weird ISO

  • Thread starter vaporedout
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im runnin low on wax and stuff so i took some of my popcorn buds, chopped them up and put em in a jar with some 99% ISO. i shook it for about 5 minutes or so. got my double boiler setup and ran it very low (below boiling) until it had barely any iso left. lowered the temp then watched it until it appeared to be evaporated. im left with a gritty gooey substance. it was a nice yellow color until it all evaporated, then it changed to a chocolate milky amber color. i made some iso a few weeks ago the same way with different product, and it came out the same. when i dab with it, i get a little amount of smoke, then my dabber has a bit of what looks like hash that wont burn ( you know when you burn bubble hash and it gets soft and disintegrates? thats what the leftover looks like) then i just smoked that in the bong and it burned like bubble hash. i dont have a vac purge yet, thats coming up. any ideas?


You shook it way too long. Its called QWISO (Quick Wash ISO) hash because you give it a "quck wash" in the iso. I shake for no longer than 30-40 seconds then run through a metal filer to quickly get the majority of plant matter out of the alcohol BEFORE it starts leaching the chloryphil and then I re-strain it through a finer filter, pour it onto my mats and then let the ISO evap. Hope this helps. MGG
Max Frost

Max Frost

You shook it way too long. Its called QWISO (Quick Wash ISO) hash because you give it a "quck wash" in the iso. I shake for no longer than 30-40 seconds then run through a metal filer to quickly get the majority of plant matter out of the alcohol BEFORE it starts leaching the chloryphil and then I re-strain it through a finer filter, pour it onto my mats and then let the ISO evap. Hope this helps. MGG

When you say "pour it onto my mats", what are you referring to? What kind of mats are you using? I'm just pouring mine into a large pyrex baking dish and letting it evaporate from that. Is there something better to be using?'re at the right place for answers, bro! MGG is the one who turned me onto the process. Listen to him and you'll be fine! I agree with just agitated it waaay too long. I shake the hell out of mine for 40 secs. It's tempting to go longer, but less really is more here! Best of luck! -Max :wacky:
Max Frost

Max Frost


Heh-heh...ya gotta love Amazon! If you need it...they got it! So are you pouring the liquid onto this and then scraping, or using this after it's scraped? Having a hard time seeing how it would work for drying since it has no sides. I may have misunderstood your original post, but looking back, I don't see how. Thanks bro! Best, -Max :wacky:
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I pour the liquid into the pyrex/glass dish to reduce down and then pour it onto these. They make em as big as 2' x 3' that I've seen. Once it evaps it just peels right off then into the STOK container for storage. I keep it simple as I'm a grower not a scientist and as a great man once said..."a mans gotta know his limitations"....words to live by as far as I'm concerned lol. Hope that helps bro. MGG MGG


ok i agree i shook it way to long, i even let it sit in the freezer to break off more trichs :) ok so ill just run it quick next time. any idea on what i can do with the hash that is already made? it sucks to dab, and i guess i could smoke it, but i was thinking about melting some chocolate and then adding this 1.5 to 2 grams of hash to that combo, make some hash chocolates for my wife. thanks for the replies
Max Frost

Max Frost

I pour the liquid into the pyrex/glass dish to reduce down and then pour it onto these. They make em as big as 2' x 3' that I've seen. Once it evaps it just peels right off then into the STOK container for storage. I keep it simple as I'm a grower not a scientist and as a great man once said..."a mans gotta know his limitations"....words to live by as far as I'm concerned lol. Hope that helps bro. MGG MGG

Ahhh...I gotcha now!!! ;) Peeling sounds one hell of a lot better than scraping!! I may have to pick one up & give it a try. find the coolest shit, bro!! Thanks! Best, -Max :wacky:

ok i agree i shook it way to long, i even let it sit in the freezer to break off more trichs :) ok so ill just run it quick next time. any idea on what i can do with the hash that is already made? it sucks to dab, and i guess i could smoke it, but i was thinking about melting some chocolate and then adding this 1.5 to 2 grams of hash to that combo, make some hash chocolates for my wife. thanks for the replies

I've only done a few runs thusfar, but the way MGG taught me how to do it is to leave your trim in the freezer for a hour (at least) before you start. (Mine is in there for several days prior)! I also keep my "shaking jar" & the 99.9% ISO in the freezer for several hours (minimum) prior to running it as well. Then place your trim in the cold jar and just cover the trim with the icy cold alcohol. Then put on the lid and shake like all hell for no longer than 40-45 seconds. Like MGG, I do a coarse strain thru the metal strainer to catch the big stuff quickly, then I filter thru the paper towel for my final pass. I'll warn you in're going to NEED gloves when you shake it! It's so cold, you won't be able to hold onto it otherwise. The glass jar frosts up and gets icy too!

Like I say, vapored...I've only done about 3 runs...but I have zero complaints! It makes a very high quality, high potency product. The shit is truly mind-numbing! I'll be doing another small run over Christmas! (Oh yeah! :hungry:) Best of luck bro! If you need more help, or something clarified...just let us know! Best, -Max :wacky:
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Max Frost

Max Frost

Hash chocolate sounds like it could be a good way to go, providing you can mix it in evenly.

Yeah...I guess it could be. It's probably VERY nasty tasting...ESPECIALLY with all the chlorophyll you pulled into your mix! :yuck: I don't know how eating it would work out. I guess he could try, but if it were me, I'd probably just melt a nice dab onto the top of a fresh bowl of bud & smoke it that way.


Yeah...I guess it could be. It's probably VERY nasty tasting...ESPECIALLY with all the chlorophyll you pulled into your mix! :yuck: I don't know how eating it would work out. I guess he could try, but if it were me, I'd probably just melt a nice dab onto the top of a fresh bowl of bud & smoke it that way.

it doesnt taste bad though, i kinda like the way hash tastes :) i now know i shook it way to long. i always have my trim and alcohol in the freezer cuz i was told years ago it helps knock off the trichs. thanks for the help guys. i did 2 runs like that so i have some work to do before i need more :cigar:. ill try it for 30 seconds next time.

question though, does that strip everything off the plant?? is 30 seconds enough time? i guess it is if you guys do it but do you ever run your stuff again, after the 1st run? thanks again everyone!!
Max Frost

Max Frost

it doesnt taste bad though, i kinda like the way hash tastes :) i now know i shook it way to long. i always have my trim and alcohol in the freezer cuz i was told years ago it helps knock off the trichs. thanks for the help guys. i did 2 runs like that so i have some work to do before i need more :cigar:. ill try it for 30 seconds next time.

question though, does that strip everything off the plant?? is 30 seconds enough time? i guess it is if you guys do it but do you ever run your stuff again, after the 1st run? thanks again everyone!!

That's cool, bro! If it doesn't taste bad, then it's ok...I guess. I would've thought with the chlorophyll, it'd be pretty nasty. Does it still taste like hash at all? I love the taste of hash when smoking it, but I can honestly say, I've never eaten it. I guess anytime I've been fotunate to have hash in the past...I just smoked it. Of course...that was before I knew how to make my own! ;) Yeah..leaving it in the freezer will help knock off the trichs. 30-45 seconds doesn't sound like much, but as MGG pointed out in his first post...the technique is called QWISO...which stands for Quick Wash ISO! This is one situation where less is really more!

I haven't run mine thru a second time yet, but plan to try it myself. I know some peeps do. I "think" MGG said he has as well, but I don't know if he does regularly. Maybe he'll chime back in for us here on this. Be sure and keep us posted! Best of luck!


Nah I only run mine through the alcohol once. I also run the trim through a screen first so I have some dry sieved as well as QWISO ready to smoke at all times haha. I do know some folks do run theirs through the alcohol twice. Seems like I read somewhere that the first wash gets about 75-80% of the trichs off. I'd rather get 75% and it be extremely clean than to get 100% and it be "dirty". You'll get the hang if it vaporedout, after a few more runs you'll have it down to a science. MGG


yeah, thanks guys. i wanted to get the hang of iso before moving onto butane. im still trying to get my hands on a vac purge, but that has to wait until the new year. im pretty impressed with the yeild to weed ratio. i dont weigh it but i think this next QWISO ( i got the quick part :) ) i will weigh it and see the results.


ok so heres my newest results.
1/4 outdoor cherry AK47 (from freezer)
35 second shake (iso from freezer also)
SAM 0689
SAM 0690
SAM 0687

8 grams of weed (untrimmed outdoor w/ stems) makes .52 wax/oil whatever you call it.

as for the chocolates i went with 1 gram of that weird hash, and 2 boxes of chocolate (like 2 ozs) it made about 11 1/2 ice cubes. takes about an hour to hit ya and i got a nice calm kinda dizzy feeling for a while. helped with my wifes neck pain.
chocolate results:
SAM 0680
SAM 0682
SAM 0684
SAM 0686

a little side note: walmart has 3 pack BPA free ice cube trays for 1.67 :)


it was to steamy and blurry to post this pic but if look closely you can see that nasty chunk of hash in the middle :) taste just like a hash edible. chocolate really drowns out most of the taste.
SAM 0683


yer second run looks good bro.

i like the idea of hash chocolate. always enjoyed hash brownies n other edibles myself. i dig the flavor, reckon it tastes good! gotta be careful how much ya eat tho or it'll floor ya big time. i've def overdone it a few times.

Max Frost

Max Frost

Looking better, bro! Just keep at it. Practice makes perfect! And the cool thing you've can eat your mistakes! ;)


Looking better, bro! Just keep at it. Practice makes perfect! And the cool thing you've can eat your mistakes! ;)
Did you say steak? Yeah Ill get better as I do more. Thanks for all the help.

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