Who on the Farm Signed up for Obama Care?

  • Thread starter SoCal 420
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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Couldn't SAY... but what I do know is the bulk of my cash $$$$ income has "Zero" to do with growing and is all about physical labor and A level of skill that "Anyone" that is willing to put in the work can develop. It has never been "Illegal" in any way, shape or form and takes nothing but the will to succeed and A level of self reliance that few these day are willing to accept... To bad for them, better for me :cigar:

Obama Care is the beginning of A level of Government Control never before seen (but "Everybody" see's how well Government works) and weather you are part of it or not you will feel the effects of it's Intent and that isn't about what is "Best for You"

Like A famous Russian Man once said to Obama... ;)

121200005 BLACK 1 grande
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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

On A positive note... I got my Obama OG Card Today (even though I work for Cash ;)) and couldn't be happier. It covers Health Care, Obama Phone, UN-Employment (with unlimited extensions as opposed to frequent flier miles) Welfare, Snap, Unlimited crossings to Mexico (where they'll take my EBT Card for Hookers) Education, Student Loans and College Tuition, Rent -A- Car (only @ Budget of Course) and A slew of other things that haven't been mentioned yet because "It's A Surprise" (Man, I Love Surprises :woot:) All to be "Billed To Young Adults" trying to work and live in the future :woot: It's the best thing since George W. Bush ;)

Have A Great Day, I Know I Will (On Your Dime or should I say $$$$ that is
) :woot:

P.S. This is purely Fictional (or is it?) for those not smart enough to know, and I can not nor will I be responsible for "Extensive Debt Incurred" for our future Generation... Have A Good One Kiddy's :cigar:

Obama OG Gold

I know the date indicates my card is "Expired" but they Included A "Note" that said "This card is valid as long as I'm (Obama) President... and can not be denied or declined for any reason" and as everybody knows... "Only Obama Can Make or Break the Rules"
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Got mine too! Thank you taxpayers!

On A positive note... I got my Obama OG Card Today (even though I work for Cash ;)) and couldn't be happier. It covers Health Care, Obama Phone, UN-Employment (with unlimited extensions as opposed to frequent flier miles) Welfare, Snap, Unlimited crossings to Mexico (where they'll take my EBT Card for Hookers) Education, Student Loans and College Tuition, Rent -A- Car (only @ Budget of Course) and A slew of other things that haven't been mentioned yet because "It's A Surprise" (Man, I Love Surprises :woot:) All to be "Billed To Young Adults" trying to work and live in the future :woot: It's the best thing since George W. Bush ;)

Have A Great Day, I Know I Will (On Your Dime or should I say $$$$ that is
) :woot:

P.S. This is purely Fictional (or is it?) for those not smart enough to know, and I can not nor will I be responsible for "Extensive Debt Incurred" for our future Generation... Have A Good One Kiddy's :cigar:

View attachment 357795

I know the date indicates my card is "Expired" but they Included A "Note" that said "This card is valid as long as I'm (Obama) President... and can not be denied or declined for any reason" and as everybody knows... "Only Obama Can Make or Break the Rules"


Jusy a random though but with obama care wont the argument of our countries medical burden will be null considering everyone should have health care to cover themselves!?! If so obama care just may open the doors slightly!


Anyone who has lived in the US for over 4 decades or more knows that HC has been going downhill. Now ObamaCare is in the toilet.
Highest tax/penalty in American history,
, there is not much good to say about ObamaCare,,, maybe if your poor, if you're from another country , then maybe USA HC is good thing for our counrty. Opt out so your dont experience ID fraud! Looks like a pretty easy hack to me, thats why the HC site is crashing...


im in the opt out crowd ,they get enough of my money already:mad:
below frigid

below frigid

I was paying upwards of $400 a month for health insurance through Aetna. High deductible and max out of pocket. Still had to pay $40 a pop to see a Dr, more for a specialist. My policy has gone up almost 100% of what I was paying 3 years ago. Then Aetna tells me come January 1 2014 they are canceling all California individual policy holders due to the fact they could not make enough money off us and stay with in the new policies. Had to get new insurance somewhere so I figured give covered ca . gov a try. Well I sent my first check for less than half of what I was paying for supposedly better benefits. I will let you know how it all comes out after the first of the year. It was a major pain getting it all worked out. Numerous disconnected phone calls after 30 minute waits. I can always go back to paying which will be over $600 a month for a comparable policy.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I was paying upwards of $400 a month for health insurance through Aetna. High deductible and max out of pocket. Still had to pay $40 a pop to see a Dr, more for a specialist. My policy has gone up almost 100% of what I was paying 3 years ago. Then Aetna tells me come January 1 2014 they are canceling all California individual policy holders due to the fact they could not make enough money off us and stay with in the new policies. Had to get new insurance somewhere so I figured give covered ca . gov a try. Well I sent my first check for less than half of what I was paying for supposedly better benefits. I will let you know how it all comes out after the first of the year. It was a major pain getting it all worked out. Numerous disconnected phone calls after 30 minute waits. I can always go back to paying which will be over $600 a month for a comparable policy.
Do tell... curious about the deductible cost and prescription coverage. Current premiums are based on "X" amount of people being enrolled, so far only 1/3 of the number necessary have signed on and they are not of the age group needed (almost All are Older and Sicker) So what happens next year if people don't sign on... More insurance companies fold or the government bails them out, price goes up ^^^^ The devil is in the details and no one ever said "Your Rates Will Never Go UP... ;)
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Did we really need one brilliant mans idea :rolleyes: to pull healthcare out by it's roots costing literally billions of $$$$ for the net gain of making A "Rule" that if you want health care you must Buy / Pay for it??? So we've gained Pre Existing conditions (why not mandate that alone) Flattened the Rate? (Why not mandate insurance policies across state lines?) instead of Aetna for example charging one rate in California and A different rate in say, Idaho for conversations sake, for the same coverage? An automatic Tax Deduction for different levels of income instead of unverified "Gift Subsidies for Enrollment" sound doable? Every day this thing goes on with "Obama" making new rules every other week... I am just Shaking my Head saying "What the Fuck?" Guess I'm One of the Few... but the same thing happened in some of the biggest scams in history... Better Safe than Sorry, If the "Deal" is so great it will be there next year or two without all the "Hype" swirling around it... ;)


Every day this thing goes on with "Obama" making new rules every other week... I am just Shaking my Head saying "What the Fuck?" Guess I'm One of the Few... but the same thing happened in some of the biggest scams in history...
Changing Obama Care is illegal if not done thru congress. What Obama is doing by changing HC rules/laws is more than an impeachable offense. This was a punishable offense by prison thru out most of our American history. So now that we're all standing here with impeccable affordable insurance coverage what have we learned - we now know that DICTATORSHIP is part of the change that Obama promised.
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