Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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have you done any foliar sprays recently.and whats the far as those leaf edges with a bit of odd growth or tacoing it can be strain related sometimes.but those few spots look to me like a bit of damage from maybe just foliar spray idk.the high ph could have done it,but they dont look bad to me and you fixed the ph so i think i would let em roll and just keep a better eye on your ph.they actually look better than my veggers so i prolly dont know what im talkin about lmao :)
hahahaha...i like your attitude! lol...yes ive done foliar with bloom kahos and also Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt (silica)....I dont think its strain related bc none of the other people i talk to growing it have mentioned it..its EMDOG by humboldt seed org....if it was foliar i would think it would happen to all 4 plants..idk...i figure for the next 3 waterings ill just do clean pH'd water and see what happens...hopeefully she will come back


have you done any foliar sprays recently.and whats the far as those leaf edges with a bit of odd growth or tacoing it can be strain related sometimes.but those few spots look to me like a bit of damage from maybe just foliar spray idk.the high ph could have done it,but they dont look bad to me and you fixed the ph so i think i would let em roll and just keep a better eye on your ph.they actually look better than my veggers so i prolly dont know what im talkin about lmao :)
Oh and the strain with the canoeing is Purp trainwreck by HSO


be curious to know what the ec or ppm is of the runoff.@Seamaiden has a slurry method for checking ph and ec that sounds much more accurate you might give that a whirl. but like i said man,a few spots here n there and some leaf curl but overall they look great imo


be curious to know what the ec or ppm is of the runoff.@Seamaiden has a slurry method for checking ph and ec that sounds much more accurate you might give that a whirl. but like i said man,a few spots here n there and some leaf curl but overall they look great imo
i know the slurry method i have a tds meter to mesure ppm but not ec..i can do it when lights come back on in 5ish hrs...but what i should take soil from inside the pot right?


be curious to know what the ec or ppm is of the runoff.@Seamaiden has a slurry method for checking ph and ec that sounds much more accurate you might give that a whirl. but like i said man,a few spots here n there and some leaf curl but overall they look great imo
thanks for the positivity too...its my first grow so, you know i freak out about every lil love growing and everything that comes with it...been growing fruits n veggies with great success for years but never have i wanted the harvest as badly as i do with this..LOL


yeah i would grab a lil from the surface,some from the middle sides,and some off the bottom if possible and mix em together.i never tried the method so maybe ask seamaiden,shes really helpfull.i just check runoff,test it right as it comes out and agaiin after you have ran a decent amount through and average the 2 or 3 readings.


see if this works here,i had to actually use the search funtion here(i hate it) lol.this is from @Seamaiden

I always take parameter readings before I make the slurry. Otherwise, you have no idea where you started from.
I'm happy to outline my method, which I didn't do before.

Start with cleanest water, I use RO/DI, but in this instance distilled could be a very good way to go. Measure EC and pH.
Add enough of your media samples to make a slurry.
You obviously don't want it too thick, or it's going to be difficult to get a reading. I want it to be like... like crepe batter, I suppose, you want a very loose consistency.
Stir well, and then allow to sit for 7-10mins. I usually end up testing at 7mins, because I've done comparisons between 5mins, 7mins, 10mins, 15, 20, and 30. After 10mins I observe no shift in values.
Now, you can either strain it to test, or just dunk your meter in there and take your readings. What you're after is whether or not anything has shifted. Obviously, EC will likely be the biggest parameter to change, but, for example, when growing in coir, I want to see that pH shift from around 6.5+ (where it lands in my storage tub) to the high 5's. If I don't see that shift, I know the root zone pH is out of whack.

When I've tried to just test run-off, I get pretty crazy readings and have ended up chasing my tail. HOWEVER! I know that many people are better able to resolve their issues by using run-off pH, so I don't tell folks they *must* do the slurry test, just what I prefer and why. :)

I hope that answers your questions.


Imo foxfarms of is alil to hot for young plants, I had the same issues when I used it, adjust ph, and water they should grow past it. Also ec and ppm is the same thing but have to be converted to one another.
you still grow with soil? if so what do you use now?


I love Sundays :)
Positive vibes everybody :):):):)


So I couldn't help but laugh real hard about how this guy was acting in a hevy 16 thread here @Power OG ..i think it was you i was talking to about how people try to act all secret about what they use...this guy posted about how people use all Aptus products are wasting their money and how he found better products at home depot and lowes for his plants then at any hydro store..he says he uses stuff for agraculture crops and found stuff thats like Aptus Fasiltor but better and only pennies...when i asked what it was he was like well here is the name of one product but its not the one i use....AHHHH like okay wtf DO you use...he said he won't say...HAHAHAHA what a JOKE


Anyone tried any of neptunes harvest products? I'm using their liquid hydrolyzed fish and sea weed fertilizer npk is 2-3-1
Ive had great results with this product indoors and out. An added benefit outside is its a great deer repellent.
no but @Tnelz says good things...I actually just ordered FoxFarms "wholly mackeral" and "Kelp me Kelp you" which is coming at the end of the week

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