WAR ON MEN (must read for parents with young men)

  • Thread starter Confuten1
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exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
First of all @Confuten1 clearly stated in the first post that he rarely believes anything alex jones says. Second, maybe he is "rarely reported on" because his agenda is completely different from that of fux news or cnn? Anyway sir do you beleive everything your puppet master government tells you? I recall a quote from a man named Benjamin Franklin "It is the first responsibilty of every citizen to question authority."

Love that quote from Mr Franklin!

You know how propaganda works? Some of it is true...



I just sit back and look at the picture as a whole. What the fuck are we doing? Society? Our kids? TV/Media? Growing up I never would see a girl dress or look how these girls looks today. I see little fuckin girls 12/13 years old dressed like a 30 year old slut and their parents don't care. I don't want to keep talkin shit but I would love if all of you watch this. Dr. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, this guy is a genius. Just watch this very short video it is called Americas secret weapon and has to do with our "school industry" -

baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I just sit back and look at the picture as a whole. What the fuck are we doing? Society? Our kids? TV/Media? Growing up I never would see a girl dress or look how these girls looks today. I see little fuckin girls 12/13 years old dressed like a 30 year old slut and their parents don't care. I don't want to keep talkin shit but I would love if all of you watch this. Dr. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, this guy is a genius. Just watch this very short video it is called Americas secret weapon and has to do with our "school industry" -

I'll watch the vid, but I gotta say I agree with the way lil 12 year old girls are wearing fuck me boots and ultra slutty clothing like it's acceptable. Their parents have no interest in their life and really don't seem to care as they are prob so in debt they just go to work every day to keep the level of debt from throwing them down the drain...
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
as long as the kid has a cell phone, isn't the parent watching them? There seems to be this disconnect that the phone is how the parent keeps track of the kid....families were much closer before cell phones imo
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
keep the parents busy and broke and who raises the children? Media & cell phones is the loudest media, people use em on the shitter...it's absurd. Rant done
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

We live in a country where the govt dumbs its own citizens. We dedicate our lives to make money so we can have a place to live and food to eat. We don't have much say on the food we consume or the bills we must pay. We run our life's based on principles and laws held over our head so if u want to go against the conformed society, one is deemed unethical or crazy. The jobs that we work at everyday until we are late into our lives usually have little reflection or impact on our immediate community. Citizens are not looked at as individuals, more of like a mass. We live in a reality so far fetched and distant to what our species originated from. We fill our lives with irrelevant garbage such as social media, TV, organized sports, politics, etc... these things keep our minds numb. We find ourselves more concerned about celebrity actions rather than world news and tragedy. 90% of everything we do is fake. We complain about the wrong things ie gas prices, but we never ask the question to why we are still raping our land of fossil fuels for transportation. And don't say we don't have the technology - fuck look how far computers have came. While we waste our short lives on mindless bullshit, our govt controls the world. We spy on every country, we use remote control planes to kill hundreds of innocent families, lie to its own citizens to trick them into war, find corrupt and cruel ways to keep currency as international.

If our people opened there eyes to the reality, we would look very much like Ukraine right now. But no, life is too sweet for that... much rather turn our heads in bliss and keep living our lives picture perfect... its just easier I guess


Also a tidbit, if the information age is so great, why are the people not informed? They have these lil boxes in their hands that allow them to do so much, but they sit on fuckbook and other shitty sites spending time that they will never get back.....with this technology you'd think we'd have some smart younguns on the rise....or hope...lmao

bingo! Stories around the campfire take imagination....they need a show called "Who Wants to Eat Real Food?" fuck this who wants to be a millionaire shit...
Not too long ago their were 3 networks and your crappy local tv station and maybe UHF on that other dial.
No need for 300 plus channels on tv.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
the govt sits and passes laws nobody knows about but you best believe Miley is making news, for her contributions to society...rofl
It's the classic magicians tool, look over here and don't see the switch going on over here, misdirection.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I see it as America, is the land of indulgence and no responsibility. Get away with murder, steal from the poor, poison peoples food & water, experiment on them with drugs, lock them up for reasons that the society wouldn't agree with(cannabis)...it's the country that doesn't have honor at all. But, it's a christian nation as the WASPS say, so what does christianity mean to these fucks?
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
If the people that run this country had an ounce of honor we'd have pounds of sensibility and logic ruling our societal systems, but who would profit off that, the avg person? AS long as people sleep walk, other folks will show them the light...
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Why would I give a shit what is happening around the world as long as American Idol is on.
don't forget the american Dollar Menu, it's great for your pocketbook since you make no money....lol It makes the healthcare industry make uber money! You watch if we went single payer healthcare for America, the promoted foods might become healthier if the healthcare industry wasn't profit oriented and privately owned....food for thought..
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I'll end with this, "it's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedoms" Bill Hicks


the govt sits and passes laws nobody knows about but you best believe Miley is making news, for her contributions to society...rofl
It's the classic magicians tool, look over here and don't see the switch going on over here, misdirection.

THOUSANDS of laws passed without our knowledge!


Don't forget prescription drugs

Generation RX BABY! More deaths related to oxycontin then heroin! Pill mill state Florida prescribed enough pills to kill everyone in this country. How genius of these pharm companies to come out with pills like Vicodin or Oxy which is fuckin Heroin in pill form literally. Go to the doctor with back pain HA here you go son go take these pills you will feel better. Then they get you hooked and come back for more. RX companies buying these doctors cars, lavish vacations and high priced hookers to prescribe more and more and more and more...

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