Tnelz thread about whatever!

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Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

Thank you so much I appreciate your generosity, but @Ned Kelly already sent a couple of his homemade seeds and they haven't arrived yet (he mailed them 22 days ago, maybe the Aussie mail service intercepted them), so I'd wait to see what happens with those, I'd hate for you to lose good stuff.

Also, I'm used to work on just a single strain selecting from many beans to improve the line, so if Ned's homemade beans make it, I'll have something to play with for years and years to come.
I thought it may take up to a month to get there . .? Waiting sux .


@Lazerus00 I tried one of those TurboKloners (not sure if you remember), but I was definitely not happy. Not at all saying they are bad; though for my situation and bad habits (lol), it's not for me. If you use a style like that I would HIGHLY recommend R/o water as the base.......unless your tap is city (with Cl).
There are a whole host of problems that have a higher chance to occur with the pump / nozzle type aero cloner; as compared to other methods. I would also highly recommend having some Chlorine Dioxide tablets around. I did test a 2ppm sterilization in mine and it worked beautifully.

As far as the pump needing to be on 24hrs; Total hogwash. In fact I would easily argue that 24/7 pump on is actually worse (from chance of things going wrong) than it would be with a timer. I tested with "off" times from 5 min to 1 hour. I now have the unit running with 45 seconds on and 1 hour off. Don't take just my word for it; Jackmayofficer also ran 1 hour off times and noted better results too. One hour off even is fine with brand new day one cuts.
Once I pull the remaining rooted cuts out of that system it will be shut off permanently, so i can test the new method I've got setting ready to try.

I guess for me, and just for me; I don't tend to do much maintenance on my cloners (my diy bubblers). If I change the water once a month, that is considered quick. I don't ever adjust the pH, just slosh some water in when it gets down half way. Also, very often I have to leave cuts in the cloner for as many as 3 weeks after rooting. So, my setup also has to allow for growing beyond rooting....again with no maintenance / care.
-So any cloner that I can do maintenance only once a month, get 100% rooting and can leave cuts for several weeks to themselves....I'm all for it.

**A note with this, if anyone has interest. When I setup my new bubbler I tested all the different plugs (if you remember). Root riot, rapid rooters, super starter plugs, rockwool. I did notice rockwool rooting fastest on the first test, however. Long term (i.e. time after rooting); the rockwool really suffers with salt buildup. Again my system is always blowing moist air through the medium, so this scenario can easily be exacerbated. However, rooted cuts left for 3 weeks; barely grew in rockwool, but grew 12" with the other mediums. As such, I'm using the rapid rooters from here on out.

I guess also it's interesting about high male percentage. I've recently noted that I have the opposite issue and have been wondering why. If I count all the newer strains that I've raised in the last 2 years; I have an 85% female to 15% male ratio. The one cross I did with my old strain bullrider; resulted in a 65% 35% ratio, so not far off from normal.

-I have been wanting to ask why do newer strains seem to have such a high female percentage compared to old?
-Also I notice that with old genetics hermies were rare and went full on hermy when they did show. It seems that newer strains have a higher chance to hermy, but only do it "marginally". I wonder if the higher female chance somehow relates to the higher hermy occurrence as well? You know with nature always trying for balance n' such.

@Lazerus00 for me, with males, there are a couple things that I tend to focus on early; so as to not get a ton of males. It all very well could be in my head lol. Basically though, I tend to run on the dry side compared to most; however I don't let a plant get near "droopy" before sexed, though somewhat close. I definitely would not want to run them totally and evenly moist during pre-sex. With nutrients I try to keep the leaves a "medium green"; not dark green or light green. I do not want to "crank" nutrients as well in the pre-sex stage. Suppose I prefer to keep them in temps below 80 also. Finally, I do not attempt any training during the pre-sex period either.
I just use a cloning tray. Grodan makes a good one. Or the regular cheap one works for me. I took a razor blade to my cloning tray and sliced out the walls that house your peat huck or w/e to give the roots more air, and use plain water to spray the inside of my dome. You only have to spray every few days if your RH isnt too low. Ex: mine used to stay at 50-60 during spring and i only had to spray once every 3 or 4 days. Now it hovers around 30% rh and i have to spray once or twice a day....speaking of

I get good roots poppin usually inside of a week and are ready to transplant in two weeks, plain water no cloning gel.

^ ive had strains that do it in less, and ones that take longer. I guess its strain dependant? Perhaps they were just stronger mom plants. Either is possible.
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Thank you so much I appreciate your generosity, but @Ned Kelly already sent a couple of his homemade seeds and they haven't arrived yet (he mailed them 22 days ago, maybe the Aussie mail service intercepted them), so I'd wait to see what happens with those, I'd hate for you to lose good stuff.

Also, I'm used to work on just a single strain selecting from many beans to improve the line, so if Ned's homemade beans make it, I'll have something to play with for years and years to come.

well... if everything makes it, you'll have plenty to do...


het @Tnelz do you use clear rez or anything w/ you clone bucket or have you never ran into algae ?? and what times do u run ur water pump in it>??


That's the problem. I am rather obssessive and if I get too many beans I'll have a crazy amount of work trying to identify the various components in the hybrid to isolate and breed the ones I want (I only care for the "high" effect as opposed to "stoned"). Ned's cross is already too complex:

(C99 x Snowdog = Oregon Snow x Mass Skunk) x (Oregon Snow x Raskals' pre 98 Bubba) x (Black Widow) or x (Kryptonite x Fire Alien Kush)

again... plenty to do.

Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

That's the problem. I am rather obssessive and if I get too many beans I'll have a crazy amount of work trying to identify the various components in the hybrid to isolate and breed the ones I want (I only care for the "high" effect as opposed to "stoned"). Ned's cross is already too complex:

(C99 x Snowdog = Oregon Snow x Mass Skunk) x (Oregon Snow x Raskals' pre 98 Bubba) x (Black Widow) or x (Kryptonite x Fire Alien Kush)
I agree I don't even r ember what's in them some times lol. Don't stress friend . I have one more try in me we will see If a slightly altered envelope and Xmas card rush gets through .


@Lazerus00 meant to post this the other day for you when I saw you asking bout cloners. I've got one of these and it works like clock work, take cut place in pucks and 14 days later I'm ready to transplant. No pump on timer and just pure water. Cuts on left been in there 8 days and to the right were just put in yesterday. Temps aren't an issue either. You could build one for less but it just works so I've got 2 of them

And what the hell figure to welcome myself to to thread figure I'd post up some dry sift I ran the other day. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. It's raining cats and dogs here!


@Lazerus00 meant to post this the other day for you when I saw you asking bout cloners. I've got one of these and it works like clock work, take cut place in pucks and 14 days later I'm ready to transplant. No pump on timer and just pure water. Cuts on left been in there 8 days and to the right were just put in yesterday. Temps aren't an issue either. You could build one for less but it just works so I've got 2 of them
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And what the hell figure to welcome myself to to thread figure I'd post up some dry sift I ran the other day. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. It's raining cats and dogs here!
View attachment 555159
Welcome to the thread bro!!! And thank you so much for the info! I was looking at this exact one and saw it had good reviews but i wasn't sure how many were fake so im glad to know someone that is actually using it like it!!!...This will prolly be the one i get for sure!! I will prolly be using about 1tbls/gal of RX-Green Solutions Cloning Solution thou just bc I know lots of people that get great results with it! Thanks again homey and by the way your sift looks fucking great!!!


First clean up all the dead leaves and look for creepy crawlies, scope the underside of several leaves for eggs. If no bugs are found check your soil ph with a slurry test.

No creepy crawlies other than those weird red and black bugs which don't seem to be eating. I go through picking them off by hand and feed them to the chickens when I find them, which is usually one or two every other day. No eggs on undersides or anything either.

Ph is rocking at an ever slightly acid, somewhere between 6.5 and 7.


I was wondering about that clone King. I've got 300 in Amazon gift cards coming my way, prolly snag one of those and a tent.
Yea ima scoop it up too but im not gonna have it in a tent, just in a spare bedroom i have under a single t5 HO bulb. No room in my tents and i dont like to plug anything in on that part of the house if i dont have to! Excited to see our compared results!!


Mine will rock in a small closet under a 4 x 2ft t5. I'm not sure if I'll use the tent for veg or flower yet. Most likely flower. Those two additions would hopefully allow me to perpetually provide myself with mess. Let me know what you think of it!


Hey yall... sorry I've not been around... dad lost his battle last night and they wanted me to make the call. Somethin happened and he had had a stroke or heart attack and never recovered. This is the hardest thing ever, yet... the image of him passing is one that will be scarred into my memory for the rest of life, making sure no matter what happens to me, I never want to put my kids through what I just went through at least until they themselves are 40 or 50. There are so many emotions, like who is to blame, but when the truth is he didn't want to live without his legs. He was, but wasn't ready in a sense. I KNOW I wasn't ready, as for the past 3 weeks I have been trying to visit with him and let him get some time with my daughter. (Sigh) I just wish he would have called me back 1 time..


Hey yall... sorry I've not been around... dad lost his battle last night and they wanted me to make the call. Somethin happened and he had had a stroke or heart attack and never recovered. This is the hardest thing ever, yet... the image of him passing is one that will be scarred into my memory for the rest of life, making sure no matter what happens to me, I never want to put my kids through what I just went through at least until they themselves are 40 or 50. There are so many emotions, like who is to blame, but when the truth is he didn't want to live without his legs. He was, but wasn't ready in a sense. I KNOW I wasn't ready, as for the past 3 weeks I have been trying to visit with him and let him get some time with my daughter. (Sigh) I just wish he would have called me back 1 time..

Sorry about your loss. My pops left when I was very young, all we can do is be grateful for the memories we have. You won't ever forget him, but I promise the pain subsides. Sending positive thoughts in your family's direction.


Hey yall... sorry I've not been around... dad lost his battle last night and they wanted me to make the call. Somethin happened and he had had a stroke or heart attack and never recovered. This is the hardest thing ever, yet... the image of him passing is one that will be scarred into my memory for the rest of life, making sure no matter what happens to me, I never want to put my kids through what I just went through at least until they themselves are 40 or 50. There are so many emotions, like who is to blame, but when the truth is he didn't want to live without his legs. He was, but wasn't ready in a sense. I KNOW I wasn't ready, as for the past 3 weeks I have been trying to visit with him and let him get some time with my daughter. (Sigh) I just wish he would have called me back 1 time..
So sorry to hear man! I can't even imagine what you are going thru!! Keep your head up brother and hollr if you need anything!...


Hey yall... sorry I've not been around... dad lost his battle last night and they wanted me to make the call. Somethin happened and he had had a stroke or heart attack and never recovered. This is the hardest thing ever, yet... the image of him passing is one that will be scarred into my memory for the rest of life, making sure no matter what happens to me, I never want to put my kids through what I just went through at least until they themselves are 40 or 50. There are so many emotions, like who is to blame, but when the truth is he didn't want to live without his legs. He was, but wasn't ready in a sense. I KNOW I wasn't ready, as for the past 3 weeks I have been trying to visit with him and let him get some time with my daughter. (Sigh) I just wish he would have called me back 1 time..
I'm so sorry for your loss Stumpy.
I don't even really know you and I'm a little teary eyed writing this. I don't envy you and the decision you had to make. You know it was the right one. It sounds like it's what your father wanted. It's not supposed to be easy to lose a loved one.
I tell my family all the time if I can't take care of myself I don't want to stay. It's about quality of life for me.
Time heals all wounds. I will never forget the loved ones we've lost. But the vision of death is starting to fade. Not a day goes by that I don't think about and miss them.
Be well in the days to come.

Positive vibes to you and yours.
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