Tnelz thread about whatever!

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Hey I'm curious if anyone here has made their own C02 systems before?? I made one a like a week or so ago with a regular bakers yeast packet and 2 cups of sugar in a 2 liter bottle with warm water. Everything worked great, I shake it once a day and i can hear it shoot C02 gas out. I thought I'd do one better and got some champagne yeast bc I heard it has the higest alcohol turning point or something. Anyway i did the same thing but I used about 2 tbsp with 2 cups of sugar and i have had it hanging up but its like its not doing anything?? I shake it while covering the lil hole on the cap but its like no pressure builds up whatsoever and it doesn't hiss like the other one or anything... Feel kinda like i got chumped on the yeast I bought or something or maybe I just used way to much yeast?? I don't know, I would think the amount of yeast I used if anything would have just made it not last as long but produce more...If anybody has any ideas please let me know...if not I think I am going to return the yeast...

My guess is that you probably used too much yeast and it ate up the sugar you gave it real quick. Brewers yeast is some ruthless stuff and requires a lot of sugar. If you're up to it, you could probably make yourself some hard cider and generate some CO2 all in one go. A bottle of natural apple juice, not from concentrate, and a pack of yeast will yield you some nice cider and put off CO2 for a good week or longer.

One Love,


Howdy fellas! Getting ready to reload my stable. Couldn't find any good cuts available to me, all my trades/snips were a wash out. So gonna snag a few packs of some Wifi, maybe some archive and Swampboys gear , and a few more I'm undecided on. Plannin on runnin 4 packs at least a piece, but space is the limiting factor here. Hoping to find a killer wifi pheno(Fire leaning, that produces ala Jack's 43) so I can finally do some giving around here


CO2 info there are some great DIY invented Idea's on this But here is my take on it, If the room is not sealed or
100% dialed in the cost of it is not worth the investing into a system thus all the DIY guys have been inspirational on hows to do it with as little out lay of the Green....
I myself use the CO2 cartridges from the air pistol and made a jig that holds the cartridge and a small sharp tipped screw on the end to pierce the CO2 I leave it screwed in so the CO2 hisses out slowly... One per 2 Days a box of 100 is 22.50 and a messured CO2 of about 600ppm fer a spell is OK by me.
I also use the dry ice trick once in a while when its free and I get a sheet or two from the Swan Ice cream truck or My local store has it
just my >02C
super CO2 Vibes L man


^ that's why I don't bother with DIY CO2 concepts. If everything else isn't dialed in and (based on all my research) the room isn't sealed, there's not a lot of point in it. Just what I've read though, no personal experience aside from a few messes from yeast and sugar getting crazy.


I have two more items to install in the FlyinJ Stable before I set up mine
1. a 8 inch duct from my lamp to draw air from out side
2. the AC unit I just ordered then I will be ready to add the real deal
@ 900-1200 PPM with a Titan system and a remote 50gl CO2 tank
It was just fun play-in with it But I know Im not ready fer it just yet
It has taken 6 grows to reach this point and I wont turn on the CO2 for at least 3 or 4 more runs

Sealing a room and regulating the temps is not as EZ as I thought it would be.
But sure has been fun getting here

@Lazerus00 just keep doin what your doin bro your kickin tail as is
and the rewards will come with time
and good harvested Meds.
Peace FlyJ


@FlyinJStable @tobh @SpitXFire thanks for the info, ideas, and help guys... I know that c02 really works best in sealed rooms and soon enough i will be able to go that route but for now since i had 2 empty tbn naturals 'the enhancer' btls I figured to just add a lil more with sugar and yeast since its sooo cheap... who knows if it is really helping or not but its not any trouble and i figure its not hurting any...oh and lol i deff had a mess one day with my bottle deciding to go crazy on me and spit sugary yeast water all over one of my girls...thank goodness it was during veg thou....i re made the bottle that wasn't working and put a lot less yeast to see if that would help and also used more room temp water bc i think the water i used last time was deff too hot...but thanks again guys, always appreciate the knowledge!


well... I been on the fence as to what to do next...

ended up deciding on 10 elmers glue x fire cookies... 8/10 have cracked, shot tails, and gone to soil...

I have fire cookies pollen at the ready, so I'll probably do both F-2's and a Bx at the same time on different branches...
thats the more distant future though...

for the more present, I'm gonna cross my catpiss to a few pollens I have ready... gotta choose... I have a chem leaning moontang... sour bubble... gsc forum x flo (FloScout)... fire cookies... maybe Chemdog D...

My prized grapefruit flavored cultivar will be hit with the agent orange... maybe sour bubble...

My dank ass cut of grape ape will be meeting my blue moon rocks pollen...

Limited single branch pollinations will be done until some testers are passed and grown
Then I can see what's worth doing full plant pollinations

RD's the ox will be becoming available to me shortly as well... but I cant figure that far ahead and my plans keep changing in my head... I'm more focused on which males I'm running at this point... need to stock up on a few things I need to cull from the herd... I have too many males around.


I Did it I have been waiting for this drop for a year now and I got um
I can tell ya this IT IS GUNNA BE FIRE DANKOLIUSHIOUS Its a QleanerQuest Jaws Collaboration and I will be putting them to Test right after the Katsu HO
are in flower. I will be running . . . . . ..
The DPD f6 x Jaws Black cherry soda DPD
Peace Super farmers


I Did it I have been waiting for this drop for a year now and I got um
I can tell ya this IT IS GUNNA BE FIRE DANKOLIUSHIOUS Its a QleanerQuest Jaws Collaboration and I will be putting them to Test right after the Katsu HO
are in flower. I will be running . . . . . ..
The DPD f6 x Jaws Black cherry soda DPD
Peace Super farmers
Thank u so much FJ......i


@Lazerus00 a few years ago I was messing around with the same thing u are. If u don't run sealed with a tank or a burner it's just really doing very little except costing u more time and one more thing to have to look after. Don't get me wrong it's ur time and have fun man. If u want to build a co2 joint u do it. But honestly it's not adding anything. In saying that ur correct it Def isn't hurting. In fact ur plants can Prolly tell ur trying to give them 1 more layer of love and they will repay u come harvest. But more for loving them than what comes out of the co2 generator. But again if u enjoy it do it. Respect. And good luck brother.


Of course I had to run into issues brewing up some tea last night! I set it to bubble at around 8 and when i went to check on it at 3 seems my hose that connect the pump to the aerator come loose and it was just sitting not bubbling for who know how much of that time so I set it back up but apparently not good enough bc at 6 when i went to check it again, same thing! Finally i clamped that fucker on there so tight that if it comes off it will be an act of god! But now im shit outta luck using the tea tonight bc I feel if I wanna use it since I don't know how long it sat idle I should let it brew until tmrw afternoon/night...SMH if its not one thing its the other....Not how I like to start my days!


@Lazerus00 if it's caps stuff it's fine. It doesn't need a ton of brew time. Ok to brew it 24 hours or so but it's just as good added to a gallon shook and watered in. So the fact u bubbled it for a good long while it's fine man. Use it at the same time u planed and it will do some justice for ya.


Premium Member
Howdy fellas! Getting ready to reload my stable. Couldn't find any good cuts available to me, all my trades/snips were a wash out. So gonna snag a few packs of some Wifi, maybe some archive and Swampboys gear , and a few more I'm undecided on. Plannin on runnin 4 packs at least a piece, but space is the limiting factor here. Hoping to find a killer wifi pheno(Fire leaning, that produces ala Jack's 43) so I can finally do some giving around here
Now that's what makes our world rock....... See we were listening when our folks told us it was important to share. :cool: Wish the whole planet rolled the way we do. There wouldnt be any wars or killing. Ahhhh maybe someday Nirvana will arrive!!!! Keep it real homies!!!
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