UC 8XXL13 w/ 9k vert

  • Thread starter deacon1503
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hey Decon

can I ask what is that tannish circular device is on the floor on the first page? You had two of them, one in each row.



Do you run RO water thru those? Because if you don't, consider it strongly... otherwise, because they're foggers, they'll end up depositing any and all minerals in the water you use all over the walls and the plants. On the plus side, I bet they help keep temps under control just as well as a swamp cooler?


Do you run RO water thru those? Because if you don't, consider it strongly... otherwise, because they're foggers, they'll end up depositing any and all minerals in the water you use all over the walls and the plants. On the plus side, I bet they help keep temps under control just as well as a swamp cooler?

Yes RO only. First time using these i tried city tap water and there was calcium dust all over everything. RO only!


Yes RO only. First time using using these i tried city tap water and there was calcium dust all over everything. RO only!

Sorry you had to learn the hard way, lol!! Imagine what our cigar warehouse looked like a week after my bosses ignored that *SAME* advice and installed foggers to keep the humidity up and 'protect' the product... We had to keep a damp rag around to wipe everything off before shipping it!

Anybody else reading this, either use RO water for fogger style humidifiers, or just go with swamp coolers; they humidify and cool the air without getting mineral deposits all over everything. By the way, those mineral deposits build up on the batting of the swamp cooler, which is the main reason you need to replace it every season or so. Still, this is a lot better than white spots on everything...


How do you keep ro running to foggers? Gravity fed? I LOVE THIS SITE...

Yup. Float valve to keep a steady water level in the humidifier, fed by gravity from an RO tub. You can't use the pressure residual from the RO filter to push water through a fogger; it will stop working as an osmotic filter if you try it.


hey dea! Is there anything you would do different with this grow? what was your final yield? im putting a grow room together at first i wanted to harvest 6#'s a month but if i can harvest 16# every two months with yourr setup thats even better ant not as much work involved working with two flower rooms! any input would be great i have a 11 x 22 foot room i will use for flower and 19 x 8 foot room for veg, or those rooms can be switched to either or, you tink i would get bettter light reflection putting the flower pots in the more narrow room? or would it be tight to work in? check my large grow room design thread to check my space out! Id also like to top up my res's in a seprate room so i can check everything while the flower rom is in lights out! I think thats a kep aspect most people over look maybe because of space issues but it just seem logical to hard line everything from a service room and only have your lights venting and plants each room, sorry to thread jack you! just want your comments as this is basically the closest grow as what ill be designing!


hey dea! Is there anything you would do different with this grow? what was your final yield? im putting a grow room together at first i wanted to harvest 6#'s a month but if i can harvest 16# every two months with yourr setup thats even better ant not as much work involved working with two flower rooms! any input would be great i have a 11 x 22 foot room i will use for flower and 19 x 8 foot room for veg, or those rooms can be switched to either or, you tink i would get bettter light reflection putting the flower pots in the more narrow room? or would it be tight to work in? check my large grow room design thread to check my space out! Id also like to top up my res's in a seprate room so i can check everything while the flower rom is in lights out! I think thats a kep aspect most people over look maybe because of space issues but it just seem logical to hard line everything from a service room and only have your lights venting and plants each room, sorry to thread jack you! just want your comments as this is basically the closest grow as what ill be designing!

With this particular room and grow, these plants got a bit bigger that what I think would have been optimal. Regardless, looking back I would have liked to do a 1k AW over each plant but they did alright, all were well above the 1# mark. Also, you lose so much yeild of the end plants when you don't have any light on the ends and I don't like that. Next room will be lights in the corners to encompass all plants with light.

This room is no longer using the UC, it's now running coco smartys with an auto feed. This room will still produce the same yields or better with 7 gal smartys as with the 13 gal UC.


thanks for the input so you think id be better off not going vert? this is my current set up can you critic it? thanks bro
Rsz 16kw 10 plant ucxxl13

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