To Serve And Protect?

  • Thread starter DismalDude
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Just thinking out loud here as I always hear about how the cops are there to serve and protect us,especially from clueless citizens on you tube.
The fact is,and a lot of people may not know this but the Supreme court ruled many years ago that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect the general public.
Look it up for yourself if you have doubt.I was truly shocked and appalled when I learned this for myself.So really,what is their job then?


Revenue and keep corporations happy with that low prison labor while deviding society everyway they can........Shooting innocent people is just a benny for these aspartame cowboys ! Thier new directive is on the spot justice thier way. No court required.....Thats what happens when they hold up idols who wear coolots .


Nobodys perfect and it has turned into a thankless job over the last 2 decades.can you imagine a big city like detroit without cops? Totally lawless, people shooting other people over stupid shit like a parking spot at the party store? When I was a teen part of my probation was to ride along with the detroit police on friday and saturday night .it was to show me the path I was headed down im sure, but it opened my eyes to a whole bunch of bad shit I never want to go through, then or now lol.and that was in the mid 80's , I cant even imagine how much worse that town is now.1 year later when I got my girlfriend (now wife) pregnant I vowed to never raise my kids or live in that shithole and I never looked back.back then I was the minority, but being a white kid in a mostly black neighborhood wasnt that big of a deal.imo we have gone backwards about 50 years with all that shit goin on in furguson Missouri. Its a damn shame, but on that note...who wants to be a cop in that town, raise your hand lmao.
in my little hick town west of the city the cops do a pretty decent job .back when I was a drunk I got popped several times, coulda and shoulda went to jail a few a ride home once, was made to walk once, and followed home by a state trooper once.that last one finally got me to quit drinking ;)

what were we talking about? Oh cops, yeah man....tough job.


Politicians are for the most part Lawyers
Judges start out as lawyers
Prosecutors -- Lawyers
But they make sure these individuals use the Police as "free bodyguards" for both their families and them. All they have to say is they have had their lives threatened, and like magic 24-7.
Guess these lawyers are better than the General Public ...... This is my last comment on this..


Best of luck. Peace
I respect the job cops have to do.
I've been arrested many many times.(25x+)
I was a very rougish youth. In my mid 40s ,I can honestly say I've spent 1/3 of my life behind bars. I've seen all types of cops. I will say the majority (85% )of them are just doing the best job they can. And are following orders and legal procedures. But yeah bad cops do bad shit. In my opinion that's really not the problem.

The problem is Policy. Slowly but surely we have begun militarizing our police forces. This is more than equiping cops with military hardware. It's also about the new forms of training and indoctrination. Teaching recruits militarized training makes a non uniformed civilian look like an "enemy".
It's a ruined economic policy. We sent all of our manufacturing jobs to other countries. Now our blue collar cities (chicago,detroit,pittsburg,)look like 3rd world cities. There is no longer widespread opportunity for upward mobility. We taught a generation that it's ok not do shit. Now our youth idolize pop culture ambitiously. We intoxicated an entire empire on free handouts. Welfare for everyone, including corporations.

The problem is our courts.
Giving cops forfeiture powers is wrong.
We designed a criminal justice system that requires convictions and incarceration. And we built slave labor programs into our prison systems. And if you think cops are bad, correctional officers as a whole rate just above pedofile in my experience.

Where was I going with this?

Cop suck and we made this shit like it is. When will a common sense party form? I'd vote for them. Lol


O yeah cops tough job my fucking ass. Fuck cops and their little pussy uniforms and fat wives. They don't do shit they are racist and corny as shit and don't do anything to help keep the peace. I wish they would hire more mature respectable people that didn't have any quota to fill. Just handle real problems. Until they start doing that I say fuck cops and hope nothing but the worst to anyone in law enforcement.


Premium Member
O yeah cops tough job my fucking ass. Fuck cops and their little pussy uniforms and fat wives. They don't do shit they are racist and corny as shit and don't do anything to help keep the peace. I wish they would hire more mature respectable people that didn't have any quota to fill. Just handle real problems. Until they start doing that I say fuck cops and hope nothing but the worst to anyone in law enforcement.
If you met my friend who is an ex Marine honor guard at the white house, and is now a special detective for the NYPD you would think different.
He go's after the real bad guy's and I believe him when he tell's me he never has roughed anybody up unless they are resisting. If someone murdered, raped you or loved ones you would want him helping I am certain.
We go a long way back. We both were at a Dead show. I was tripping my balls off. These 2 fellas saw me and said to each other God look at THAT guy. I saw them, knew we had to hook up, and came over and met them, gave them shrooms and soon they were laughing so hard tears were dripping from their chins. Got his phone number turned out he lived 2 blocks from me.
His wife is gorgeous, they have twins he plays rock and bluegrass bass guitar.
Few years back we did shrooms and floated river with wives and had a blast.
He is one of us and one of them.
Back in his uniform days he would have bigger fish to fry than messing with pot arrests, really wishes he could smoke, but he can't. He would tell pot heads to move along now...
I love my friend and he is definitely some one we need to get bad guys where they belong.....
Over the years we still laugh and tears flow. One time before he was a cop we smoked before going into home depot. I farted the stinkiest fart and the Sales girls were aghast at the putrid smell. We laughed tears aand still recall the shocked look on their faces...
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There are shit heads in every type of job, from teachers to clergy to law enforcement.... But on the flip side there are also those who have common sense and compassion. Your friend is part of the second half of NYPD.
Because there are guys in the NYPD who are useless and probably tortured small animals as kids. I believe prior to getting into Law Enforcement they should do a stint in the military, just like your buddy did.


Nobodys perfect and it has turned into a thankless job over the last 2 decades.can you imagine a big city like detroit without cops? Totally lawless, people shooting other people over stupid shit like a parking spot at the party store? When I was a teen part of my probation was to ride along with the detroit police on friday and saturday night .it was to show me the path I was headed down im sure, but it opened my eyes to a whole bunch of bad shit I never want to go through, then or now lol.and that was in the mid 80's , I cant even imagine how much worse that town is now.1 year later when I got my girlfriend (now wife) pregnant I vowed to never raise my kids or live in that shithole and I never looked back.back then I was the minority, but being a white kid in a mostly black neighborhood wasnt that big of a deal.imo we have gone backwards about 50 years with all that shit goin on in furguson Missouri. Its a damn shame, but on that note...who wants to be a cop in that town, raise your hand lmao.
in my little hick town west of the city the cops do a pretty decent job .back when I was a drunk I got popped several times, coulda and shoulda went to jail a few a ride home once, was made to walk once, and followed home by a state trooper once.that last one finally got me to quit drinking ;)

what were we talking about? Oh cops, yeah man....tough job.

We do this shit WITH the cops there, imagine how bad we'll get without them. Don't come to the D. Seriously, don't do it.



Premium Member
There are shit heads in every type of job, from teachers to clergy to law enforcement.... But on the flip side there are also those who have common sense and compassion. Your friend is part of the second half of NYPD.
Because there are guys in the NYPD who are useless and probably tortured small animals as kids. I believe prior to getting into Law Enforcement they should do a stint in the military, just like your buddy did.
Yup. he told me one time he dosed LSD at a east coast dead show and his pager went off. He had to report to the white house in 1 hour, get dressed, pass inspection and do his duty tripping his balls off which he did without any problem. another time he did acid and went to rifle range and out shot everyone there, said he could follow the bullet right to the bullseye....


I know quite a few cops. They are nice to me, party like anyone else, etc and seem like good people. Then I hear about what they do on the job from other people and/or victims. One guy who was a regular client of mine seemed supercool, always invited me over to his parties, smoked weed, etc. I later found out he was a rascist pig..and always pulled over and harassed the black folks. Another asshole likes running the pretty girls car tags to find out who they are. He'll then pull then over to pretend like he's going to issue them a summons, give them a warning and then start chit-chatting with them in hopes to get a date. Another fatass lazy veteran cop is cool as shit to me but harasses all the teenagers in town. I guess he finds messing with little boys exciting...and less chance of him getting hurt should he do his real job and go after gangbangers and robbers. Like all the other pigs I know they act cool to you but what they do when they put on their badge is entirely different. IMO the good cops get out of that line of work pretty quickly..either by resigning or getting canned.

Read alternative news sources. It's an every day occurrence that a pig shoots someone dead for no good reason, or shoots a dog,,,not to mention those SWAT fuckers kicking in the door of the wrong house and traumatizing an entire family of innocent folks. A DAILY FUCKING OCCURRENCE.

True stories? I got a million of them. I worked in a medical clinic where all the local pigs and SWAT dickheads came in for steroid shots on a weekly basis. The fraudulent doctors claimed that they all had low testosterone levels thereby needing the muscle building, roid-rage steroids.

Serve and protect? The cops serve and protect themselves. Blue Code of Silence. It's legal for the to lie, they are trained to lie and they do it all the time, in and out of the courtroom. I have no use for them at all. Almost all of teople where I live feel the same way. We don't need them, we don't want them and we avoid them like the plague. We'll handle our own matters.
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Fuck that's crazy shit shooting a gun while tripping on some acid just crazy to think about!lol


I know bro, im down there at least once a week still cause 2 of my patients are still living there.its starting to look like Baghdad


Premium Member
I know quite a few cops. They are nice to me, party like anyone else, etc and seem like good people. Then I hear about what they do on the job from other people and/or victims. One guy who was a regular client of mine seemed supercool, always invited me over to his parties, smoked weed, etc. I later found out he was a rascist pig..and always pulled over and harassed the black folks. Another asshole likes running the pretty girls car tags to find out who they are. He'll then pull then over to pretend like he's going to issue them a summons, give them a warning and then start chit-chatting with them in hopes to get a date. Another fatass lazy veteran cop is cool as shit to me but harasses all the teenagers in town. I guess he finds messing with little boys exciting...and less chance of him getting hurt should he do his real job and go after gangbangers and robbers. Like all the other pigs I know they act cool to you but what they do when they put on their badge is entirely different. IMO the good cops get out of that line of work pretty quickly..either by resigning or getting canned.

Read alternative news sources. It's an every day occurrence that a pig shoots someone dead for no good reason, or shoots a dog,,,not to mention those SWAT fuckers kicking in the door of the wrong house and traumatizing an entire family of innocent folks. A DAILY FUCKING OCCURRENCE.

Serve and protect? The cops serve and protect themselves. Blue Code of Silence. It's legal for the to lie, they are trained to lie and they do it all the time, in and out of the courtroom. I have no use for them at all. Almost all of teople where I live feel the same way. We don't need them, we don't want them and we avoid them like the plague. We'll handle our own matters.
Think the worst and that's what you get....


I know quite a few cops. They are nice to me, party like anyone else, etc and seem like good people. Then I hear about what they do on the job from other people and/or victims. One guy who was a regular client of mine seemed supercool, always invited me over to his parties, smoked weed, etc. I later found out he was a rascist pig..and always pulled over and harassed the black folks. Another asshole likes running the pretty girls car tags to find out who they are. He'll then pull then over to pretend like he's going to issue them a summons, give them a warning and then start chit-chatting with them in hopes to get a date. Another fatass lazy veteran cop is cool as shit to me but harasses all the teenagers in town. I guess he finds messing with little boys exciting...and less chance of him getting hurt should he do his real job and go after gangbangers and robbers. Like all the other pigs I know they act cool to you but what they do when they put on their badge is entirely different. IMO the good cops get out of that line of work pretty quickly..either by resigning or getting canned.
Sad to say when in uniform they are subject to peer pressure just like when your a teen. So as the saying goes "well if your friend Johnny jumped off the bridge, are you going to jump off it too?" No Mom. To be ostracized by their fellow officers probably would get them hurt, due to a failure in communication ... I.E. no one shows up to provide back up. Who suffers their children and families.
Just wanted to add, on the flip side of Excessive force ... that it is also the children and families of those whom are hurt by these same actions that will suffer the same pain and anguish. This is where the cycle starts and continues to breed the distrust in our fellow man, and not just in regards to Law Enforcement.
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Think the worst haha that's funny just cus u know a cop, everybody that I know that knows cops and are friends with cops say the same shit that he is a good one and he only goes after real criminal als but that is such a crock. They pull u over and try to take u in to jail. Yeah sometimes a cop can ve cool to you but that doesn't mean he's a cool guy he still takes people's freedom away. Yes cops are a necessity in society I don't disagree with that but the way our cops are trained and act now is not the way a public servant should act. There is no good cop and the only friends a cop should have is other cops. I would never hang out with a cop no matter how much they claimed to be one of the cool ones, there is no such thing.


Premium Member
Well at least the company I keep know how to communicate without such foul language and are truly good folks...
We all have rights to state opinions.
it's ok to disagree but using foul language is not only against TOU, It's insulting and disrespectful...
I respect kolah, but sometimes IMO he can go a little overboard with negativity just like I do on occasion with other issues and opinions.. But we never get nasty....

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Premium Member
So what's up with the moderation here Mods???
You let some newbie, 2 months or so active, violate TOU no warning, remove my comments, as a long standing respected premium member I find that confusing....

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