Wanna become a millionaire?

  • Thread starter Cat Jockey
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Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

By signing this you basically waive all right to privacy. Also, if I'm reading this correctly, the cut off date was actually July 1.

Not quite. Not with the state. The July 1st was when you had to have any county or city paperwork in. Denver had paperwork, so you had to fill out city of Denver shit by July1st. Boulder had no papaerwork. I think they just came out with it a few days ago. You got 30 days on that. Building leases, etc., yea, 7-1 is best. All kinds of renting going on in July, though. Plenty of real deal commercial realtors and owners know the scoop and getting a lease backdated to July 1 is no problem. You should have had a business on the books by 7-1.

There are two different deadlines. One for the state (8-1) and one where the state said you had to have whatever local paperwork filed (like City of Denver disp lisc, seperate form state lisc) by 7-1.

That's the July 1st deadline - if the city or county you are operating in had paperwork available you had to have all of your filing with them done.
true grit

true grit

Exactly, the big freak out was people getting leases by July 1st. Now they just have to have applications in PROCESS by Aug 1st. Easy breezy....

Hey CJ- so is Sept 1st the cut off for dispensaries to buy openly in Denver only or statewide from private growers?

And folks that think legit growers are gonna get harassed, will have to reconsider that again after yesterday's VA bomb release... Veterans can now be MMJ patients and still recieve fed funding for scripts....And where did that bit of news get released from? Good ol Denver, CO. We are the focal point for legitimacy. With the VA taking that step they just shit on the Fed's front door step. This literally pushed that DEA reclassification WAY up on priority list and leaves every state in the nation plenty of fire for MMJ. Shit even states like Texas now have a chance- huge Vet numbers in Texas.
That is a tremendous voting block!!! And thats one Fed branch telling the other- guess what, this is legit meds and we're giving the most celebrated citizens in our society full access to it if its legal in their state.

Hey CJ heres my thought- 1 of 2 things....this is Obama's round about way to get legalization/MMJ legitimized since he can't come out and do it- or its the military taking a stand against obama for firin mcclintock. Cuz the VA coulda changed the whole ball game with this one. And to come outta Denver....look out....


The VA news is a huge deal.

I hope there will be some urgency to get some real gains at the fed level in the next two years.

Obama has hit his lowest approval ratings this week at 40%

If we see a religious republican like Romney or Gingrich sitting in the oval office next election we're screwed and back to square one.

If something isn't set in stone in legislation it could all vanish with the stroke of a pen. the atty. gen. letter to back off mmj was huge we just need everything else to fall into place.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Hey CJ- so is Sept 1st the cut off for dispensaries to buy openly in Denver only or statewide from private growers?

Starting Sep 1st, dispensaries must grow 70% of what they sell. They can buy the other 30%, but only from another dispensary. So, if I supply 100% of my dispensary need and have a whole bunch left over, I can sell it to another dispensary.

If you are not a dispensary, there is NO selling to a dispensary after Sep.1. No more taking a QP from your basement to the dispensary, because they CANNOT buy it from you - they will lose their lisc. That is the kind of book keeping that will be scrutinized.

Hey CJ heres my thought- 1 of 2 things....this is Obama's round about way to get legalization/MMJ legitimized since he can't come out and do it

I am a firm, firm beleiver that this is a non-issue for any Pres, meaning spending any time worrying about it or finding back door ways. They take a half assed stance.

Presidential elections are won at the margins, the independents, the swing voters. There is no consensus among these voters on weed. No point taking a real stand as it is a minor issue for most voters.

Our safety lies not in who is in the Oval Office. It is that it is not just Cali any more and Colo took it a step further. Wrote into State Law the exsistence of dispensaries. And our safety lies in more states passing mmj laws.

Doesn't matter if Obama gets reelected or whoever in 2012. When that Pres is sworn into office, MMJ will be TOO BIG and too widespread throught the nation for a Pres, reagrdless of party, to do anything about. Not one damn thing.

Too many swing votes on the line at that point.
true grit

true grit

Though I agree on its won in those margins, those are the parties preaching to the MMJ crowd....ie independents, libertarians, liberal conservatives, and fiscally conscious liberals all caught in the middle fighting for a vote...

I think there was some huge political influence on one side or the other for the VA move...no matter how brazen the VA may usually be, this was outta no where in a time where things are gonna get legit...specifically outta this location where its gonna get real.... maybe it was one of those "lawsuits" that was taking shape....who knows...


My bud found a dispensary for sale that he's all hot on. City license has already been issued. Looks like buying an existing business is the only way to go now. Fellow who owns it need to close before the end of the week. Bargain sale time!


awesome read, great thread guys !!!

I agree, if NY follows suit, which it will, there will be no stopping this industry.

New Jersey has already become legal, dispensaries should be starting up January 2011 I believe.

I believe NJ Governor Christie stated he wanted to have the strictest MMJ laws in the country, so definitely no dropping off elbows from your moms basement.

Looks like legit is the only way to go in the near future, and if your record is clean, should be no problems.

Any comments ? I'm new here by the way, ICMAG convert !

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