Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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@Power OG @Tnelz thank both y'all for the response and dropping some knowledge!! I deff understand much better now! So happy to be using his product line not only bc it is so great and the plants respond so well but bc he really cares about the environment and how we are treating our mother earth! Good stuff! Thank you guys! -Respect
It's my pleasure bro. I really respect ur passion and I love being able to clarify for u. U made a great decision. With the nectar . For an organic nutrient line it really covers all the bases. One of the things I love is the bottles can be used outside of the feeding program as well. Most work well in foliars and also add great things for teas as well. Once u get a start to finish run with the line u will see how amazing it it. Keep up the good work bro.


How are your ladies liking the nectar ?did you notice immediate result$? Foliar with B khaos and watch the explosion of foliage growth. Really love The nectar line.
Yea buddy..its was literally overnight i saw some real noticeable growth...I just gotta remember to put xtra Herculean harvest bc i am also adding a lil bloom khaos to the soil when I feed and those two really do go hand and hand...i am also going to be spraying bloom almost everyday except for the once a week I do mighty wash and sometimes alternating doing foliar with some tea or Pegasus potion..but mostly just daily foliar of bloom with silica and a lil biocozyme!!! My plants really do love it! And now that I got pH under control I am 90% sure that is what was causing the yellow spots and the lil leaf twisting bc now all those problems are on there way out and nothing except lush new growth has come I've had to raise my lights twice this just fed a simple but supercharged tea today and the girls were all like "Hell to tha YEA!"...hahahaha
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It's my pleasure bro. I really respect ur passion and I love being able to clarify for u. U made a great decision. With the nectar . For an organic nutrient line it really covers all the bases. One of the things I love is the bottles can be used outside of the feeding program as well. Most work well in foliars and also add great things for teas as well. Once u get a start to finish run with the line u will see how amazing it it. Keep up the good work bro.
Absolutely!! I dont know if I would have ever been too adaiment about trying the line with out you and @Power OG recommendations and man am I glad i listened! You guys have really made this growing experience so amazing and just reenforced my love for gardening and plants in general...and that gos for all you guys in the forum... @FlyinJStable @CBDEMON @Pimp T @Toaster79 @sixstring and everyone else that has put up with my non stop I just really really love this stuff...I finished teeming with microbes and am about to start teeming with nutirients!..Can't Wait!!
Power OG

Power OG

@Power OG ...Keep me in the loop about when Scott is going to drop those 2 new products! Please and thank you!
-Much Love!
Man that is so awesome to hear bro, Glad you are seeing the results. It was definitely Ph and you have it beat. I will definitely keep you in loop on the new products brother. Happy farming.
Respect & Positive Vibes
Power OG

Power OG

Man that is so awesome to hear bro, Glad you are seeing the results. It was definitely Ph and you have it beat. I will definitely keep you in loop on the new products brother. Happy farming.
Respect & Positive Vibes
I actually plan on alternating bloom khaos one day next Ful power by bio Ag the next, Scott seems to really be getting great results with that method so next round that's what I'm doing.


this round took the longest its ever taken me to see roots, but finally everyone rooted at 19 days, haha:(


I actually plan on alternating bloom khaos one day next Ful power by bio Ag the next, Scott seems to really be getting great results with that method so next round that's what I'm doing.
word! i cant get ful power till next week but i aint sweating it bc thay are super happy now and when i do get will only get better!!


I step off fer a MIN and the thread runs 3 full pages man you all can talk LOL
so @ VA doing my gifting thang Boys Love the ChemSoda OG from Jaws
MY 5 yeti Black and the Under Dog are rockin it
@Lazerus00 No worries Bro Knowledge is this game at its finest with 100's and 100"s of years of Wisdom
its where we go to do what we do.
Diggin the great Vibes Tnelz My man Your Mojo is strong As well as Powers
CBD-Man being the grower of the Dank you all have a pain free peaceful night
Think Positive Thoughts for our BRO @way2green he should of had his surgeries today and probably aint feeling to Chipper.
Some Bud Porn
for to make ya Smile
3 26 2015 UD Buds6

3 26 2015 UD Buds4

Frosty Vibes Farmers
Pimp T

Pimp T

Absolutely!! I dont know if I would have ever been too adaiment about trying the line with out you and @Power OG recommendations and man am I glad i listened! You guys have really made this growing experience so amazing and just reenforced my love for gardening and plants in general...and that gos for all you guys in the forum... @FlyinJStable @CBDEMON @Pimp T @Toaster79 @sixstring and everyone else that has put up with my non stop I just really really love this stuff...I finished teeming with microbes and am about to start teeming with nutirients!..Can't Wait!!
I got bored with teaming wit microbes and tossed it 3/4 way through. But teaming with nutrients is the shit I've front to backed it about five times I keep it in my luggage its my airport/travel buddy. Great info about nutrients and how the plant uses them broken down perfectly


I got bored with teaming wit microbes and tossed it 3/4 way through. But teaming with nutrients is the shit I've front to backed it about five times I keep it in my luggage its my airport/travel buddy. Great info about nutrients and how the plant uses them broken down perfectly
Im starting that shit tmrw!...although I did enjoy teaming with deff taught me a lot!....Speaking of which I did learn not to brew tea in my basement bc besides raising the humidity in the whole basement to like 60 it made my tent 75%...hahahahaha...i just moved it to the laundry room and BAM problem solved!


"No gun policy" is just stupid when you are expected to deliver food to crazy assholes around your gang filled town... I would still carry a tazer 'gun with prods' and a few cans of ultra flammable bear mace... can't rob me when your ass is blind and then set on fire!

Shit's getting crazy out there, Dead Prez ('hip hop/rap' group) did a song years ago (11 or so by now)... doesn't take long in the "music video" for shit to get crazy... starts off robbing a family 'lost' on a vacation taking their SUV/camera/$/etc., later it's the "call for a delivery, just to rob the delivery kid for his previous deliveries and any $$ he has"

*"Dead Prez: Hell Yeah" (if the embed doesn't work click here)*

Stay safe everyone


Man fuck that, no policy is more important than my life. Fucking pathetic people targeting someone just trying to scrape by delivering pizza.

I always ask the anti gun folks... If someone breaks in and is high on meth and trys to kill you and take your money for a fix what will you do?

Idoiot: call the police

Me: so while you wait for the police to show up, who dies(gets hurt, whatever) first... you, your wife, or your kids?

You sure you don't want to be responsible for your own saftey???

It boggles my mind that people think punching in numbers on a phone and waiting for the police will somehow magically keep them safe during the incident.
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