Water Hash Problem

  • Thread starter Billygoat
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Ya, that was the problem. I've already ran a few batches and got them right now. It's been so long and I do mean years. Since I've used a bag system.

So, I got a little confused with the numbers. Shoot! been over 5-6 years since i last used a bag system. I've just got a little washer machine from Aqua Lab and love it. I can place my trim in the machine and go do some work and then come back. I love this machine.

Once, I get my new camera next month. There will be plenty of pictures of my grow, parent plants and of coarse. The nice bubble hash.
Take care,


several times i have done just 1 bag isolated to get some fullmelt ... after i poured the water in i tossed all the ice and buds.ect.. to later ask my self where all the other low grade hash was

i really like only mixxing for 15 minutes and letting it sit for 20-25minutes for the first batch


hell yea billy.. thats funny ass hell... all the more respect..
most folks wouldnt have admited to a mistake of such...

im pretty sure all the frozen trim does is help the tric heads harden so they
release easier in the bucket of ice water... kinda a pre freezing treatment...
keeps you from mixing for a longer time...

for best heady results stir with a spoon... for comercial work i use a blender.. lol


another trick is I use 2 buckets... i put the first bag in bucket fill with ice, water, trim..
stir 5-10 min with spoon..let set 20 min... them pull bag of trim and ice...

then put 2nd bag in empty bucket and poor first bucket of mixed tric. threw 2nd bag into bucket... then I pull that bag leaving the water... then put 3rd bag into empty bucket and repeat process till you use all bags... makes pulling bags and straining go that much easier and faster...


Hi Farmers,I have asked a similar question earlier but was wondering if you can help me with a screen bucket prob i might have,it's the sizes.I've got a set of 5,3 with screens goin from 160,120 and 45 micron.Thing is i did a run off of my last grow and was not impressed with the final product,did them in the right order and put it in the freezer before hand,not taking the piss just know its relavent.I did mess a whole load of good trim once by miss reading an article and freezing it fresh,lost loads!Any help appreciated,One Love to all Farmers out there,Seamus


Listen Farm,I didn't want to butt in and kill the thread,trouble is my crop's close to dry and i really dont want to cock it up,I'm sure looking back that the trim may not have been the best i could've used,still reckon i didn't have it bang on.Is it the screen size on my last one,any ideas Farm.Cheers Seamus


It was probably not the size of the screen. There are many factors that contribute to the quality of the bubble hash so more info is needed. How are you mixing it and for how long? How long are you letting it sit before you pull the bags? Are you keeping everything really cold? Also how are you drying it?

Generally I have found the most common mistakes to be mixing with a paint mixer or egg beater, mixing for too long, drying it on cardboard, or drying it for too long.
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