Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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That's what happens when a plant is root bound man. Yellows from the bottom up.
was it rootbound and under fed you think? bc i thought people were saying it was just a food issue.....or maybe prolly bc it was rootbound there was a lockout


I'll say this not to be disagreeable but there is nothing wrong with vegging under hps. Seriously there isn't some major difference man. I've literally used everything and find plain mh to be very over rated veg wise. I wouldn't waste the money. In saying that if you do def go buy a lowes or Home Depot joint. Cheap as hell and work really well. But equal wattage hps or mh isn't going to be immensely different. Keep your hps a little closer if you can but it will veg really well for ya.
are you saying that you feel that both get the same result or just that an hps will work? I ask bc I was just reading today how a big cause of seedlings getting too stretchy is bc of too much red and not enough blue specttrum...just asking

i used that info and logic to guess that vegging the whole time would give you this lanky plant with nodes that are far from tight...
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

I'll say this not to be disagreeable but there is nothing wrong with vegging under hps. Seriously there isn't some major difference man. I've literally used everything and find plain mh to be very over rated veg wise. I wouldn't waste the money. In saying that if you do def go buy a lowes or Home Depot joint. Cheap as hell and work really well. But equal wattage hps or mh isn't going to be immensely different. Keep your hps a little closer if you can but it will veg really well for ya.
You know there isn't a big difference because of how much people argue about it


You know there isn't a big difference because of how much people argue about it
i feel like im lost...i had no idea that was even somthing pl argued about...i never saw anyone veg with an hps or heard ppl using one....i am apperently behind the


Premium Member
i think if you really love the plant transplant it bc im sure u can get her back..if your not that attached say adios...
It's just my personal/test tent so Im not too attached I was looking forward to the smoke tho I've grown it these small pots before without issue only difference is these are seeds and thenit was clones.


Not sure if any of y'all have seen this press by Medisun Farms but I like it, it's simple and from what I've seen gets awsome results.. I know i brought up that press from which I'd still take if I won but this is only 600$ which is still a good chunk of doe but I feel like it will pay for itself...
Tmp 22683  20151231 025648 806249860
They also sell the parts separate for the DIY peeps...


I have a couple ladies in the 5 gallons. They love it. I like the 3 better just because they are easier to dial in but the root ball from the 5 is so far and away bigger than any other pot it's nuts. Love the air pots man.


Id put my money on it being hungry for more nutes or ph related issues involving nitrogen availability. Any other element deficiency like K or P. would show spots instead of clean even yellowing in my experience. @gravekat303 if it was me id give it a low ppm flush double checkin for correct ph then work my way back up to high ppms. it really looks just plain hungry to me
It's def a nitrogen def due to being root bound. Adding n will positively effect the plant but only a bit. It's got to much root for the pot so it can't take up all it needs. So I agree with you totally but the reasons are root bound. I'd guarantee an up pot would clear it up forever where a dose of n will only help minimally.

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