uGrow Boi

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I Posted this on icmag, but it doesn't look like anyone is whiling to help. Since i have a few months to go before i can start my grow and to keep myself occupied with a project until then, i'm making so software to keep track of grows.

Posted here from icmag.

I been making a program that will be free, it's like a grow helper. Keep track of your grows, nutrients, when the grow started, pictures, when to harvest, how many days left until harvest, lighting, grow medium and puts everything into a grow log.

the automated feature will require and to have an arduino, all code will be given to you to program the arduino (you just copy and paste) if you need the automated features (auto watering, nutrients etc..)

They are 2 Modes to the automated portion of the program. Full Monty (automated) and Semi-auto. Semi-auto allows you to control your grow while your on vacation allowing you to send strings trough twitter that YOU can customize so it will be totally random from others. The program will see (if you enabled semi-auto) that you sent a string to water your plants (i.e /start/water) and the arduino will kick on the water pump.

There also is a Learning mode built in that looks for patterns when you water and add nutrients to your plants, then the program will send you reminders based on your pattern.

They also will be a destroy button, making the program pretty much useless. Nothing is save on the hard drive unless you export to excel. Everything gets stored inside the program itself.

I'm kinda of in a hurry and trying to type this out fast as i can, but please tell me what i can add to make this program the best.

I Want this program to cater to newbies to expert growers.

Anyone that gives me ideas will get credit on the splash screen..

what data of the grow do would you want to be able to keep track of in case something goes wrong you can go back and look at your logs.

in the red, this is how much space i gotta fill up!

If you go any ideas, please let me hear them. Remember this program will be free! betas will be released to a selected few so i can get feedback and add and change things to make this the best possible program for new and master growers.


Added the ability to mark rows in the grow log with different colors for whatever reason you would want to do that for..


Idea 1) The abilities to post your grow notes/pictures on most/multiple weed sites with 1 click.

Idea 2) Multiple nutrient calculators from all weed nutrient suppliers within the software.

Idea 3) Abilities to add 1 to 10 calendars then also a main calendar (were the previous calendars are managed) with notes in it. Things such as week 1 week 2 veg etc..(customizable up to 12 weeks) A note to remind you to flush this week. Projected cut down date with reminders.

Idea 4) the abilities to run on all mobile, and all platforms including mac and linux.

Idea 5) Password protected to gain access to the application.

Idea 6) a panic button were application (and all relative processes) are closed with the click of a button.

Idea 7)The abilities to have streaming video be included in a browser to check up via web or private network.

Idea 8) The abilities to remotely connect/control environment controllers


Yes, it will be free download as soon as i get the minor bugs out.

please soon! this program sounds damn amazing!

please tell me it'll be available to mac users..?


Idea 1) The abilities to post your grow notes/pictures on most/multiple weed sites with 1 click.

Idea 2) Multiple nutrient calculators from all weed nutrient suppliers within the software.

Idea 3) Abilities to add 1 to 10 calendars then also a main calendar (were the previous calendars are managed) with notes in it. Things such as week 1 week 2 veg etc..(customizable up to 12 weeks) A note to remind you to flush this week. Projected cut down date with reminders.

Idea 4) the abilities to run on all mobile, and all platforms including mac and linux.

Idea 5) Password protected to gain access to the application.

Idea 6) a panic button were application (and all relative processes) are closed with the click of a button.

Idea 7)The abilities to have streaming video be included in a browser to check up via web or private network.

Idea 8) The abilities to remotely connect/control environment controllers

Idea 1: Very good idea and it's something i'm capable of doing because my specialty is bot making so this shouldn't be a problem.

Idea 2: Another good idea that i haven't though of.

Idea 3: This will require me to make my own control allowing it to function this way, but great idea!

Idea 4: A Good idea, but my strong suite isn't mobile apps :( If it become popular i wouldn't rule out hiring someone to make an app based on the software.

Idea 5: I Never thought of this and it will be added to the program!

Idea 6: Already in the program, instead of it being called the "Panic Button" it's called the "Kill Switch" :)

Idea 7: Included, but i don't have a webcam to test it and it's using the VLC active-x control.

Idea 8: This is something i'm adding, but probably wont be functional until the main portion of the program is completed.


An idea i thought of that will be helpful to the newbies. When you enter the ph, temps or whatever that is critical to the success of the grow, the text box will change to a color representing the ph is high, low or just right. same for the other data you input into the software.


*Password Protection Added
*Added short-key to Kill Switch (Ctrl+x) closes all processes associated with the program.


keep up the good work. i have a few more ideas 2 but gonna wait a bit. Also ... credit goes to testez in BC


keep up the good work. i have a few more ideas 2 but gonna wait a bit. Also ... credit goes to testez in BC

you had some good ideas. i sent you a pm

Uploading another video displaying how to add a photo to your log, but i got to work out the bugs, selecting row triggers the photo display.. it's an easy fix though.

I Also pulled an all nighter, haven't been to sleep yet due to a bad toothache and bad left knee pain. 2 10mg hydrocodone just didn't help :(


Check warez site. Look for Forum auto poster appz to get an idea. Also, if it's to much to ask for all functions to fit under one appz. Might be a good idea to wrap up a few applications in all in one installer. This way the appz will be all in one container which would have either auto installer or one click installer for all appz in the container.

Looking very pro so far. Keep it up.


Check warez site. Look for Forum auto poster appz to get an idea. Also, if it's to much to ask for all functions to fit under one appz. Might be a good idea to wrap up a few applications in all in one installer. This way the appz will be all in one container which would have either auto installer or one click installer for all appz in the container.

Looking very pro so far. Keep it up.

I've made forum bots before and also blog bots, this isn't going to be a problem. This is what i am good at and i always stayed in the realm of bot making you could say. Now i'm wanting to start making other apps not just bots and some of the controls i never used before and not familiar with (like the datagridview) is slowing me down.

I'm working on the Nutrient database part of the program now that connects to a mysql database so users can add nutrients/mixing directions and product images so when someone add a new product to the quick buttons on the main form, it will pull all that information from the database and display that information on the main form for the user to see.

It's working, but this stupid datagrid control is not auto sizing even tho i have auto sizing enabled :(


Looking sick, this is the core of the journal. \\\\\\ From the top navigation, users can use other tools related to your grow. I can wait to alpha test. :)

In the file uploader, i would have it so that users can select multiple files at once instead of one at a time. like control or shift key select while dragging mouse function.

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