U.S. Will Enforce Marijuana Laws, State Vote Aside

  • Thread starter Cali smoke
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I'm voting no because it puts me at risk as a parent (due to the "any space" wording). That's not selfish. It's so ridiculous when people try to tell us to do something, in their words for them or their state at least, and then tell us we're selfish if we have reasons not to. Why don't you stop being so selfish and think about that other factors, not financial and not your need to "free the plant" that go into voting.

hbstoner--Cannabear is referring to the fact that 19 makes possession under 1 oz legal and it's only an infraction (ticket only, no jail time) here now.


heres my take, the whole legalization is has cut in line. acceptance of marijuana nation wide is on the up and up. more and more states are adapting MMJ laws and more will follow. I honestly think the whole legalization bit is about 10 premature. Get all state rocking medical first, or at least 70%, then take a bite at legalization. trying to legalize now is honestly going to 1.) allow many other states to say "see, there is no medical value, its just to get it legalized 2.) kick back the MMJ movement as a whole as a legit resource for the sick.

crawl, walk, run. greedy cunts like dick slurp lee are going to fuck it alllllll up, mark my words, this bill will be the biggest regret in a couple years

Couldn't agree with you more Dizzle.

Fucked up thing is that as evil as Richard Lee has become.....there is a darker beast lurking here called the DPA.

It's a matter of record that the DPA is behind 19 and there board members are scary as hell. Monsanto people.....is that who we want running things? Monsanto?

I heard someone at the LB Indoor Garden Expo talking about how how Roundup was the best thing ever. I almost threw up!

Not to mention a LOT of young kids running around in Oaksterdam shirts.

Buddy Hemphill

Its funny... how out-of-staters know how Californians should vote.

If you wanna live somewhere you can do ALMOST whatever you want, pertaining to your personal marijuana....move to Cali and get a 215. I did.

The 215 "message" we sent didn't pave the way for a change in the law in your home state?.....Guess what? Neither will prop 19.

The DEA is stating is plainly. So why should we tug on Superman's cape?...spit into the wind?....or fuck around with Jim? Because the alphabet cops CAN and WILL fuck us up...they are TELLING us they are gonna fuck us up.

But I guess there are still those who think that this will be the wave of Marijuana reform that will sweep the nation making the beautiful weed plentiful and available for free to all......

Wake the fuck up. Do you know how many Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly bumper stickers I see when I travel back east and the deep south?

Legalization aint happening.

We should fight for legitamicy/semi-legality thru the Medical route. Its worked so far....


Living dead girl
I just had this visual for a great political cartoon. A bunch of states like Texas, Missouri, and the southern tier, all have a gigantic crowbar prying at the edge of California trying to chuck it into the sea.

Heh.. I had to write that down.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Buddy. MMJ is what people can wrap their heads around. Baby steps. Walk before run. Timing is everything, and everything is relative. But mostly, persistence and determination are omnipotent.


when I first heard about prop 19 i was scared, then i realized I already dont follow the law, so why would this one be any different...fuck rules ill get out of state patients if i have to. but the legal grows are still gonna charge top $ so not too worried


Living dead girl
I wondered about his locale, thought it was the HB. I used to take the bus all the way from the very end of Beach Blvd down to HB. However, the ONE time I got popped for smoking on the beach, it was Newport. I thought they were a coupla jarheads. It wasn't even my joint, damn! The worst thing about it was they called my folks to let them know they wrote me a ticket.

Now my ex-husband is living in HB, says he's a block or two from the beach. I wonder what it's like now. <Sea muses>

I have to get to talking to everyone in my family about this proposition. Actually, every vote I make a round of phonecalls to see how they're feeling about the props, have a discussion about them and settle on our votes.


Living dead girl
Wow... that wasn't so long after I got popped. I used to burn down at HB state beach all the time! I was lucky, only getting a ticket.


You guys are killing me with all the HB talk. Totally old stomping ground. I was downtown, mostly at Midnite Espresso, for the 4th of July riot. Some pretty brutal moments from HB cops there. I'm sure they'd love to take a whack at this.
GoD-And Club Rubber... never a better excuse to go out in public in lingerie.


mad out of towners have their thongs all up in a bunch. In some crazy stretch of the imagination they believe that if california legalizes it then somehow their state with jump ship. you honestly believe it will be some epic moment in american history, it wont be, your state isnt going to suddenly do a 180 and scrap their current laws. The climate is def changing in regards to Medical marijuana, not recreational, and out of 51 states in the US only 14 have joined the movement in the last 14yrs. So I dont see how you believe legalization in California will do anything for you?

Delusional is the best word I can think of to describe your thinking. for me, right now, in california, weed is legal for me to grow. I never get nervous, or scared Im going to get busted. prop 215 is all we need, it allows everyone the right to get a card with a whole host of reasons, from minor headaches to throat cancer. somehow many people have conjured up the notion that they would be too proud to lie to get a card or for some other moral reason, when the reality the only reason people smoke weed is to self medicate, so you dont have to lie at all, just say what ales you.

Prop 19, while you might not believe it, is a horrible option from how things currently are. an absolutely ridiculous option, it would be like the kid at school who steals your lunch money, is now the only one selling sandwiches. Its called a legalization bill so people vote blindly simply because they really do want weed legalized, which I do too. I wouldnt eat cow shit just because I was really hungry, and I wouldnt vote for this slimy bill just because I want shit legalized


I have a feeling we could play the "do you know" game together very well. Parties way too much fun, but it was kind of a pain stopping for gas in lingerie. :-)


mad out of towners have their thongs all up in a bunch. In some crazy stretch of the imagination they believe that if california legalizes it then somehow their state with jump ship. you honestly believe it will be some epic moment in american history, it wont be, your state isnt going to suddenly do a 180 and scrap their current laws. The climate is def changing in regards to Medical marijuana, not recreational, and out of 51 states in the US only 14 have joined the movement in the last 14yrs. So I dont see how you believe legalization in California will do anything for you?

Delusional is the best word I can think of to describe your thinking. for me, right now, in california, weed is legal for me to grow. I never get nervous, or scared Im going to get busted. prop 215 is all we need, it allows everyone the right to get a card with a whole host of reasons, from minor headaches to throat cancer. somehow many people have conjured up the notion that they would be too proud to lie to get a card or for some other moral reason, when the reality the only reason people smoke weed is to self medicate, so you dont have to lie at all, just say what ales you.

Prop 19, while you might not believe it, is a horrible option from how things currently are. an absolutely ridiculous option, it would be like the kid at school who steals your lunch money, is now the only one selling sandwiches. Its called a legalization bill so people vote blindly simply because they really do want weed legalized, which I do too. I wouldnt eat cow shit just because I was really hungry, and I wouldnt vote for this slimy bill just because I want shit legalized

well put Dizzle'. That word 'LEGAL' in this case is one big f'd up illusion and uninformed folks everywhere including conservative states are eating it up. It's easy for them to take shots as us NO folks...calling us greedy and selfish. They're blinded by idealism and ingnorance imho.

Basically it will only redirect the flow of revenue to the suits. It will still be federally illegal..get it ILLEGAL..!!!!

Unbelievably their convinced if 19 passes the evil weed will magically become legal in the US in the not so distant future. I see them come on to this thread all angry and seething..like how dare you vote NO on this momentous moment in American History!!

I'll bet most of them have not read the law...the actual script of 19. OR any of the stuff about BIG BUSINESS backing the play'.. and just the thought of Monstanto waiting in the wings. Doesn't anyone watch Farm Aid anymore? I'd think peeps from Mid West states would be like yeah we know all about Monsanto and fukers like that.

Personally I thing the prop is dead in the water already. Polls on TV or the media say different..like 50/50 but I think that's 'fox style' bs haha...whatever come election day the homies (who never voted in some poll OR voted for that matter) will literally be coming out of the woodwork in droves'. Also I think alot of the YES voters will flip because of party pressure OR just FEAR of having all kinds of crazies growing the evil weed next door to them...OR they finally woke up and got educated.

and the fact that the FEDS have kinda issued an ultimatum

and I predict...wait for it.....here it is the results ahead of time>

58% NO

42% YES



Living dead girl
You guys are killing me with all the HB talk. Totally old stomping ground. I was downtown, mostly at Midnite Espresso, for the 4th of July riot. Some pretty brutal moments from HB cops there. I'm sure they'd love to take a whack at this.
GoD-And Club Rubber... never a better excuse to go out in public in lingerie.
The last riot I was up close and personal with was at the very last L.A. Street Scene. Now I can't remember who was playing, but it was mostly punkers (mid-80s), next thing I knew bottles and shit was flying and LAPD on horseback was a thing not to be toyed with. I ended up somewhere down on Skid Row trying to find the rest of my group, with my baby in tow.

My HB days were a few years previous to what I think you guys are talking about, I don't remember any of those places.

I used to go to Knott's a lot! It was half the distance.


HB...last time I was in that area I got jacked into the shape of a pretzel bodysurfing the wedge on a decent size day...doh! that's it that's my HB story...


That break right on the sand is no joke. You can get squashed just getting your feet wet there. It's actually a Newport Beach story, but you must have some serious nerve to surf it. Really, I won't even wade in there when the tide is low.


Canopy Space.

Their goal is to take over the market whilst the rest of us toil away in our 5x5's with no legal outlet.

I can just see it the sale of Coliseums goes bananas..vert' growing in a 5x5x12 space. I'll stack em'.

'Cept they are then going to argue that your canopy space is actually 300 sq. ft., you see?
That little bastard worded that bill VERY CAREFULLY for his benefit.

Good luck Cali, I wouldn't mind if your state was the one to put the STATES RIGHTS issue up for debate. But either way I think you are going to get fucked.

I think you will see perpetual SOG make a big comeback.


further more any dispensary that sells to recreational users is going to get shut down and thrown into federal fuck you in the ass prison. That will be swell for the seriously ill. While now, they have already been told that so long as they arent breaking federal and state law, they will be left alone.( the places that have been busted while obama has been in offical have been involved in other shit which is why they were targeted)
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