Transfering Seedlings From Indoor Light to outside

  • Thread starter dorjewright
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My 3" seedlings are under 24/7 light. Its plenty cold here in the Bay Area so I will won't be putting them out for a while except during a sunny day. How do I adjust the MH/HPS light hours so they won't go into flower when I plant them outside in 6 weeks or so?


Living dead girl
I'm using an interrupted photoperiod with a 13.5hr base as my daylight period. I have NO IDEA how this is going to affect my seedlings, because this is the first time I've ever started cannabis seeds inside under artificial light. I've always done it outside and only used the natural photoperiod.

For me, the question of if has everything to do with whether or not they've shown sex yet. If they have, and it's not a cutting you've taken, and are still working from a seed start on that, I think it should simply continue to grow normally through maturity. If it's a clone you're working with, then I would absolutely use the interrupted photoperiod.

When I say interrupted photoperiod, I am speaking specifically of interrupting the dark phase of the cycle. We know that cannabis is a photoperiodic flowering plant, and we know that flowering is induced when the DARK phase becomes sufficiently long. Therefore, it is the dark phase we must interrupt. I use two interruptions during the dark phase, about an hour apiece.


When I put my plants outside last summer, I gave them 18 hours of light indoors, then about a week before I put them outside I dropped the light 30 minutes everyday until it matched the amount of light that was outside, which was about 14-15 hours. I guerrilla grow so I can't supplement light, but if you grow in your back yard you can easily supplement and do what Seamaiden said, interrupt the dark period just to be safe.


Living dead girl
Lex, to be clear, this is what I do when they're inside. I don't add light once they're out for two reasons: county zoning ordinance disallowing supplemental light (yet a neighbor can leave their exterior lights on, for MONTHS, shining right into our bedroom, all night long), and power. See, I am REALLY FUCKING CHEAP, so if I don't have to add light, I won't. And since I've interrupted the photoperiod such that they won't begin to flower until it's stopped, I match to my put-out date and we go from there. It's always more difficult with clones than seed starts, that's for sure, and I'm still working to tweak my method because the clones get REALLY hairy and that makes them a real bitch to trim post-harvey.

Jesus, did I just ramble, or what? I need to get the first joint of the day fired up here. I found this weed in my nightstand, I have no idea what it is.


Lex, to be clear, this is what I do when they're inside. I don't add light once they're out for two reasons: county zoning ordinance disallowing supplemental light (yet a neighbor can leave their exterior lights on, for MONTHS, shining right into our bedroom, all night long), and power. See, I am REALLY FUCKING CHEAP, so if I don't have to add light, I won't. And since I've interrupted the photoperiod such that they won't begin to flower until it's stopped, I match to my put-out date and we go from there. It's always more difficult with clones than seed starts, that's for sure, and I'm still working to tweak my method because the clones get REALLY hairy and that makes them a real bitch to trim post-harvey.

Jesus, did I just ramble, or what? I need to get the first joint of the day fired up here. I found this weed in my nightstand, I have no idea what it is.

Thats retarded, a fucking ordinance. I thought you did the interruption outside too, my bad.


Living dead girl
I want to, but it's going to have to be covered in a manner that doesn't allow the light to be seen by any neighbors. So, I just stick to what I've been doing for the most part, except I got a very early start on the seeds this year.


My 3" seedlings are under 24/7 light. Its plenty cold here in the Bay Area so I will won't be putting them out for a while except during a sunny day. How do I adjust the MH/HPS light hours so they won't go into flower when I plant them outside in 6 weeks or so?
dorje// i would be getting the little ones off the 24/7 light. that they are young and not clones really helps out alot. i like what lexi did and cut the light back gradually. and get them babies outside, hell it's not gonna freeze in the Bay, right?? your plants are stronger than you think.


I have six large cloned plants outdoors on my deck and they are thriving in full sun. Super happy plants get just a little light at sunset to prevent flowering. I use four regular bulbs in the fixtures near the two doors and just turn them off later at night. I will stop this in june and it usually works fine
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