Tnelz thread about whatever!

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994 more messages... <<<<<< D'oh!!
Ok, so I'm gonna prolly skim over some recent stuff and make sure everyone gets some likes; but I don't think I wanna cover 1,000 messages haha.

I've not been around to post for a bit, but needed to come on and put up some pics and such. Murphy was tailing me for a bit lol. I will need to cover things in more detail in the near future; however starting with the first Blueberry Vimana's (wasn't noticed) and moving earlier on the floor......I had issues with high pH and lockout, meh.
Again I'll detail it more later as it's both interesting and humorous.

Blueberry x Vimana -- A,B,C are at appx 9.5 weeks. I would consider BM-A and BM-B as 9 week strains; with BM-C 10-11 weeks.

BM-A. (a.k.a Lumpy) Most crystallization, most indica dominance, lowest N requirement during flower but with highest EC tolerance. Low Ca requirement (I.e. Efficient at Ca uptake).
Not strong in aroma but a subtle blueberry hint has become apparent with maturation.
BM A 95wk

BM-B Has the most potential for being a keeper. Decent indica dominance, tight chunky bud formation, lowest EC tolerance, Medium nitrate usage in flower. (leaf edge burn from EC related issues
in mid flower)
Strong berry smell! At night the whole room smells like berries. To me it seems like a frankenberry or booberry smell lol.
BM B 95wk

BM-C A heavy yielding pheno. Most sativa influence, Highest N requirement in flower, Highest Ca requirement (I.e lower efficiency Ca uptake), medium EC tolerance.
Smell wise I have a hard time describing this. To me, it smells a bit like a pennywise I grew; which I believe was showing smells from Jack the ripper parent. That component is like sharp and fresh (what you'd expect to follow with sweet but doesn't). As it has matured more and like BM-A there is a subtle berry smell apparent also.
BM C 95wk

I also have pics of BM-D and E (week 6 now) and I will post those separately. As well I have pics of Tranquil Elephantizer TE1 and TE2 (week 6 and 5 respectively). Those were affected more by murphy chasing me around, sigh.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for messing these up a bit and not catching it sooner. On the plus side, they are all getting a stress test and I'm happy to say there isn't a nanner one on any of the Blueberry vimana's!!


This method works a treat if u snap 1 of them I dropped a choc covered strawbs and snapped the poor little thing I won't lie I nearly had a little tear in my eye lol but the tape came out for a temp fix until I could get some pots the next day and buried it deep it's come through it very nice

I like painters tape... tends to be waterproof, but its a paper tape so it'll tear off on its own....

The pics might help :)

looks better than the first run of goblin queen.... I can tell you... if you keep em, and take clones from the most normal looking branches, you'll get normal looking and growing clones within 3 cuttings... never know, could be somethin great.... there were great things in the GQ's but many started out lookin like dandelion leafed mutants
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

Thanks so much man, that is a GREAT idea but ive seen this happen before where the stem just sucks itself dry oor just starts dying in one place, once it does theres no coming back. It also only happens to them in the first 2-5 days of life, after that the stem is already hard enough that this thing doesn't happen to them,,,,,But next time i need suppot on a lil guy for whatever reason im totally using that straw method

Sounds like damping off
if it hasn't been mentioned all ready



I know everybody is telling you "RH"

But really you should be watching VPD for pest problems. That's the real reason VPD was figured out, minimizing fungal infections.
Good distinction.

994 more messages... <<<<<< D'oh!!
Ok, so I'm gonna prolly skim over some recent stuff and make sure everyone gets some likes; but I don't think I wanna cover 1,000 messages haha.

I've not been around to post for a bit, but needed to come on and put up some pics and such. Murphy was tailing me for a bit lol. I will need to cover things in more detail in the near future; however starting with the first Blueberry Vimana's (wasn't noticed) and moving earlier on the floor......I had issues with high pH and lockout, meh.
Again I'll detail it more later as it's both interesting and humorous.

Blueberry x Vimana -- A,B,C are at appx 9.5 weeks. I would consider BM-A and BM-B as 9 week strains; with BM-C 10-11 weeks.

BM-A. (a.k.a Lumpy) Most crystallization, most indica dominance, lowest N requirement during flower but with highest EC tolerance. Low Ca requirement (I.e. Efficient at Ca uptake).
Not strong in aroma but a subtle blueberry hint has become apparent with maturation.
View attachment 569804

BM-B Has the most potential for being a keeper. Decent indica dominance, tight chunky bud formation, lowest EC tolerance, Medium nitrate usage in flower. (leaf edge burn from EC related issues
in mid flower)
Strong berry smell! At night the whole room smells like berries. To me it seems like a frankenberry or booberry smell lol.
View attachment 569805

BM-C A heavy yielding pheno. Most sativa influence, Highest N requirement in flower, Highest Ca requirement (I.e lower efficiency Ca uptake), medium EC tolerance.
Smell wise I have a hard time describing this. To me, it smells a bit like a pennywise I grew; which I believe was showing smells from Jack the ripper parent. That component is like sharp and fresh (what you'd expect to follow with sweet but doesn't). As it has matured more and like BM-A there is a subtle berry smell apparent also.
View attachment 569808

I also have pics of BM-D and E (week 6 now) and I will post those separately. As well I have pics of Tranquil Elephantizer TE1 and TE2 (week 6 and 5 respectively). Those were affected more by murphy chasing me around, sigh.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for messing these up a bit and not catching it sooner. On the plus side, they are all getting a stress test and I'm happy to say there isn't a nanner one on any of the Blueberry vimana's!!
Nice! Plants look great! Glad to hear they have handled the stress with grace. I'm excited to hear how the effect is.


I like painters tape... tends to be waterproof, but its a paper tape so it'll tear off on its own....

All I had to hand at the time either that or nothing lol its fully recovered now :) and yes for sure nothing is getting binned until I know for sure 2 of the 3 I think will make it the 1 that won't hasn't got any sort of growing tip at all maybe 1 will pop out from some where who knows

looks better than the first run of goblin queen.... I can tell you... if you keep em, and take clones from the most normal looking branches, you'll get normal looking and growing clones within 3 cuttings... never know, could be somethin great.... there were great things in the GQ's but many started out lookin like dandelion leafed mutants



def if u have mould Keep fans on at night period , cover pots so Evap from soil. If outside humidity is higher turn off inlet fan overnight .
Thanks ned. Fans on at night now, will setup inlet on a timer to only run at lights on. And cover up pots. Im seeing 0 spores on the buds, i feel like buds would be the most susceptible....


Nevermind....some healthy doses of slf-100 should fix this right up.....hopefully, if not i goota make sure to get some myco stop or activate to keep on hand


Hey guys, so I don't have a picture of it right now but 2 of my seedlings that had popped grew about 2 or 3 inches tall then flopped over. Now I have had it happen plenty of times where the seedlings get a lil stretchy but this is different. On the stem where both of them bent over the stem itself was so much thinner then anywhere else on the whole stem. Its like on both plants right at that spot the life go sucked out and it was over. I of course still tried to prop both up after quickly transferring into some solos but from looking at it its obvious that its not coming back....I am sure some of you have had to see this happen and im am really curious as to what causes it....Again its not just that it got stretch and top heavy and just is leaning over, the stem itself in the one spot just sucked itself dry, got all thin, and then the lil guys fell over.....

okay so i quickly ran and snapped a pic of seems that now its been a few hours that the "thin spot" on the stem has expanded and is dying but im dying to know what i did wrong that these guys committed suicide...its harder to tell with the first pic but on the 2nd pic you can clearly see where the stem just got super thin and started to die i guess

View attachment 569683 View attachment 569684
So when i poppedp seeds i ran into this issue. What i do is not fill the pot that houses it. Fill it up halfway. Once the stem gets too long and is gonna flop fill the rest of the pot with your soil. Whats under the soil will eventually sprout roots. And the extra soil will keep em standing up straight.

Good luck brother.

Also, usually seeds will stretch like that when theyre searching for light. Maybe some low watt bulbs closer by if heat isnt too big of an issue


Premium Member
Ugh gnats time to go to war friends don't feel like going to the store anyone have some at home tips?
I've got some neem,green cleaner,I think some azamax somewhere . I just have to many random sized pots all in one room which is making watering a hassle


Ugh gnats time to go to war friends don't feel like going to the store anyone have some at home tips?
I've got some neem,green cleaner,I think some azamax somewhere . I just have to many random sized pots all in one room which is making watering a hassle

don't forget sticky traps. OR a layer of sand on top of the soil. OR another awesome idea I saw here was pantyhose wrapped up and over the pot, screening the top from those flying bastards getting out. Can water right through it too.


So when i poppedp seeds i ran into this issue. What i do is not fill the pot that houses it. Fill it up halfway. Once the stem gets too long and is gonna flop fill the rest of the pot with your soil. Whats under the soil will eventually sprout roots. And the extra soil will keep em standing up straight.

Good luck brother.

Also, usually seeds will stretch like that when theyre searching for light. Maybe some low watt bulbs closer by if heat isnt too big of an issue
yea that works when a seedling gets too stretchy but with damping off its a fungal disease that breeds when its too warm and too wet then it makes part of the stem mushy making it impossibly for the lil guy to uptake nutrients,then it dies
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