This might sound weird..

  • Thread starter Mr Withershed
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Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

This might sound weird, but a few years ago one of my old friends had some sort of weed bible or something, and one of the methods of growing I saw in their really peaked my interest, mostly because I had never heard of anyone doing it. They suggested taking a five gallon bucket, camouflaging it, and hoisting it up into a tree, they said the leaves would provide enough visual cover so as not to be seen, but still provide enough light to allow a very productive grow. Anybody ever hear of, or better yet try this? Ive always been very curious. Do you guys think it would work?


Did a grow in a open roof Tree house ...5... 7gal. Buckets ...A bitch to nute,water and tend to and you need privacy goin up and down. Im in the midwest so unfortunately we never got enough light thru the trees canopy for anything substantial but if the lights right....IMO....It will work.


time is money and nobodys got time for that. If your going to take a risk, take a risk
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
This might sound weird, but a few years ago one of my old friends had some sort of weed bible or something, and one of the methods of growing I saw in their really peaked my interest, mostly because I had never heard of anyone doing it. They suggested taking a five gallon bucket, camouflaging it, and hoisting it up into a tree, they said the leaves would provide enough visual cover so as not to be seen, but still provide enough light to allow a very productive grow. Anybody ever hear of, or better yet try this? Ive always been very curious. Do you guys think it would work?
Doesn't sound weird at all! Northern Humboldt has been doing this for decades...generations have passed on spots & locations with camo wood supports up in trees. 5 gal isn't gonna cut it, they use 55 gal barrels....
Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

Doesn't sound weird at all! Northern Humboldt has been doing this for decades...generations have passed on spots & locations with camo wood supports up in trees. 5 gal isn't gonna cut it, they use 55 gal barrels....

No shit? Wow I didn't think I would get anything better than it would work in theory. I don't suppose you know why such large barrels are used?
Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

Did a grow in a open roof Tree house ...5... 7gal. Buckets ...A bitch to nute,water and tend to and you need privacy goin up and down. Im in the midwest so unfortunately we never got enough light thru the trees canopy for anything substantial but if the lights right....IMO....It will work.

Why haven't I thought of this yet!
Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

time is money and nobodys got time for that. If your going to take a risk, take a risk

Maybe so, but taking unnecessary risks for a few extra minutes a day is foolish. And getting busted will cost a lot more than a few minutes of your time.


Definitely a bitch to water. Growing one or two ladies shouldn't be a problem but put a bunch up there and your asking for problems. I put one plant up in a tree in my early days of growing and it actually worked. I did remove a few branches above the plant so it could receive a sufficient amount of light. It was in a rubbermaid tub so i am not sure how many gallons of soil i put in it. Remember this was the early days. Growing in whatever and wherever. I do remember using a full bag of soil though just not sure if i used more. With watering as long as you can get the plant everyday watering shouldn't be that bad. Climbing a tree with a gallon of water is a breeze as long as you only gotta go up there once. That's why i say one or two plants is best. No fun climbing up a tree multiple times especially with weight in hands. Plus you wanna be in and out as fast as possible. Go for it Mr. Withershed and post up some pics of your tree op grow :cool:
Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

Ah sheet, I wasn't going to at first, but now I'm really considering it! The one to two plants thing is perfect because that's all I intend to grow, just enough for a few months worth of personal. Was it very visible?


I first read about this method in ''Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor Outdoor Medical Growers Bible'' by Jorge Servantes. It sounds realistic and I definitely want to try it, even with one or two plants. What realy bothers me, is that you have to climb up and down for any manipulation. It would be harmful if you are stoned when taking care for your plants... :blackeye:


I own this book, and I read that same passage. The 55 gallon drums high up in trees in Humboldt County just adds to their legend, that's classic! I guess that they use big drums so they don't need to water so much?

In Colorado, the growing season in the mtns is too short for this, or I would love to try it.
Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

I first read about this method in ''Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor Outdoor Medical Growers Bible'' by Jorge Servantes. It sounds realistic and I definitely want to try it, even with one or two plants. What realy bothers me, is that you have to climb up and down for any manipulation. It would be harmful if you are stoned when taking care for your plants... :blackeye:

The way I remember it atleast, the idea was to be attach a rope and have a pulley system, so you can just pull it down to do any manipulation, of course this has its own set of complications. I'd camo the rope to look like a vine.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I own this book, and I read that same passage. The 55 gallon drums high up in trees in Humboldt County just adds to their legend, that's classic! I guess that they use big drums so they don't need to water so much?

In Colorado, the growing season in the mtns is too short for this, or I would love to try it.
The legend is based on
The bigger bucket allows a bigger plant and less watering, but they have pulley systems for the person to pull up some buckets of water.


I don't know the specifics here but isn't it more logical to camouflage using another plant...?



I stumbled across a bucket in the tree grow when I was young. The neighbors had put it together on my parents property. They had 20 or so 5 gallon buckets painted green and brown hoisted in trees. This was in the early eighties so my memory might be a little dulled but as I remember the plants were all at least 4 feet tall and had decent buds on them. The trees were all in a creek and they were getting water from the springs. Seems like to much work for me. But at eighties prices you better believe I would try it. If you are only doing a couple plants why not give it a try? I'd keep em in the same tree. And maybe even try to figure out some kind of a squeeze bulb watering system like they use to prime boat motors. It would be safer than climbing the tree every couple days.


Back some years and down South, remember thinking about just such a use of trees- not for prying eyes but just to keep animals off the goods. I remember sleeping all night with shotgun loaded next to a little spot only to wake up having been raided by some beasts even though I was twenty feet away... Thats when I started thinking about trees. Pick a tree you can climb is all I remember form the planning stages...

Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

I think it would be really cool and effective if done properly. Spend some time investigating a very good tree and location, like mayo said I would make a quality pump system, camoflauge it extremely well, make it look just like a vine. I'd have a very developed pulley system, and grow some camoflauging plants around the tree to conceal the plant the few times you have to take it down. Any other ideas?


Maybe, simple rainwater collector with drip system. If it is above the plant, the gravity should do the work. You can only think of a technic to fill the collector when it's dry.


It can be done but it is a HUGE pain in the ass. If you live in a state where you can grow medically there is no point. If you can grow in any other manner, there is no point. I would only recommend doing it if you have no other option.
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