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Premium Member
leek what the hell is it,is it like table onions?i never even heard of it till about year ago,is it winter crops?

The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. The genus Allium also contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive,[1] and Chinese onion.[2]

Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, but they are now all treated as cultivars of A. ampeloprasum.[3] The name 'leek' developed from the Old English word leac.[4] Three closely related vegetables, elephant garlic, kurrat and Persian leek or Tareh, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum, although different in their uses as food.

Rather than forming a tight bulb like the onion, the leek produces a long cylinder of bundled leaf sheaths that are generally blanched by pushing soil around them (trenching). They are often sold as small seedlings in flats that are started off early in greenhouses, to be planted out as weather permits. Once established in the garden, leeks are hardy; many varieties can be left in the ground during the winter to be harvested as needed.


The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. The genus Allium also contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive,[1] and Chinese onion.[2]

Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, but they are now all treated as cultivars of A. ampeloprasum.[3] The name 'leek' developed from the Old English word leac.[4] Three closely related vegetables, elephant garlic, kurrat and Persian leek or Tareh, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum, although different in their uses as food.

Rather than forming a tight bulb like the onion, the leek produces a long cylinder of bundled leaf sheaths that are generally blanched by pushing soil around them (trenching). They are often sold as small seedlings in flats that are started off early in greenhouses, to be planted out as weather permits. Once established in the garden, leeks are hardy; many varieties can be left in the ground during the winter to be harvested as needed.
ok got ya i think,more along lettuce lines as far as table fair,eco was growing the crap out of it and i had thought it was more like table onions i grow,i take the same onions and dry for bulbs later,do they do well in triple digit heats?


The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk. The genus Allium also contains the onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, chive,[1] and Chinese onion.[2]

Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, but they are now all treated as cultivars of A. ampeloprasum.[3] The name 'leek' developed from the Old English word leac.[4] Three closely related vegetables, elephant garlic, kurrat and Persian leek or Tareh, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum, although different in their uses as food.

Rather than forming a tight bulb like the onion, the leek produces a long cylinder of bundled leaf sheaths that are generally blanched by pushing soil around them (trenching). They are often sold as small seedlings in flats that are started off early in greenhouses, to be planted out as weather permits. Once established in the garden, leeks are hardy; many varieties can be left in the ground during the winter to be harvested as needed.
tell ya something else about onions,they are a bitch to start from seed and only way i have acomplished growing them is to crowd them into the starter pot,when they unfold they stand up better ,1 per container aint gonna do it,get about 3in tall fall over die,so i take them 2 inch square containers drop about 20 seeds in it let um grow to about 6 inch tall then drench the babies and peel gently apart and transplant to the big garden,go down there and pick a few for dinner love um,im gonna have to give the leek a try,i planted some colliflower and i swear they are cabbage plants hahahah and found out they need to be in seperate containers,i got 3 in a 20 gal pot and they are looking good,no heads but the center looks like it making a head of cabbage,hahahah,could be ,i am a old ass stoner lmao,brocille is about 3ft tall with big heads the size of soft balls,and it gonna frezze tonight,i put contracter bags over all but 1 ,want to see if it can handle the frezze


Awwww shucks gomer, you dang near gave me the warm fuzzies with that comment. :speechless: :D Good to see you man.
i was thinking about you today at the local grocery,ya,you live out in the desert,here in texas its winter when you see nothing but new boots caps and coats hahahah,had to chuckle cause every time i see northern folks they are sporting a old almost wore out coat for comfort,here when it gets to 70 folk are turning on heater and dressed for a blizzard,lmao


So that's why Pesident "The Donald" says so much stupid sh*t. He's rockin a chronic grow in the Lincold bedroom.
  1. Threads or posts pertaining to religious or political discussions meant to incite or flame others will be closed and/or deleted. THCFarmer is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds, so in favor of harmony and unity, rather than division, it is best to stay on the topic of this site... cannabis. There is a forum for law/politics as it pertains to cannabis.


  1. Threads or posts pertaining to religious or political discussions meant to incite or flame others will be closed and/or deleted. THCFarmer is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds, so in favor of harmony and unity, rather than division, it is best to stay on the topic of this site... cannabis. There is a forum for law/politics as it pertains to cannabis.

It wasn't meant to incite. I thought pretty much everyone agreed on that subject. But, yah yah yah, I get it.


Premium Member
ok got ya i think,more along lettuce lines as far as table fair,eco was growing the crap out of it and i had thought it was more like table onions i grow,i take the same onions and dry for bulbs later,do they do well in triple digit heats?
Not sure man. I source mine from a local grower that has a green house. Unprotected during summer here in AZ prolly not.


Premium Member
It wasn't meant to incite. I thought pretty much everyone agreed on that subject. But, yah yah yah, I get it.
Young man, go stand in the corner and put your nose in it lol :p Ole Double DD is right tho. Just doin his job...……… Agreed...…. Im onboard with the comment. :D


Not sure man. I source mine from a local grower that has a green house. Unprotected during summer here in AZ prolly not.
same here 1 month of winter ,rest year summer hahahah,got to 24 last night,lost everything but brocille and colliflower,potato be a iffy,hope i can at least get some seed potato from them,price of them is outrages ,lol


Premium Member
same here 1 month of winter ,rest year summer hahahah,got to 24 last night,lost everything but brocille and colliflower,potato be a iffy,hope i can at least get some seed potato from them,price of them is outrages ,lol
ya know ole skool since we are both ole skool and since your right next door a road trip somewhere down the line sounds kool. Would be nice to meet and have a sesh or 3...…….. Momma would bring the canned goods and edibles!!!! Shes a hoot you would love her...……... Well just don't love her too much. :(:D lol


Premium Member
same here 1 month of winter ,rest year summer hahahah,got to 24 last night,lost everything but brocille and colliflower,potato be a iffy,hope i can at least get some seed potato from them,price of them is outrages ,lol
24 huh. wow we are still morning lows of 58-55 ish. Hard frost wont hit till late dec /jan


Lol yea, I didn't even really take it as political. I feel that even if you agree with his policies, most level headed adults will agree he says some dumb ass, immature shit! LMAO

Yeah, I said it with zero thought of politics. It didn't even occur to me. Everybody makes fun of dude. He was just who came to mind when everyone was talking about burnt heads, all I could think of was that giant tangerine melon with glow in the dark peepers.

When he says "controversial" things I've heard his supporters say sh*t like, "That's our Donald", or just laugh along with everyone else. The guy is a character, no doubt entertaining. That was my angle and had no intention of offending anyone. Sorry if I did.

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