are a couple weeks old, little seedling can easily die from any number of things 1: hard rainfall 2: not enough water 3: pests and/or insects, just to name a few. Anyways it looks like you got everything you need good luck and keep reading about growing and if you need any help just post on this site there are many helpful and knowledgable people at The Farm.


Thankyou (:

I have been really worried about the rain, but I may try and build some sort of glass shelter to put over the holes when its going to rain, something as simple as a sheet of transparent plastic or glass that is big enough to be at least 2 foot by 2 foot, it was suppos to rain all this week which is why i did not hurry to buy my supplies earlier, and it only rained 1 day out of the week and its been so hot!

I would love to grow them indoors and transport them to their holes but the only problem is I can not have 10 plants at my house lol. My friends house is where I mainly have all my grow stuff stored and I can not really put them their either because I can not trust my friend to be 100% sure they do not mess up the light cycle and her cats dont eat my plants like it ate my last one i had for 2 weeks! So, i hope all goes well and my seedlings dont get flooded out


Fear Not!
Hey Dex; Is this gonna be a gorilla grow?


Yeah I understand the roommate situation, good decision, I wouldn't trust anybody either. Now with ten plants they should survive just go online and check the 10 day forecast for the city you live in and make sure its not raining much when you put them out. Honestly you still have time I think they start to flower around August 1st, maybe a week or two before.. So get them out within a week and you should have some nice yielding plants by October 1st. Even if a couple die don't worry bout it this is your 1st grow and a great learning experience, so keep at it.


I may be crossing the line here but I would call this a gorilla grow...I guess.

I found a spot in the woods that receives sunlight from sun up to sun down. So I weeded an area I believe its 8 foot by 10 foot. I found big sturdy 60 pound branches that are straight and 6 foot tall and used a post digger to make holes and put them in there. SO now I have an 8 foot by 10 foot area with a fence that I made with the tree logs and I hung fish wire every foot and doubled up every wire I hung. So far its been up for 1 week and not 1 deer has gotten thru it or inside of it I can tell because around it I see little deer prints stumbling back and forth than walking all around it leaving the freshly raked and weeded native soil with out one single mark =D

I assumed I would kill at least 1 or two. I already killed 1 but thats because i left it at a friends, yet again un-trustworthy with looking after weed plants. I been checkin the 10 day weather every day next week calls for rain but I doubt that, it will probably change to cloudy or only 10% chance of rain hopefully =D


I would make sure you clone the 12- 1972 afghan kush - you could have a real pheno in there - not as likely with fem seeds - you could always get a start with a small cabinet in your house with a fluorescent light. Its very likely that bugs or birds will kill your seedling, they are very tender at that size as I learned from experience in my first outside grow, i planted 11 and only 5 made it 3 of which were male. I also did not account for the extreme cover of the tree's so I did not have full sun all day. So at least you have that covered (no pun intended) One other thought was make sure your a good bit away from people, you have some strong smelling strains - best of luck ... keep us posted peace soser


I never thought about cloning i'll have to look into that. i really should build an enclosure like the one above shouldn't be hard at all.

A question about clones, before I read about them How long do they have to grow before i can clone them? If i just grew two of them to clone would I end up with something like 5 or so plants by the end of this growing season?

Right now after the thought of clones I think I may just buy 10 Fem'd seeds of Skunk #1 And clone two afghans seems like a good idea :) Gives me 30 extra bucks for soil.

Has anybody ever used Hyponex or have any objections? Over on GS site ive been told its crap, may not be 100% organic buttt its pretty much the only thing from walmart i can find that does not have added nutes or fertalizer


Added nutrients are actually a good thing, like earthworm castings, bat guano, bone meal, ect. ect., its all good nutes for your plant.


Added nutrients are actually a good thing, like earthworm castings, bat guano, bone meal, ect. ect., its all good nutes for your plant.

i was talkin about the chemical nutrients I went along with a buddy while we smoked and got grow supplies a few years back and he kept mumblin goin on and on about all this crap they put in the dirt.

but I decided to scale back my grow. I don't think i should have multiple strains so, I just decided after reading about its genetics that i wanna go for Barneys Farm Phatt Fruity feminized

I don't know why I love landrace genetics I never grew a thing in my life but i cant seem to think about any other genetics. So i am going to pick up 5 fem'd seeds and I will still get my freebie TNT kush seed!

Does a short bushy plant mean I could use a smaller pot? The description on the website says that most people grow these in their closet, and on balconys So I am assuming a 10 gallon pot could work with this strain?

I'm going to germinate these 5 fem'd seeds and 5 of my afghan seeds in hopes of getting 3 female from the afghan and maybe the 5 fem'd will alll sprout :)


Fear Not!
Walmart sucks

Dex is there a lowes near you?...I buy this stuff for 5 bucks a bag at lowes
Patio plus

It has earthworm castings, bat guano, bone meal, pearlite and other good stuff in there..

Get some of that^^^

It's all Organic!


aww man i looked it up online and lowes does not have that kellogg soil but im going to the store to check in person tomorrow. I dont trust the internets it lies to me


Fear Not!
they will have it at lowes...what state are you in?


Fear Not!
oh..well I know nothing bout them parts..:confused:...But I bet they will have it...go check son! :)


if they do not have it i just read on lowes website that i can special order it and pick it up in store for free (:

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