Total N-P-K TDS PPM Spreadsheet

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Got sick of tips curling and not knowing why so I spent about an hour figuring this out last night. Should have done this sooner. I've surfed some grow forums and not seen this sort of info maybe I missed it...

The calculations are from this site
So I have no idea about the accuracy of the numbers but the spreadsheet matches and the lucas numbers are from the same calc. At least now when I add a new bottle of "THEBESTPLANTCRAPEVAR!!1!" I can quickly see the effect on my NPK levels.

Is this useful, accurate, or maybe already out there in better form? Should I be matching my A and B program to the NPK ranges of the Lucas formula as a base starting gound? I'd like to add some other elements to this to keep track of potential toxicity levels but that'll take me a bit. For now I'm off to the hydro store for some P that doesn't touch my N or K ;)

Sorry for the zip can't attach xls and this is Office 2007.

View attachment Total N-P-K TDS PPM


I ended up rediscovering this link in my favorites, I'm sure must of you have read it... Cannastats Calc

I've made a new spreadsheet to help me with mixing a new res and dialing in NPK levels. Also used this to calc my res cost... This one is a bit more manual, you have to transfer the values from the calc for each nute product.

Guess I kinda knew about this all along just hadn't put two and two together until it was almost to late :)

If you don't like the zip I am more than happy to email you a excel .xls file...

View attachment Nute Mix


Huh, interesting stuff.

I'm a little squeamish, I have to admit, about a chart telling me what my plants are supposed to do. From my experience, it seems like plants just aren't as predictable as we'd like them to be. LOL

I think you need to make sure that you rely on your own personal observations too, more than what the numbers say.

Plants are strange like that, you know.


Isn't that what every feed chart is trying to tell you? If you want to try a new brand of nutrient do you just blindly follow the directions on the bottle? If your leaf tips then start to curl do you know if its a Nitrogen, Phosphorus or Calcium issue? That chart has two different growers schedules on it and they are only trying to show a comparison to the Lucas formula.

I agree that you have to pay attention to your plants and make adjustments but I'm wondering what you base your adjustments on? If you're just increasing/decreasing mL and watching TDS PPM without knowing what contents make up that total how do you know that you're not just creating a new problem? How do you know that you actually solved the problem with what you thought it needed or just happened to add/remove something else? Just seems to me like a lot of guess work going on...

I still have a lot to learn and hopefully the time left I need to learn it but right now my plants look great and I'm at ease with what is floating around in my res.


FIfty your on the right path know theres Lots more info on this in the ADVANCED TECHNIQES SECTION> head over there start soaking it up...

PH spreadsheet is invaluable Imo.. Yes you can resave it into all your week formulations just like you said so that you have a Base to make adjustments...
And also were going off the Guaranteed analaysis so who really knows how close the numbers really are so yes you set a base and start experimenting....


Thanks Registrd I appreciate it... see you over there :)


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