Uk Votes To Leave The Eu

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mack 10

mack 10

People in UK are sick of all this bullshit, bankers robbing us blind,
faceless EU politicians telling us what to do. etc
plus Europe is way over 60 trillion in the red.
we ain't scared of the Russians like you yanks.
with your president Obumma, I don't see how you can say anything to anyone,
he's the worst out of everyone.


Where are u from exactly and if it wasn't for the uk the rest of Europe would have speaking German a very long time ago !
Out of Curiosity how old are you ??? May be go ask Grandpa how it really went down. Cause i think you been watching to manu world war 2 movies that makes Britain some sort of Hero
Truthfully speaking Hitler was a Genius who was feared by everyone his initial plans were to land 260,000 troops and walk all over that rock of a island mind you with only 240,000 sq miles my province can fit 2 of them islands in it haha
Anyways they were not prepared to do that so it was aerial assaults in which .
if Germany only knew the RAF was was literally Destroyed, but they stopped that campaign  when you guys bombed at Night Berlin Hitler was furious ,,
His actual words were if you drop 2, 3000 or 4000 kilgrams of bombs then we will drop `150 - 200 - to 400,000 kilograms and raise your cities off the ground :) So attacks on RAF facilities were halted and in favor of night time terror bombings in London
It was well accustomed for 57 straight days of air raid sirens going off in retaliation of berlin bombings the BlitZ ..

target list including Birmingham, Liverpool and historic Coventry which was obliterated when 449 bombers dropped 1,400 high explosive bombs and 100,000 incendiaries.

Bombings of this magnitude brought something completely new to modern warfare – the firestorm – fueled by super-heated winds drawing in torrents of air to fan whirling walls of flames. Sometimes people were knocked off their feet by the rushing winds and sucked into the flames to be burned alive. In London, on the night of December 29, 1940, a firestorm scorched the whole area around St. Paul's Cathedral.
Bottom line You were on your knees and thank god for Canada , and other allied nations that came to your rescue cause don;t forget Wolf packs were starving you out
Canada lent you money
built you over 16,000 planes
  • Britain had entered the war with 80,000 military vehicles of all types; however, 75,000 of these British vehicles were left behind in the evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940. Virtually defenceless on the ground, Britain turned to Canada - and particularly the Canadian auto industry - to replace what had been lost. Canada not only replaced these losses, it did much more.
  • Canadian industry produced over 800,000 military transport vehicles, 50,000 tanks, 40,000 field, naval, and anti-aircraft guns, and 1,700,000 small arms.
  • So please Shhhhh


Out of Curiosity how old are you ??? May be go ask Grandpa how it really went down. Cause i think you been watching to manu world war 2 movies that makes Britain some sort of Hero
Truthfully speaking Hitler was a Genius who was feared by everyone his initial plans were to land 260,000 troops and walk all over that rock of a island mind you with only 240,000 sq miles my province can fit 2 of them islands in it haha
Anyways they were not prepared to do that so it was aerial assaults in which .
if Germany only knew the RAF was was literally Destroyed, but they stopped that campaign  when you guys bombed at Night Berlin Hitler was furious ,,
His actual words were if you drop 2, 3000 or 4000 kilgrams of bombs then we will drop `150 - 200 - to 400,000 kilograms and raise your cities off the ground :) So attacks on RAF facilities were halted and in favor of night time terror bombings in London
It was well accustomed for 57 straight days of air raid sirens going off in retaliation of berlin bombings the BlitZ ..

target list including Birmingham, Liverpool and historic Coventry which was obliterated when 449 bombers dropped 1,400 high explosive bombs and 100,000 incendiaries.

Bombings of this magnitude brought something completely new to modern warfare – the firestorm – fueled by super-heated winds drawing in torrents of air to fan whirling walls of flames. Sometimes people were knocked off their feet by the rushing winds and sucked into the flames to be burned alive. In London, on the night of December 29, 1940, a firestorm scorched the whole area around St. Paul's Cathedral.
Bottom line You were on your knees and thank god for Canada , and other allied nations that came to your rescue cause don;t forget Wolf packs were starving you out
Canada lent you money
built you over 16,000 planes
  • Britain had entered the war with 80,000 military vehicles of all types; however, 75,000 of these British vehicles were left behind in the evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940. Virtually defenceless on the ground, Britain turned to Canada - and particularly the Canadian auto industry - to replace what had been lost. Canada not only replaced these losses, it did much more.
  • Canadian industry produced over 800,000 military transport vehicles, 50,000 tanks, 40,000 field, naval, and anti-aircraft guns, and 1,700,000 small arms.
  • So please Shhhhh
Lets get a couple of things proper straight 1st u never ever tell me to shhhhh 2nd if u knew as much as u think u do u would be a clever guy but u don't also why do u keep dodging when I ask where your from I'm guessing it's no where near here u say the world was scared of Hitler well that cunt was scared of Churchill and put back the war for over 2 years whilst they was trying to assassinate him. Now its time for u to fuck off now u fuckin nazi!


Out of Curiosity how old are you ??? May be go ask Grandpa how it really went down. Cause i think you been watching to manu world war 2 movies that makes Britain some sort of Hero
Truthfully speaking Hitler was a Genius who was feared by everyone his initial plans were to land 260,000 troops and walk all over that rock of a island mind you with only 240,000 sq miles my province can fit 2 of them islands in it haha
Anyways they were not prepared to do that so it was aerial assaults in which .
if Germany only knew the RAF was was literally Destroyed, but they stopped that campaign  when you guys bombed at Night Berlin Hitler was furious ,,
His actual words were if you drop 2, 3000 or 4000 kilgrams of bombs then we will drop `150 - 200 - to 400,000 kilograms and raise your cities off the ground :) So attacks on RAF facilities were halted and in favor of night time terror bombings in London
It was well accustomed for 57 straight days of air raid sirens going off in retaliation of berlin bombings the BlitZ ..

target list including Birmingham, Liverpool and historic Coventry which was obliterated when 449 bombers dropped 1,400 high explosive bombs and 100,000 incendiaries.

Bombings of this magnitude brought something completely new to modern warfare – the firestorm – fueled by super-heated winds drawing in torrents of air to fan whirling walls of flames. Sometimes people were knocked off their feet by the rushing winds and sucked into the flames to be burned alive. In London, on the night of December 29, 1940, a firestorm scorched the whole area around St. Paul's Cathedral.
Bottom line You were on your knees and thank god for Canada , and other allied nations that came to your rescue cause don;t forget Wolf packs were starving you out
Canada lent you money
built you over 16,000 planes
  • Britain had entered the war with 80,000 military vehicles of all types; however, 75,000 of these British vehicles were left behind in the evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940. Virtually defenceless on the ground, Britain turned to Canada - and particularly the Canadian auto industry - to replace what had been lost. Canada not only replaced these losses, it did much more.
  • Canadian industry produced over 800,000 military transport vehicles, 50,000 tanks, 40,000 field, naval, and anti-aircraft guns, and 1,700,000 small arms.
  • So please Shhhhh
OK ok from reading this again your Canadian. Don't we own u or something :)


Church hill was blowing USA to come to there rescue stating pretty much not if but when Germany takes us there not stopping here your next etc..
You ever wonder why England destroyed then the biggest navy fleet and killing allies the French in before Hitler got to it ???
Because there be no stopping Germany he would rule the world


Anyone with a Brain can tell you i said it 2 times here ??? here is a hint my province is 2 times bigger then your island second hint which i said wonder how many will move here to Canada after all this lol
So what part do you not get ??? where i am from


Church hill was blowing USA to come to there rescue stating pretty much not if but when Germany takes us there not stopping here your next etc..
You ever wonder why England destroyed then the biggest navy fleet and killing allies the French in before Hitler got to it ???
Because there be no stopping Germany he would rule the world
Wtf lol America was pretty much brought to its knees of 2 maybe 3 u boats and had to cry for help from the royal navy who came and blew em out of the water within a week our little island might not be big and we might not have as many people as your iceberg what what we do have is far better than most and the fact of the matter was America sat out for far too long pondering over it when they should have been getting stuck in like the English was and if we would have been defeated the USA and Canada was next now stop your bitching and fuck off your obviously a hater of the uk


Anyone with a Brain can tell you i said it 2 times here ??? here is a hint my province is 2 times bigger then your island second hint which i said wonder how many will move here to Canada after all this lol
So what part do you not get ??? where i am from
Why did you use a capital B?

This is a bit off topic but for fucks sake, can we please try a tiny little wee bit to use the right words when talking politics? I get a headache when I read about this stuff and the person posting can't use the proper form of your/you're and there/their/they're.

Back to the corner I go.


People in UK are sick of all this bullshit, bankers robbing us blind,
faceless EU politicians telling us what to do. etc
plus Europe is way over 60 trillion in the red.
we ain't scared of the Russians like you yanks.
with your president Obumma, I don't see how you can say anything to anyone,
he's the worst out of everyone.
He is the worst what? How? Why? Please elaborate. Our president is actually pretty amazing, and if you were here to see the growth of he cannabis industry under his clock you might feel the same.


Premium Member
  1. Threads or posts pertaining to religious or political discussions meant to incite or flame others will be closed and/or deleted. THCFarmer is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds, so in favor of harmony and unity, rather than division, it is best to stay on the topic of this site...

Wonder where the mods are on this????
Lets keep it friendly...
mack 10

mack 10

Really? I thought it was thousands of cannabis warriors, who have fought for this for years...

During the second world war,
America played both sides before they finally joined us, ( an we're glad you did)

if you didn't know the US supplied the Nazi's with a special oil they needed for their planes. The Germans would not of even been able to take off if it wasn't for this.

All I've seen Obumma do is take away your rights... ( not that we faired much better..)

Don't get it twisted, I love what you guys are doing I just don't rate any of these so called politicians. ( an there crazy schemes)


Really? I thought it was thousands of cannabis warriors, who have fought for this for years...

During the second world war,
America played both sides before they finally joined us, ( an we're glad you did)

if you didn't know the US supplied the Nazi's with a special oil they needed for their planes. The Germans would not of even been able to take off if it wasn't for this.

All I've seen Obumma do is take away your rights... ( not that we faired much better..)

Don't get it twisted, I love what you guys are doing I just don't rate any of these so called politicians. ( an there crazy schemes)
We have not lost a single right in America under the President, that's just straight bullshit and not sure what news source you have. Our Supreme Court on the other hand, along with a messed up congress, has taken away quite a few rights or given too much to corporations which directly effects the rights of individuals. The cannabis warriors? Nah, it's helped to have some groundwork laid medically but in reality our cannabis laws have been a direct reflection of the current presidents policies, the change from 08 to now is so amazing! Recreational cannabis in four states, I live in Oregon and it's truly mind blowing: id like to say it's because of this person or that but we really have the current administration to thank. How could I not know that we supported both side of ww2, that's the way the us gained so much... The destruction of factories and the demolishing you guys did to yourselves over there (along with our shitty help of course) directly boomed the us economy into superpower status.
Now to get back to topic, why are you guys excited about the English departure from the eu? What is there to benefit?


I'm from Montana originally but live in California and Oregon.
OK so how exactly can u know for sure wtf is going on over here in the uk at very best all u have to go off is shit u have read somewhere which is probably as accurate as a weather report !


Now to get back to topic, why are you guys excited about the English departure from the eu? What is there to benefit?


Leaving the EU would offer a chance to put the UK in charge of our own destiny and laws again — and restore our status as a sovereign nation.

According to the Commons Library, up to 60 per cent of regulations originate from the EU and the 28-member Commission in Brussels — none of whom were elected. Britain’s Commissioner, Lord (Jonathan) Hill, is a former lobbyist and Tory researcher who has never stood for elected office in his life. Nor had his predecessor, Cathy Ashton, a Labour appointee and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament official.


We’d be free to negotiate our own trade deals — especially with the world’s emerging new economies.

Since we import £89 billion of goods more annually from other EU countries than we sell to them, the EU stands to lose more than Britain if it seeks to impose tariffs post-Brexit. We are a crucial export market for Germany, the EU’s most powerful country, which would be the post-Brexit deal-maker.


There are an estimated 3.3 million British jobs ‘linked’ to our membership of the EU. By the same measure, there are more than five million jobs on the Continent that are linked to trade with Britain. This includes one million jobs in Germany, 494,000 in France, 309,000 in Italy and 421,000 in Spain.


We pay far more into the EU budget than we get back — making a net contribution of around £8.5 billion last year (£23 million a day), which is more than we spend on the police service or border controls.

The NHS costs £8.5 billion a month and the Health Service would get an extra £5 billion a year as a result of Brexit.

Also, almost £1 billion of British cash goes to the EU for international aid.


Currently there’s no upper limit on migration and no proper control of our borders. More than three million EU migrants live in the UK — double the number in 2004 when the EU expanded to include Eastern European countries, who have sent more than a million people here (despite the last Labour Government saying it would be only 13,000 a year.)

Net migration from EU countries to the UK, according to official figures, is 184,000 a year — enough to fill a city the size of Oxford. David Cameron has never hit his target to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands — and most agree he never will if we remain inside the EU.


Under EU law, we must let in any EU citizen regardless of their qualifications. The result? Businesses can’t get work permits for highly skilled or educated people from the Commonwealth, U.S., Australia and elsewhere outside the EU.

Using a new points-system, every applicant to live here would be treated on their merit rather than on their nationality. Equally, we’d be able to accept more genuine refugees.


Parliament is powerless, under EU treaties, to defend itself against the rulings of the European Court of Justice — which has interfered in everything from the price of beer to the right to deport terror suspects.

The UK has lost three-quarters of the cases it’s challenged since 1973. This makes a mockery of the idea that the UK’s Supreme Court is supreme.


Thanks to Brussels diktats, some of the EU’s most evil killers, rapists and drug-dealers have been allowed to remain here — because their right to free movement has been put ahead of keeping the British public safe.

A report by the Labour-led Commons Home Affairs Committee said the number of foreign criminals who had not been deported could fill a ‘small town’. British jails hold almost 10,000 foreign prisoners — including 1,000 Poles.


UK law stops anyone from outside the EU entering Britain if their presence is deemed ‘not conducive to the public good’, but Brussels says EU citizens can only be turned away if there is a ‘serious, credible and present threat’.

Thus the list of criminals able to come here include a Latvian who murdered his wife before moving to the UK, where he killed a 14-year-old girl. Over the past decade, UK officials have only been able to turn away 11,000 EU nationals.


The EU’s Frontex border security agency has warned that jihadists are exploiting the Union’s open borders and the migrant crisis to sneak into the continent and plot atrocities. Two of the attackers responsible for last year’s outrages in Paris used exactly this approach.

The British head of Europol also said that as many as 5,000 Islamic State-trained jihadists are moving freely in Europe. And Sir Richard Dearlove, ex-head of MI6, said we could be safer outside of the EU as it would be easier to deport fanatics. Leaving the EU would still allow us to work with U.S. intelligence agencies — as the so-called gold standard ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing partnership consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. and the UK.


David Cameron has repeatedly refused to drop his government’s support for Turkey — which has 77 million citizens — joining the EU.

Yet he’s said that at the current rate it won’t join until the year 3000 — despite the European Commission announcing last week that Turkey’s membership application was being ‘accelerated’.

Before the referendum campaign, the PM said his wish was to ‘pave the road from Ankara [Turkey’s capital]’ to Brussels. Turkish citizens are already being given visa-free access to mainland Europe after a deal that saw the Turks getting £4.6 billion in aid.

Campaign group Migration Watch has warned an extra 100,000 Turks would flock to Britain every year if the predominantly Muslim country joined the EU.


Last year — for the 21st year running! — the EU Court of Auditors admitted that Brussels expenditure was compromised by irregularities, with ‘a persistently high level of payment errors, which means too much money is still not spent in accordance with the EU’s financial rules’.


By the end of last year, the UK economy was 6.8 per cent larger than it was at the start of 2008, whereas the EU economy was only 1.9 per cent bigger (France’s grew by 2.9 per cent and Italy’s is 8.8 per cent smaller than in 2008)).

Also, unemployment in the UK is five per cent — less than half the 10.2 per cent jobless rate in the eurozone. (In Greece, it is 24 per cent — with youth unemployment at a desperate 51 per cent — and 20 per cent in Spain).


Treasury research has shown that the EU’s ‘single market’ rules could impose costs of seven per cent of GDP on the UK economy. At £125 billion a year, that’s the equivalent of £4,639 per household. Only 6 per cent of British companies export to the EU — but all must comply with EU ‘single market’ legislation.

Small businesses — the lifeblood of our economy — suffer most, whereas big firms can lobby Brussels.


Freedom of movement rules mean we have no idea many foreigners settle here — which means it’s impossible to plan the necessary health, education, transport and housing requirements for them. This has led to intense pressures for anyone trying to get a school place for their child or a GP appointment.

Rents are rising and first-time buyers struggle to get on the housing ladder as prices soar and supply diminishes.

With five more nations — Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia — hoping to join the EU, this will only get worse.


According to its own statistics, 1.3 million people claimed asylum in the EU last year. Some 363,000 came from Syria. Applicants who get EU citizenship are free to move to the UK.


Despite contributing 12.5 per cent of the overall EU budget, the UK sees just 7 per cent of the Common Agricultural Policy budget spent here. By contrast, France gets 16.4 per cent, Spain 11.6 per cent, Germany 11.3 per cent, Italy 10.1 per cent and Poland 8.8 per cent.

The EU’s farm subsidy system meant that prior to 2003, the so-called Single Farm Payment was linked to how much farmers produced — leading to massive over-production and waste.

Now, farmers don’t have to produce a set amount — they are paid automatically for keeping land in ‘agricultural condition’. As a result, it’s been reported wealthy landowners absurdly get Brussels payments for having pony paddocks.


Following the EU’s ban on incandescent light-bulbs, many people suffered epilepsy from the flickering, supposedly eco-friendly fluorescent bulbs. Equally controversially, vacuum cleaners sold in the EU have been limited to an output of 1,600 watts. This directive is expected to be extended to kettles, toasters, hair-dryers and other domestic appliances.


Under EU rules, once a product is liable for VAT, any EU member government is not allowed to abolish that tax without Brussels’ approval. Thus, the lowest VAT Westminster can impose is 5 per cent — which imposes hardship on some British families with VAT charged at 5 per cent on energy bills. (Our Government even had to seek permission to scrap the levy charged on tampons.) Brussels pockets around 0.3 per cent of VAT paid.


EU membership has devastated our fishing industry — halving the number of fisherman to fewer than 12,000 since 1975. Under international law, each nation enjoys an ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’ extending 200 miles from its coast. However, the Common Fisheries Policy pools the zones of member states into a single zone.

The first 12 miles is restricted to a nation’s own fishermen, but the area from 12 miles to 200 miles is open to the fleets of any EU member state.

Spanish vessels last year got a quota of 15,546 tonnes of hake for a large area of the Atlantic off Scotland while UK vessels were allowed just 7,131 tonnes. Leaving the EU would allow us to fish our own waters — and breathe new life into harbour towns.


People in UK are sick of all this bullshit, bankers robbing us blind,
faceless EU politicians telling us what to do. etc
plus Europe is way over 60 trillion in the red.
we ain't scared of the Russians like you yanks.
with your president Obumma, I don't see how you can say anything to anyone,
he's the worst out of everyone.
As an American, just let me say complete agreement about our president. He is not on our side.



Leaving the EU would offer a chance to put the UK in charge of our own destiny and laws again — and restore our status as a sovereign nation.

According to the Commons Library, up to 60 per cent of regulations originate from the EU and the 28-member Commission in Brussels — none of whom were elected. Britain’s Commissioner, Lord (Jonathan) Hill, is a former lobbyist and Tory researcher who has never stood for elected office in his life. Nor had his predecessor, Cathy Ashton, a Labour appointee and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament official.


We’d be free to negotiate our own trade deals — especially with the world’s emerging new economies.

Since we import £89 billion of goods more annually from other EU countries than we sell to them, the EU stands to lose more than Britain if it seeks to impose tariffs post-Brexit. We are a crucial export market for Germany, the EU’s most powerful country, which would be the post-Brexit deal-maker.


There are an estimated 3.3 million British jobs ‘linked’ to our membership of the EU. By the same measure, there are more than five million jobs on the Continent that are linked to trade with Britain. This includes one million jobs in Germany, 494,000 in France, 309,000 in Italy and 421,000 in Spain.


We pay far more into the EU budget than we get back — making a net contribution of around £8.5 billion last year (£23 million a day), which is more than we spend on the police service or border controls.

The NHS costs £8.5 billion a month and the Health Service would get an extra £5 billion a year as a result of Brexit.

Also, almost £1 billion of British cash goes to the EU for international aid.


Currently there’s no upper limit on migration and no proper control of our borders. More than three million EU migrants live in the UK — double the number in 2004 when the EU expanded to include Eastern European countries, who have sent more than a million people here (despite the last Labour Government saying it would be only 13,000 a year.)

Net migration from EU countries to the UK, according to official figures, is 184,000 a year — enough to fill a city the size of Oxford. David Cameron has never hit his target to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands — and most agree he never will if we remain inside the EU.


Under EU law, we must let in any EU citizen regardless of their qualifications. The result? Businesses can’t get work permits for highly skilled or educated people from the Commonwealth, U.S., Australia and elsewhere outside the EU.

Using a new points-system, every applicant to live here would be treated on their merit rather than on their nationality. Equally, we’d be able to accept more genuine refugees.


Parliament is powerless, under EU treaties, to defend itself against the rulings of the European Court of Justice — which has interfered in everything from the price of beer to the right to deport terror suspects.

The UK has lost three-quarters of the cases it’s challenged since 1973. This makes a mockery of the idea that the UK’s Supreme Court is supreme.


Thanks to Brussels diktats, some of the EU’s most evil killers, rapists and drug-dealers have been allowed to remain here — because their right to free movement has been put ahead of keeping the British public safe.

A report by the Labour-led Commons Home Affairs Committee said the number of foreign criminals who had not been deported could fill a ‘small town’. British jails hold almost 10,000 foreign prisoners — including 1,000 Poles.


UK law stops anyone from outside the EU entering Britain if their presence is deemed ‘not conducive to the public good’, but Brussels says EU citizens can only be turned away if there is a ‘serious, credible and present threat’.

Thus the list of criminals able to come here include a Latvian who murdered his wife before moving to the UK, where he killed a 14-year-old girl. Over the past decade, UK officials have only been able to turn away 11,000 EU nationals.


The EU’s Frontex border security agency has warned that jihadists are exploiting the Union’s open borders and the migrant crisis to sneak into the continent and plot atrocities. Two of the attackers responsible for last year’s outrages in Paris used exactly this approach.

The British head of Europol also said that as many as 5,000 Islamic State-trained jihadists are moving freely in Europe. And Sir Richard Dearlove, ex-head of MI6, said we could be safer outside of the EU as it would be easier to deport fanatics. Leaving the EU would still allow us to work with U.S. intelligence agencies — as the so-called gold standard ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing partnership consists of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. and the UK.


David Cameron has repeatedly refused to drop his government’s support for Turkey — which has 77 million citizens — joining the EU.

Yet he’s said that at the current rate it won’t join until the year 3000 — despite the European Commission announcing last week that Turkey’s membership application was being ‘accelerated’.

Before the referendum campaign, the PM said his wish was to ‘pave the road from Ankara [Turkey’s capital]’ to Brussels. Turkish citizens are already being given visa-free access to mainland Europe after a deal that saw the Turks getting £4.6 billion in aid.

Campaign group Migration Watch has warned an extra 100,000 Turks would flock to Britain every year if the predominantly Muslim country joined the EU.


Last year — for the 21st year running! — the EU Court of Auditors admitted that Brussels expenditure was compromised by irregularities, with ‘a persistently high level of payment errors, which means too much money is still not spent in accordance with the EU’s financial rules’.


By the end of last year, the UK economy was 6.8 per cent larger than it was at the start of 2008, whereas the EU economy was only 1.9 per cent bigger (France’s grew by 2.9 per cent and Italy’s is 8.8 per cent smaller than in 2008)).

Also, unemployment in the UK is five per cent — less than half the 10.2 per cent jobless rate in the eurozone. (In Greece, it is 24 per cent — with youth unemployment at a desperate 51 per cent — and 20 per cent in Spain).


Treasury research has shown that the EU’s ‘single market’ rules could impose costs of seven per cent of GDP on the UK economy. At £125 billion a year, that’s the equivalent of £4,639 per household. Only 6 per cent of British companies export to the EU — but all must comply with EU ‘single market’ legislation.

Small businesses — the lifeblood of our economy — suffer most, whereas big firms can lobby Brussels.


Freedom of movement rules mean we have no idea many foreigners settle here — which means it’s impossible to plan the necessary health, education, transport and housing requirements for them. This has led to intense pressures for anyone trying to get a school place for their child or a GP appointment.

Rents are rising and first-time buyers struggle to get on the housing ladder as prices soar and supply diminishes.

With five more nations — Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia — hoping to join the EU, this will only get worse.


According to its own statistics, 1.3 million people claimed asylum in the EU last year. Some 363,000 came from Syria. Applicants who get EU citizenship are free to move to the UK.


Despite contributing 12.5 per cent of the overall EU budget, the UK sees just 7 per cent of the Common Agricultural Policy budget spent here. By contrast, France gets 16.4 per cent, Spain 11.6 per cent, Germany 11.3 per cent, Italy 10.1 per cent and Poland 8.8 per cent.

The EU’s farm subsidy system meant that prior to 2003, the so-called Single Farm Payment was linked to how much farmers produced — leading to massive over-production and waste.

Now, farmers don’t have to produce a set amount — they are paid automatically for keeping land in ‘agricultural condition’. As a result, it’s been reported wealthy landowners absurdly get Brussels payments for having pony paddocks.


Following the EU’s ban on incandescent light-bulbs, many people suffered epilepsy from the flickering, supposedly eco-friendly fluorescent bulbs. Equally controversially, vacuum cleaners sold in the EU have been limited to an output of 1,600 watts. This directive is expected to be extended to kettles, toasters, hair-dryers and other domestic appliances.


Under EU rules, once a product is liable for VAT, any EU member government is not allowed to abolish that tax without Brussels’ approval. Thus, the lowest VAT Westminster can impose is 5 per cent — which imposes hardship on some British families with VAT charged at 5 per cent on energy bills. (Our Government even had to seek permission to scrap the levy charged on tampons.) Brussels pockets around 0.3 per cent of VAT paid.


EU membership has devastated our fishing industry — halving the number of fisherman to fewer than 12,000 since 1975. Under international law, each nation enjoys an ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’ extending 200 miles from its coast. However, the Common Fisheries Policy pools the zones of member states into a single zone.

The first 12 miles is restricted to a nation’s own fishermen, but the area from 12 miles to 200 miles is open to the fleets of any EU member state.

Spanish vessels last year got a quota of 15,546 tonnes of hake for a large area of the Atlantic off Scotland while UK vessels were allowed just 7,131 tonnes. Leaving the EU would allow us to fish our own waters — and breathe new life into harbour towns.
Awesome read and post that Bro :)


OK so how exactly can u know for sure wtf is going on over here in the uk at very best all u have to go off is shit u have read somewhere which is probably as accurate as a weather report !
This is why I'm asking, from my perspective it doesn't make sense, but I'm always open to being wrong and learning, so instead of being angry just try to explain why it's such a good idea.

Some of my best sources of uk info come from my friends who live there, none are excited about this. They also travel a lot and are bummed about the future difficulties in mobility around the eu.
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