Who on the Farm Signed up for Obama Care?

  • Thread starter SoCal 420
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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I heard that Mandatory 80 grit sandpaper as opposed to Charmin is coming up for debate in the White House... Sure, It will be A little rough around the edges @ first butt < - <- < - ;) you'll "Learn to Like It" Obama knows best and your brand just isn't up to His standard... Just because Obama said / promised "If you Like your Charmin, you can Keep your Charmin, PERIOD" don't mean it's true... Get Over It!

F.Y.I. Obama, Congress, both Democratic and Republican and Unions will be "Exempt" from the 80 Grit Sandpaper Mandate :confused:

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"I'm going to give you A "Pass" because it's obvious that your going to believe what you want to believe" Sounds like an accusation of being biased.

A Pass? That's a cop-out bigtime. Why not back it up or explain it...or admit you may have been wrong.


Premium Member
Obama can't make these corporations give you a raise. Just because the Federal Reserve continues to buy back $85 billion in bonds a month doesn't mean it's Obama's fault. How is there weak job growth with such high profit margins? Seems fishy to me.
And I'm guessing as you call a 28-year-old a child, that you're an older gentleman, possibly one whom shits his own pants and CAUSED this financial mess we're in today. Thanks baby boomer. You're the first generation to leave a shittier world to it's children. How does that make you feel you selfish clown? Probably nothing because your generation is me, me, me.
Who said anything about lowering the National Debt? Certainly not me. I said the deficit had been cut in half, which it has. I know economics well. And nice attempt at an insult fag.

Im gonna say this again as maybe you missed my last post. Same goes for everyone else. STOP THE PERSONAL INSULTS! They have nothing to do with the content of this thread. Got an issue with someone? Bring it to PM. Man to man so to speak. I will shut this thread down...


Premium Member
I'm opening this thread but we need to get some things straight.
*If you don't have anything constructive to say, then don't post!
*Anyone that posts simply to talk shit or stir shit up will be deleted and warned.
*Keep it up and your account will be suspended..

Now we are all adults here(I hope), lets act like it and try to have a bit of class...

Smoke a bowl(or 2) and carry on...:cool:


Premium Member
Colorado's on line site did not work for us so we phoned, 3 hours I got Medicaid, pretty much fully covered, hard to believe...
Due to my age and income I qualified.
Not a mooch I really don't think. I have paid lots of taxes, don't need no prescriptions, no Doctor visits or run to Hosp. for everything.
In Colorado auto ins does not cover medical, so if I am injured in farm accident or in a wreck in hot rod at 100 plus miles an hour.. You pay... LOL.....
Say what you want it looks good for me.......


Ok...... I have two friends that are my age and recently got notices that they were canceled from their individual coverage. The companies said they now didn't meet the requirements under the new set of guidelines of the Affordable Health Care Act. The President intervened because of all the flack he was getting (public outrage) and restated the fact that they would be able to keep their current ins if they wanted to. So my friends recontacted their ins companies and were told they would have to reapply for coverage. Meaning they had to start over. Initially one was denied and the other accepted with a 30% increase in premium cost. Both are in litigation and the outcomes are pending. Will keep all informed on the ultimate outcome. I have been able to keep my coverage but the ins co clearly stated that it could not guarantee the premiums to remain the same in the future. Setting me up for a price increase I am guessing.
Read the other day that the government has spent over $80,000,000 trying to get the glitches out of the Health Care Website. Leave it to the govt to screw it up. Wondering what the final cost to the tax payers will ultimately be. Thinking its not going to be pretty. love, love, love

Should be in the trim room instead of this keyboard but when maniac opened up the thread I couldn't help myself. Addicted I guess.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Glad it worked out for you CM... Do you know if or try to qualify for Medicaid before Obama Care or is your new coverage A direct result of Obama Care? Just wondering...


Colorado's on line site did not work for us so we phoned, 3 hours I got Medicaid, pretty much fully covered, hard to believe...
Due to my age and income I qualified.
Not a mooch I really don't think. I have paid lots of taxes, don't need no prescriptions, no Doctor visits or run to Hosp. for everything.
In Colorado auto ins does not cover medical, so if I am injured in farm accident or in a wreck in hot rod at 100 plus miles an hour.. You pay... LOL.....
Say what you want it looks good for me.......
Never meant to imply you or anybody on here was a mooch. Just a gut reaction and I apologize if I insulted anybody on here except one.
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Premium Member
Never meant to imply you or anybody on here was a mooch. Just a gut reaction and I apologize if I insulted anybody on here except one.
Oh no implication on you Pute in anyway, just saying nice to have this if needed and I will not abuse, use only if really necessary.....not an insult to me at all.......Fish on!!!


Premium Member
Glad it worked out for you CM... Do you know if or try to qualify for Medicaid before Obama Care or is your new coverage A direct result of Obama Care? Just wondering...


Based on my "income" I would get free medical care via Medicaid. I choose not to go that route as I like to be responsible for myself. Like all hand-outs from the government I do not believe money should be taken from some people and given to others. Some people never pay into the "system" yet still get the freebies. And some people that pay a small portion into it think they are entitled to a large portion. Ron Paul discusses this in more detail in his books and I have to agree with him. But to each his own. Some call me a fool for not taking free MC and they called me a fool for not taking disability handouts when I had cancer.

How has Obamacare altered who gets medicare? ?? Has it lowered the base income to be eligible? ?? From what I know it's pretty easy to get on the program.

I have no intentions of signing up fr obamacare. If anything I will de-nounce my bogus fictional corporate name and it's "US citizenship" status.
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Good point kolah. If it will keep lower income individuals out of the emergency room I am thinking this is a good thing because there will be some cost saving there. I just don't like the govt and it's inefficiencies involved in what should be the responsibility of the private sector. If you want to fuck something up....as a politicians advice. Both right and left. I have no use for either.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Based on my "income" I would get free medical care via Medicaid. I choose not to go that route as I like to be responsible for myself. Like all hand-outs from the government I do not believe money should be taken from some people and given to others. Some people never pay into the "system" yet still get the freebies. And some people that pay a small portion into it think they are entitled to a large portion. Ron Paul discusses this in more detail in his books and I have to agree with him. But to each his own. Some call me a fool for not taking free MC and they called me a fool for not taking disability handouts when I had cancer.

How has Obamacare altered who gets medicare? ?? Has it lowered the base income to be eligible? ?? From what I know it's pretty easy to get on the program.

I have no intentions of signing up fr obamacare. If anything I will de-nounce my bogus fictional corporate name and it's "US citizenship" status.

I'm with you. Somebody here keeps insisting if I work for $$$$ and pay no Tax on my Cash Income I'm A Freeloader and He is paying for me in Tax and his Insurance Rates. Don't see the logic in that when I've never been hospitalized and don't collect on any Government Programs... but "To Each Their Own" as you said, Right?

Except when it comes to the choice of "Your Own Health Care" ;)
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

That goes right along with my view of why the Fuck should my Cash Wage be Taxed the Fuck out of when I'm receiving little to nothing in return? Paying plenty to the State of California in Taxes on everything already and they (FED) have taken A Gripp from my previous Taxable Earnings that I have, as of yet, received "Zero" for... As for the roads and bridges and the rest of the shit that people say Tax is paying for, where I have Lived almost all my Life, All of that is virtually the same as it was since the Fed began reaching into my pocket from the beginning... and our State is Billions in Debt due to Uncontrolled Spending. How would one explain that in A logical discussion?
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And does any underground growers report their actual MJ profits when filing their income tax reports??

I think it's probably safe to say 99% do not. So who are the real "cheaters?" ...and who ain't "paying their fair share?" Hmm. ;)

Obummercare is a complete joke any way you slice it.
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