Tnelz thread about whatever!

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I use this stuff called Dino-Clean and it works AMAZING!! No matter how much resin or how sticky it is this stuff makes your hands and where ever else like new!!! I've trie lots of other things but this stuff just consistently works for me!!


Awfully quiet round here last night....Anyways I was just having a discussion with people about beans and the argument was that if a breeder is charging over $150 for a pack of beans, should you be able to find a keeper in 1 pack. My stance was that yes, if a breeder has tested and worked his "strains" then fuck yes I feel I deserve to find 1 keeper in a $150 pack. Some other guy (who shall remain nameless) was talking about a new drop from JJ of Chem something or another and how the packs were gonna be $300+ and how he feels its completely fair to have to go thru 2 or 3 packs to find 1 keeper! FUCK THAT!! Its not even about being cheap, its about how shitty that is. 1 in 30+ beans??? Shit I could find a keeper going thru my hermie beans....I understand if a breeder tells you right upfront they are untested like Gage Green Group does with some of their limited releases, ya know, thats ok. If I am having to go thru that many beans I feel its only fair to be charging like $50 per pack....

Whatta y'all think??

When paying $100 or more for a pack of beans should you expect to find a keeper???
I guess there's levels of keepers :)


Awfully quiet round here last night....Anyways I was just having a discussion with people about beans and the argument was that if a breeder is charging over $150 for a pack of beans, should you be able to find a keeper in 1 pack. My stance was that yes, if a breeder has tested and worked his "strains" then fuck yes I feel I deserve to find 1 keeper in a $150 pack. Some other guy (who shall remain nameless) was talking about a new drop from JJ of Chem something or another and how the packs were gonna be $300+ and how he feels its completely fair to have to go thru 2 or 3 packs to find 1 keeper! FUCK THAT!! Its not even about being cheap, its about how shitty that is. 1 in 30+ beans??? Shit I could find a keeper going thru my hermie beans....I understand if a breeder tells you right upfront they are untested like Gage Green Group does with some of their limited releases, ya know, thats ok. If I am having to go thru that many beans I feel its only fair to be charging like $50 per pack....

Whatta y'all think??

When paying $100 or more for a pack of beans should you expect to find a keeper???
The more I learn about these seed companies- and what passes for "breeding"- the less inclined I am to spend another dollar on seeds.

As legalization proliferates, and these seed makers can test their skill large scale, we'll see who the skilled and talented breeders are. The rest will become irrelevant.

So we can complain about it or we can take responsibility and try to do better. Here's one step in my personal solution:
Maybe I'll call it Self-Reliance OG. Lol


The more I learn about these seed companies- and what passes for "breeding"- the less inclined I am to spend another dollar on seeds.

As legalization proliferates, and these seed makers can test their skill large scale, we'll see who the skilled and talented breeders are. The rest will become irrelevant.

So we can complain about it or we can take responsibility and try to do better. Here's one step in my personal solution:View attachment 574694Maybe I'll call it Self-Reliance OG. Lol
I like your style homey!!!


Sup y'all,

Sorry for my absence. I been up to ears in plants.

And educating sarcastic assholes on how EC/TDS works.

This is the stickiest run ever. I have to run a second scrog to hold everything up. I have to spend 10 minutes tucking, then 10 minutes washing up, then 30 minutes of touching stuff to get my fingers anywhere near normal again. That's the phase I'm in now....

It's bloody incredible. It will be a challenge (for me) to replicate this in soil...these plants are in 6th gear and winding out.

I'm not in any way saying it can't be done, I need no more arguments. I'm saying to do this in soil, would be tough...for me. These things are ripping.

Does anyone know what acid will remove this? Paint Thinner, Mineral Spirits, Lacquer Thinner? Lacquer thinner will remove flesh, so I'd rather not go that far...but it's all OVER me....

I'm like that paper you roll around to pick up pet hair.

Any cooking oil will do. Just little bit of olive/vegetable/coconut and then wash your hands with soap to get the oil and rest off.


Hey I am hoping that somebody that knows about this stuff can shed a lil light on my question. I have a closed column extractor, just a lil 30gram one, and I don't have a working vac pump. My question is can I still let pressure build and let the material soak if I did not pull a vac first or is this in someway dangerous?? I understand everything works better and the way it supposed to if I pulled a vac but I am asking if it is safe to let your material soak if you did not pull vac....Please and thank you!...Oh and if it is safe to let it soak would it be better/safer to just put it the column in my freezer or a bowl of ice?? If I am remembering correctly I do not want to let water or moisture build on the outside of the column...or am I wrong??
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

One Grease Monkey male culled today, if I find one putting out some early stink I might just let it hang out with the ladies, not this one though I gotta try and make space and I'm not sure I have enough peat ready to up pot everyone


One Grease Monkey male culled today, if I find one putting out some early stink I might just let it hang out with the ladies, not this one though I gotta try and make space and I'm not sure I have enough peat ready to up pot everyone
I just noticed you signature for the first time right now!! I have a Flame Defender too!! Can't believe I ever went without bc it so comforting to know there is an automatic system set up!!
And I LOVE Tom Waits!!! Seems like a lifetime ago now but when I was 20 turning 21 I was living in Atlanta and working at a high end Italian Nepolatana Pizzeria when I met my first and only significantly older woman! I again was 20 and she was 38 and man did she teach me things!!!'s funny bc at that age your always so worried about how you will perform sexually and she called me out on trying to be over confident in the bed right away! of course getting angry the first time, I learned to listen and learn and we were together for 3 years. She introduced me to the man, the myth, the legend....Tom Waits!!! At least once a night before bed we would both sit in the hammock in her backyard under the stars and listen to "I hope that I don't fall in love with you", that song still makes me get all sorts of emotional when I hear it....Okay sorry for my Oprah moment, just really high and reminiscing....


well everyone I am in the process of painting the new home guys! about a month from now, maybe sooner, I will be ready to start upgrading and buying bigger and better lights! I even got the kids helping with the painting. I didn't start til 4 o'clock today and got half a room finished .

wish I could be popping in more.. I will probably take an hour lunch break tomorrow and try and catch up, I usually read at least 2- 3 full pages back when I get back on so I can know kinda what's going on.

can a calyx fade if it is all alone shaded way uner the canopy?

it looked like the chlorophyll was sucked out. I plucked it off just in case it was a nanner but it was right at the split of the branches alone.


Have any of you guys used this
SC20160221 020259
? It's a bag that releases co2 slowly over a 6 month period by colonizing a substrate with a certain fungi/bacteria. Says it's good for a small space with 6 plants. Just wondering if there are better means to effectively supplement co2 or if this is something I should invest in.


Have any of you guys used thisView attachment 575024? It's a bag that releases co2 slowly over a 6 month period by colonizing a substrate with a certain fungi/bacteria. Says it's good for a small space with 6 plants. Just wondering if there are better means to effectively supplement co2 or if this is something I should invest in.
Do you have a sealed room?? If the answer is no, save your money and don't buy anything c02 bc it just a waste. I grow in tents with an intake and exhaust and used to try c02 but the exhaust sucks it right out and money goes down the drain....if you do have a sealed room, spend the xtra $$ on a c02 tank and drip lines


That's what I thought. I have everything but the tent but I already decided on a 4'x4' lighthouse. I didn't know if I could put that in there and not have to worry about intake since the light is air-cooled.
Do you have a sealed room?? If the answer is no, save your money and don't buy anything c02 bc it just a waste. I grow in tents with an intake and exhaust and used to try c02 but the exhaust sucks it right out and money goes down the drain....if you do have a sealed room, spend the xtra $$ on a c02 tank and drip lines


So fucking stupid I am!!! I'm making bho and am in the purging stage but with no vac so just using heat. Like a big dummy, instead of walking down 1 flight of stairs to grab my all natural non stick parchment, i was lazy and just grabbed some "wax paper" out of my kitchen cabinet....Well thank God it wasn't all of it bc I did it in 2 batches, each one yielding just under 5gs, the second batch made its way onto the wax paper which i was then heating on a griddle cooker...Well whatever the fuck is all over wax paper, I'm assuming wax, got all over my finished product and became one with it....I tried freezing it and separating it the best I can but I'm sure that wax got infused with the wax and I'm pretty sure its a total loss for that batch!! Makes me so freaking angry I could act so dumb......anyway that's where I'm at with my day, hope y'all are having a better one!!


That's what I thought. I have everything but the tent but I already decided on a 4'x4' lighthouse. I didn't know if I could put that in there and not have to worry about intake since the light is air-cooled.
yea but that light is sealed isn't it?? Meaning no air from the tent is going thru the light...unless its connected to a scrubber in your tent then going thru your light and out the exhaust....idk how you have your setup.....I will say this that as long as you have good airflow in and out of your tent, it of my opinion that any extra c02 supplemented would not benefit the plants before being sucked outta the tent.....


here's the fun part about IEQ testing (indoor environmental quality)... which is commonplace in HVAC
its given us some baseline numbers to work from...
  • 250 - 350 ppm - background (normal) outdoor air level
  • 350- 1,000 ppm - typical level found in occupied spaces with good air exchange.
  • 1,000 - 2,000 ppm - level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air.
  • 2,000 - 5,000 ppm - level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  • >5,000 ppm - this indicates unusual air conditions where high levels of other gases could also be present. Toxicity or oxygen deprivation could occur. This is the permissible exposure limit for non-prolonged daily workplace exposures.
  • >40,000 ppm - this level is immediately harmful due to oxygen deprivation.
Heres a calculator you can use for CO2

My real point is, if you live with your grow, adding CO2 is a waste of $...
theres a reason they used to say that plants liked to be "talked to"
the average adult’s breath contains about 35,000 to 50,000 ppm of CO2, exhaled in short bursts over time.
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