Who's Coming With Me?

  • Thread starter GreenThumbBill
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My understanding was, however, that you can only receive "recuperative costs" from the one patient who has made you their "designated provider". I mean, they actually spell out that even the "provider" himself, cannot consume any of his patient's medication. Given that, it seems odd that you could "donate for consideration" to anyone but that one patient, who has designated you their provider.

Hey, do you think we could have avoided all this "significant responsibility" and crap with caregivers in CO, if we had called ourselves "providers" in the beginning? Interesting... I like that you're not a "Care Giver", but rather the more accurate designation of "MMJ Provider".
I will consult an attorney when I get there but the initial plan is to not have my girl sign me as her provider. We would like to both become patients and grow our plants together at the same house. Overages will be donated to dispensaries and to patients at farmers markets.
true grit

true grit

Its ok to supplement your income but to make an actual living at is a bad thing? its a living, thats it, I guess everyone that gets up and goes to work to feed their family and pay their bills is just chasin that ol profit..lol..nothing else...what a joke..now growin isn't a real job, well i guess you don't now and never have done it the way i do, it is a shit tone of work 7 days a week 365 days a year, I would love to just get by on a 9-5 for no money but it doesn't work that way if your growin....

Am I to understand that the only way to be rightous anymore is to stay in the state where you were born, grow weed, and give it away? anything other than that is evil? Gimme a break.....You know when there are building boons, builders go there, roofers framers, construction, etc...they go where the work is and there talent is needed...those damn profiteers!! where are the aerospace jobs? Washington state, it must really suck when aerospace engineers from Georgia move there for a job because thats where thay are at and where their talents are marketable...another damn profiteer!!! no one can make a living anymore..your just all profiteers..that is how silly that sounds.

All I really hear is envy, but I am sure thats just me


Muthafuckin word. Preach on.

SH- "Sometimes your cards aint worth a damn, if you don't lay em down..." -Dead...but I'll just keep truckin' on brother.


Premium Member
If youre in it for the biz then its understandable. I just dont understand the heads bouncing around from state to state following the movement.
Personally i dont do it for the $ but thats just me. Born and raised! More power to ya


grennthumb: answer me this..? why is it you start a thread titled "whos coming with me" and then when people come in your thread and give basic info or opinions to why,if,when,where,how & what etc. you seem to get all defensive1? i wish you luck to your new home state like i said above but you should have an open mind a bit and also expect people are going to come into a thread and they are going to have much to say..some you may agree with..alot you may not_ you seem to be getting your panties in a bunch here..No? again this is my opinion here and prob not worth much..as im sure someone will comment on that next ;) like clockwoRK
cheers mate :rasta2: you do what you feel you need to do and move to the place that best works for you bro ____ :)


This thread shows why we cant get shit legal....all we do is bicker about who is in it for the right reasons...fucking holyer than tho types...you are not in it for the money, ok so your in something else for the money? wtf tex summed it up...tell em tex tell em...peace


grennthumb: answer me this..? why is it you start a thread titled "whos coming with me" and then when people come in your thread and give basic info or opinions to why,if,when,where,how & what etc. you seem to get all defensive1? i wish you luck to your new home state like i said above but you should have an open mind a bit and also expect people are going to come into a thread and they are going to have much to say..some you may agree with..alot you may not_ you seem to be getting your panties in a bunch here..No? again this is my opinion here and prob not worth much..as im sure someone will comment on that next ;) like clockwoRK
cheers mate :rasta2: you do what you feel you need to do and move to the place that best works for you bro ____ :)
My invitation didn't extend to the self righteous, miserable pricks like you that have chimed in just to talk shit and take the thread a negative direction. You guys have said some pretty harsh stuff to me. What, am I supposed to have a civil conversation with some jackass who calls me a rat or implies I'm a money grubber? Piss off.


Am I to understand that the only way to be rightous anymore is to stay in the state where you were born, grow weed, and give it away? anything other than that is evil?...All I really hear is envy, but I am sure thats just me...

Don't know how I missed this post before. Nailed it.


:bow i cant speak on what others have said to you..all i was trying to do in the last post was clear the air a bit here and wish you well.. thats all cheers


:bow i cant speak on what others have said to you..all i was trying to do in the last post was clear the air a bit here and wish you well.. thats all cheers

sounds like a sky hi 'apology'. Don't accept this one!


GTB- WA is a great state. I grew up in the South Puget Sound area, and couldn't have asked for more. I'm not sure if you're going to Seattle itself or outside, but regardless, great place. Very competitive market. Shit weather. Ton of stuff to do. If it didn't rain so damn much I'd be up there too. Best of luck.


Thx funk. I'll be in the north Seattle area (King County). I have some good friends and family members in the area so it's really exciting to be going back and sad to be leaving Colorado all at the same time. But mostly exciting, lol.

This is how I feel inside when I think about the move:



When did there become two camps here?

99.9% of us on this site all grow and sell weed one way or another...period



Let's get our shit together folks. We are all part of Team Ganja. Overgrow the government.

Mr Dank

all of the hate, and shit talking around here most likely stems from jealousy


I agree with Mr. Dank on this one! Coming from out of state and listening to all the "transplants, foreigner, blah blah" crap from people that think cause their mom crapped them out a couple hundred miles from where my mom crapped me out gives them the right to hold that against me. lol Just human nature i guess.

REMEMBER OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT! We shouldnt be fighting with our own teammates!


Living dead girl
If there's one thing all of us from CO should know, is that if you're in it to "get", you better get while the gettin' is good, because it doesn't stay good forever. WA, at this instant, looks to have some good gettin' goin on.
For as long as I can remember I've always been told CO is a boom or bust state. And when it's booming it's booming BIG, but when it goes bust, watch OUT.

Man.... it's kinda warm in here. Divisiveness, all over which fucking state a person chooses to live in...? What have we become? Certain kinds of rivalry are healthy, others, not so much.
When did there become two camps here?

99.9% of us on this site all grow and sell weed one way or another...period

Or, those ought to be the numbers, if not 100%.

You've spoken a lot of truth in this thread, I keep wanting to quote you because it all bears repeating. But I won't, I think people are reading you, hopefully loud and clear.
grennthumb: answer me this..? why is it you start a thread titled "whos coming with me" and then when people come in your thread and give basic info or opinions to why,if,when,where,how & what etc. you seem to get all defensive1? i wish you luck to your new home state like i said above but you should have an open mind a bit and also expect people are going to come into a thread and they are going to have much to say..some you may agree with..alot you may not_ you seem to be getting your panties in a bunch here..No? again this is my opinion here and prob not worth much..as im sure someone will comment on that next ;) like clockwoRK
cheers mate :rasta2: you do what you feel you need to do and move to the place that best works for you bro ____ :)
Uh... why should anyone have shit to say when a guy says he's moving because the thick just got that much more sticky where he's at? He's right, CO is becoming highly regulated, whatever the reason(s). He wants out of that situation, for whatever reason. Even if it's just that the dirt in WA is 'better' than the dirt in CO, it still adds up to the same thing--dude's moving.

I can see SH's perspective in a way, he says he's put up his own cash to fight for patients' rights. If he's been fighting the fight and then others cut and run, again perhaps by his perspective, then it might feel like being abandoned. I'm not saying that's what it IS, I'm just suggesting, perhaps.

I'm landing with TK on this stuff. Everyone has a right to earn a living and I'll tell those who are in the "give it all away!" camp the same thing I tell any of my friends who are struggling financially--you can't really help anyone else until you're able to help yourself.


Premium Member
Well aren't you SPECIAL...

Nope. Never said or implied that i was. Just stating the facts. I just like smoking good herb and helping my friends out. Again...more power to ya.

The rat comment might have been a bit harsh but it does seem to be the case. I was making a general comment not directed right at you but i understand how you could have taken it that way.

Maybe you should have posted this in the WA section to get a better response. Obviously thats what you were looking for. Did you expect us all to bash the state we live in?


Living dead girl
I still can't believe he put up a fucking Bob Seger video.
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